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Death Toll in Israel From Hamas Murder, Torture, Kidnapping, and Rape Attack Passes 700, Over 2000 Wounded (Updates)

Death Toll in Israel From Hamas Murder, Torture, Kidnapping, and Rape Attack Passes 700, Over 2000 Wounded (Updates)

Hamas thanks Iran for ‘weapons, money and equipment’ for attack, as Hezbollah heats up northern border with rocket attack.

As Israeli military and security forces expunge southern Israel from Hamas terrorist infiltrators, the extent of depravity and carnage of the terror offensive is coming to light. More than 700 Israelis, mostly unarmed civilians, were murdered and over 2000 were wounded by the terrorist intruders.

“Israel formally declared a state of war on Sunday as the death toll from an unprecedented Hamas attack a day earlier rose above 700, with the fate of over a hundred people abducted and taken to the Gaza Strip still unclear,” The Times of Israel reported Sunday evening.

There are numerous videos circulating on social media showing Israeli hostages being beaten and humiliated on the streets of Gaza. Footage shows captives, dead and alive, being paraded on pickup truck. Gazans can be seen cheering and shouting ‘Allahu akbar’ as they join Hamas-staged macabre processions reminiscent of those organized by the Islamic State (ISIS).

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Hamas to insure the safety of the hostages amid reports that the IDF might be preparing to liberate the captives though a ground offensive. “I tell Hamas, you are responsible for wellbeing of captives. Israel will settle the score with anyone who harms them,” the Israeli prime minister said Saturday.

“Fears of a huge ground invasion of Gaza are growing after … Netanyahu promised to turn the besieged Palestinian enclave into a “deserted island”,” the Qatari state TV Al Jazeera reported.

Israeli gov approves declaration of war

As IDF clears Israel of the terrorist infiltrators, Prime Minister Netanyahu-led security cabinet, comprising senior government ministers, formally declared a state of war, paving the way for a full-fledged military mobilization.

“We are at war, not in an operation or in rounds, but at war,” the prime minister said in an address to the nation yesterday.

The Jerusalem Post reported Sunday morning:

The security cabinet approved a declaration of war on Saturday night in accordance with article 40 of the Basic Law: The Government, the cabinet said Sunday.

Article 40 allows the government to order “significant military action that may lead, with a level of probability close to certain, to war.” The prime minister will be able to make certain decisions with only the approval of the security cabinet as well.

The cabinet also requested that the Knesset approve the activation of emergency regulations which would allow detainees to be held for extended periods without the detainee being brought before a court.

Hezbollah fires rockets from Lebanon, IDF responds

As the IDF takes on Hamas in the south, Iran-backed terrorist militia Hezbollah on Sunday morning fired several rockets into northern Israel. In recent months, Iran’s Islamic Guard (IRGC) has been working to force an alliance between Hezbollah, Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups aimed at encircle Israel.

Following Saturday’s terror offensive, senior Hamas spokesperson, Abu Obaidah, reportedly thanked the Iranian regime for giving them “weapons, money and other equipment” for the cross-border terrorist operation, Tehran “gave us missiles to destroy Zionist fortresses, and helped us with standard anti-tank missiles,” he told a cheering crowd.

The Associated Press reported:

Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group fired dozens of rockets and shells on Sunday at three Israeli positions in a disputed area along the country’s border with Syria’s Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

Hezbollah said in a statement that the attack using “large numbers of rockets and shells” was in solidarity with the “Palestinian resistance.” It said the Israeli positions were directly hit.

Israel’s military fired back at the Lebanese areas, but there was no immediate word on casualties.

Woman’s corpse defiled by Hamas, Gazans identified as German-Israeli citizen

A woman, whose naked body was paraded on a pick-up truck by Hamas terrorists yesterday, has been identified a 30-year-old German-Israeli national.

In videos posted on Twitter, Hamas terrorists were been sitting on her corpse as they are greeted by a frantic crowd. Allahu akbar screaming Gazans are seeing hurling insults and spitting on the dead woman’s body.

The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday:

A young woman whose naked body was paraded by Hamas militants in a pick-up truck was identified as German-Israeli citizen Shani Louk, German officials said.

Louk, aged 30, was abducted by militants while attending an open-air dance music festival in southern Israel near the border with Gaza. Videos circulating on social media showed jeering gunmen sitting on her apparently lifeless, naked body on the back of the vehicle, their supporters running alongside and chanting “Allahu akbar.” The victim’s mother, Ricarda Louk, released a video in which she said she recognized her daughter. “I ask you to send us any help or any news,” she said.

Pro-Hamas ‘celebrations’ in Turkey, Canada

Besides Palestinian terrorist-controlled Gaza and the West Bank — as we reported yesterday, there are reports of pro-Hamas celebrations in Iran, Lebanon, Turkey and Canada.


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Maybe Iran can broker a “peace” deal under which Hamas returns the hostages if Biden gives Iran another $6 billion. AOC’s Squad would probably support it in exchange for a piece of the pie.

    Joe-dallas in reply to Q. | October 8, 2023 at 11:56 am

    It pisses me off when I mention that the $6b was obama and biden funding terrorism. The response has been “its Iran’s money1”

    It doesnt matter whether it was iran’s money or not, it is still funding terrorism and war.

    Even chamberlain wasnt stupid enough to fund hitlers war machine in 1938 and 1939. But apparently both obama and Biden are that stupid

      RITaxpayer in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 8, 2023 at 12:45 pm

      Difference is, Obama knew what he was doing.

      Biden dosn’t have a clue.

        guyjones in reply to RITaxpayer. | October 8, 2023 at 1:21 pm

        You’re right that the dotard and crime boss doesn’t have a clue, but, his chaperones/handlers/puppeteers — almost all of them former members of narcissist-incompetent, Obama’s, wretched Administration, do. And, they’re the folks pulling the dotard’s marionette strings.

      Milhouse in reply to Joe-dallas. | October 8, 2023 at 8:05 pm

      Exactly. It doesn’t matter whose money it was. That it was Iran’s money merely means it didn’t come at US taxpayers’ expense. OK, that’s something. It means critics who say it did are wrong. Fine. But it’s still funding terrorism and attacks not just on Israelis and others but also on US troops. 0bama funded the deaths of who knows how many US servicemen; and now Biden has funded all these hundreds of deaths in Israel.

      The excuse that none of the new money has yet been spent, and that in any case it can only go for food, etc., completely misses the point. Money is fungible, which means this new money is what funded expenses that Iran could not otherwise have afforded.

      You’re forgetting these payments by Obama:

      Investigating the Obama administration’s $400 million payment to Iran:

      Biden is a compromised stooge and a traitor. This is ALL Obama’s work. ALL OF IT.

    Paula in reply to Q. | October 8, 2023 at 1:54 pm

    We were holding an Iranian who was charged with being a paid foreign agent of Iran. I say “were holding” because Joe Biden just issued a pardon.

    Peabody in reply to Q. | October 8, 2023 at 2:24 pm

    A peaceful solution is something you are never going to see.

Biden’s statement of “solidarity” with Israel makes me sick to my stomach. A bit of manifestly insincere, hollow and self-serving public relations theatrics.

Since narcissist-incompetent, Obama’s, tenure, the vile Dhimmi-crats have done nothing but enthusiastically fund, coddle and enable terrorist thugs in Fatah, Hamas and Iran, while simultaneously unfairly and perennially vilifying Israel and parroting/legitimizing manifestly contrived and fallacious propaganda mythologies of alleged Arab Muslim “Palestinian” victimhood and grievance.

The Dhimmi-crats and their European, Leftist dhimmi counterparts, are fairly viewed as willing collaborators with, enablers of, and, dupes of, Iran, Hamas, Fatah and every other Muslim terrorist outfit and regime. They have rationalized and downplayed the genocidal aspirations of Arab Muslim supremacists and terrorists, and, whitewashed their pathology-laden and supremacist ideology of hate, at every turn.

    Peabody in reply to guyjones. | October 8, 2023 at 12:53 pm

    “Biden’s statement of ‘solidarity’ with Israel makes me sick to my stomach. A bit of manifestly insincere, hollow and self-serving public relations theatrics.”

    And that’s putting it mildly.

May I take this opportunity to suggest the no Palestinian state solution again? Let them live in some other already existing Islamofascist state of their choosing if they really want to live in that particular kind of hell.

    rbj1 in reply to Concise. | October 8, 2023 at 1:52 pm

    Gaza Arabs go to Egypt, West Bank Arabs to Jordan. Let those countries enforce the peace. I don’t care how many skulls need to be cracked.

      MattMusson in reply to rbj1. | October 8, 2023 at 5:35 pm

      5000 years later, Esau and Jacob are still fighting.

        On the bright side, we know how this ends. Israel survives, God ensures it. Personally.

          Milhouse in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | October 8, 2023 at 8:17 pm

          I hope and pray so, but there are no guarantees. G-d works in the very long term, and there is nothing to tell us that the prophecies about the future Land of Israel will come true in this century. For all we know Israel may be utterly defeated and destroyed, and the prophets were talking about some future restored Israel 1000 years from now. Let’s hope that is not the case.

        Milhouse in reply to MattMusson. | October 8, 2023 at 8:07 pm

        The Arabs are not Esau. That’s Rome, and by extension what we call the West. The Arabs are Ishmael.

        M Poppins in reply to MattMusson. | October 9, 2023 at 5:53 pm

        You’re mistaken – the Arabs aren’t Edomites, the descendants of Esau – they’re Ishmaelites, descendants of Ishmael.

      DaveGinOly in reply to rbj1. | October 8, 2023 at 7:35 pm

      Jordan already threw the Palies out. Egypt doesn’t want them. Nobody does. They’re trouble. They were also useful as poster-children for the Israeli “occupation,” so it was in the Arab states’ interests in not providing them with shelter.

      And the two-state solution is already in place. The British mandate for Palestine included what is today Israel and Jordan. The mandate allowed Britain to partition the area into a Jewish sector and an Arab sector, if, in Britain’s opinion, there was more land than the Jews could possibly control. The Brits exercised that option, creating the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and Jewish Palestine. The former was for the Arabs and the latter for the Jews – the two-state solution.

        Milhouse in reply to DaveGinOly. | October 8, 2023 at 8:14 pm

        Jordan didn’t throw the “Palestinians” out; they constitute a majority of Jordan’s population. What King Hussein threw out was the PLO, because it was a threat to his throne. So there’s no reason Jordan couldn’t absorb more “Palestinians” from Judaea, Benjamin, and Samaria.

    Milhouse in reply to Concise. | October 8, 2023 at 8:12 pm

    May I take this opportunity to suggest the no Palestinian state solution again?

    That’s a nice idea, but a bit too late. They already have one state, Jordan, and effectively two more, the PA and Hamasland. Getting rid of Hamasland will still leave them with two. Even getting rid of the PA (which Netanyahu hasn’t got the balls to do) will still leave them with one.

    And nobody’s interested in getting rid of that one. Even the martyred Rabbi Meir Kahane didn’t want to reconquer Jordan; what he proposed, back in the day, was that Israel overthrow the Hashemites and offer their throne to Arafat in return for a peace treaty.

You don’t have to look elsewhere to find the hate. It’s right here in America. Disgusting. Immoral people spouting like they are the opposite.

Code Pink Endorses Hamas Attacks on Israel; “Anti-War” Groups Announce Pro-Hamas Rallies in US

Obama’s friends.

    Despicable. Basic notions of moral probity have been completely eviscerated among contemporary Dhimmi-crats.

    The vile Dhimmi-crats cling to a dishonest and simplistic worldview of alleged “oppressors” and alleged “oppressed.”

    Viewed through this warped lens, Israeli Jews — members of one of the smallest and most oppressed minorities in world history — aren’t entitled to live peacefully in their ancient homeland (which existed millennia before the founding of the supremacist ideology of “Submission”) because they are alleged “oppressors” and “colonial usurpers,” while Arab Muslim supremacists and terrorists — members of one of the largest and most belligerent and intolerant groups on Earth — are allegedly “oppressed.”

    That’s the evil and warped moral calculus at work in the minds of these reprobates. It’s okay to have scores of Islamic states throughout the world, but, the Jews aren’t allowed to have a single state (a modern revival of their ancient homeland) existing in peace and security, unmolested.

      No question. They are pretenders of the highest sort, far removed from hate and division they help bring about. They pretend to be moral voices, to speak objective truth, that their champions adhere to ideals they pretend to care about. They love disinformation and division and cause incalculable damage. Saving us by destroying us. On their level, as you say, despicable!

        Indeed. It’s dismaying and demoralizing to witness this sort of unabashed, feckless and indefensible moral bankruptcy, made all the more offensive and perverse, because its practitioners on the Left fallaciously and self-reverentially position themselves as allegedly benevolent and enlightened practitioners of “social justice.” They are evil people.

          Many are ill-willed, but many are simply oblivious dupes that are misled by those wearing fake halos. Many act or go along out of guilt. Others are chilled into silence. They all deserve some level of shame.

      The Democrats are treating the Whites the same way as the Jews these days with respect to the Blacks.

    MTG just had a photo op with Code Pink

      TrickyRicky in reply to gonzotx. | October 8, 2023 at 12:59 pm

      Can you please share a link? I would want to see that myself, not take your word for it.

      Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

        Are you seriously asking gonzo (gonzo!) what you should think, how you should react?

          How you get to that is a mystery. Such an odd interpretation. It was actually a straighforward question, though perhaps the answer is not so straightforward. Some people can think and react for themselves, by their own choosing, despite the implication you try to make.

          What was the purpose of your comment?

          You literally asked for ideological direction from the dumbest person who posts here: Gee, do I hate this or love it? Tell me now, oh . . . gonzo. Wow. Sorry, if you don’t know that MTG embracing Code Pink is a bad thing all on your own, then you are beyond useless. Why do you need gonzo (again, we’re talking GONZO here!) to tell you what is a good thing or a bad thing? Are you that of touch with your own cult that you can’t figure it out? Is is possible that gonzo is not actually the dumbest person who comments here?

          Not only is the horseshoe theory correct, but you guys are just embarrassingly awaiting your marching orders, with no thoughts, ideas, or principles of your own . . . and from the dumbest people in your little Only Trump circle. Kind of sad, but mostly just horrifying and humiliating. I agree with gonzo on some things, but I can’t imagine ever, in a million years, taking my cues from her. Or really from anyone. Think for yourself, 26, for once. You may find it liberating.

          Milhouse in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | October 8, 2023 at 9:47 pm

          That’s not how I understood oldschool’s question. I understood oldschool to be asking gonzo whether she thought it was a good thing or a bad thing. The answer to that wouldn’t tell us anything about MTG or Code Pink, but it would tell us something about gonzo.

          Okay. You tell me what I was doing and what I meant. How obnoxious and condescending. If you were as astuse as you pretend, you would have understood the question. Alas.

With our southern border wide open, we should expect plenty of these well trained Hamas fighters to show up here.

“”Missing Israelis”: Viral Post Shows Pics Of Men And Women Kidnapped By Hamas”

“”Hamas seems to have kidnapped mostly women. It has already been confirmed that Hamas fighters are using rape as a weapon of war. There must be no mercy for these barbarians,” they wrote on X, along with images of missing Israelis.”

“Meanwhile, a Hamas spokesman claimed that the number of Israeli hostages taken is ”many times greater than what Netanyahu thinks.””

Thank you Biden voters. We owe you such a debt of gratitude for warning us about the dangers of Trump and all the bad things that would happen.

    The thank you includes the votes of dead people, illegal invaders, ballot box stuffers, and poll workers running ballots through multiple times. Thank you all!

    Mean tweets

    It has already been confirmed that Hamas fighters are using rape as a weapon of war.

    Of course they are, the taking of women for sex slaves as war booty has been a standard Islamic tactic since its beginning. It is righteous conduct in Islam because Muhammad did it, and he is the best example of Islamic conduct (Quran 68:4 and 33:21). You will not find a mainstream media article on such attacks talking about this, telling the truth about Islam is Islamophobic even in Israel.

      CommoChief in reply to randian. | October 8, 2023 at 7:40 pm

      The only captives who might be safe from rape would be prepubescent children. The captives both males and females age 12 (ish) and up are equally likely to be raped though the females will be raped more often.

A declaration of war is meaningless without the will to carry it out right through to the end.

Blowing shit up for two or three weeks and the. Bowing to international pressure to show restraint will just mean we go through this all again in 3 or 4 years.

    jb4 in reply to mailman. | October 8, 2023 at 8:57 pm

    My idea. No building to building fighting killing a lot more Israelis. That is what Hamas wants. Drop millions of leaflets saying that any building fired from will be blown up. Carry through. They will soon get the message or Gaza will be returned into desert.

    Milhouse in reply to mailman. | October 8, 2023 at 9:55 pm

    Yep. That has been Israel through and through, all the way back to the ’50s. Israel has never had the will to win.

    The Six Day War was an accident; they won so quickly that they had no time to piss their victory away.

    But think back 50 years, when Israel had a golden opportunity to occupy Damascus and Cairo, just for a few hours or a day, and thus put an end to the threat once and for all, but they balked out of concern that Nixon wouldn’t like it. (Nixon would have been privately delighted, especially if Assad had been dethroned, and if Sadat had had to appeal to him to get his country back.)

    Then think to the first Lebanon war, when every time the PLO needed a breather the UN called for a ceasefire and Israel foolishly complied, That’s also when an Israeli sniper had Arafat in his sights and was ordered not to take the shot. Then Rabin brought Arafat back from Tunis and gave him weapons, and thus launched a reign of terror whose victims he mocked as “propeller-heads”.

It’s a nearly 1,300 year war going on and won’t end soon.
Barky’s minions still in this administration are a big help causing this war.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | October 8, 2023 at 11:49 am

Where, oh where are the Dhimmi-apologists on this site who don’t hesitate to call people hateful bigots anytime the religion of peace is referenced negatively?

Oh, I know. Hiding in the darkness because they want to defend what Hamas has done, but know that they are wrong.

I say FU to all who defend what Hamas has done.

    Yeah, I don’t see “Danny,” or whatever his name is, sanctimoniously lecturing us on how allegedly unfair it is to criticize the intrinsic and immutable pathologies of the supremacist ideology of “Submission,” and, to criticize the wretched behavior of its most fanatical adherents, and, how conservatives are alleged bigots for asserting such criticisms.

    I’ve explained numerous times why I fairly refer to “Dhimmi-crats” as such, and, why the moniker is richly deserved. When a political party gleefully enables, rationalizes and whitewashes Jew-hate and Muslim supremacism/terrorism, its members are fairly called willing collaborators and stooges of that ideology. These reprobates are as evil as the collaborators with the German National Socialists, in World War II, and, they deserve to be called out as such.

    No, the Muslim cardiologist who saved my life at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics when he put two stents in my heart when I was dying, and then invited me to his home for supper, no, he is not my enemy.

      DaveGinOly in reply to JR. | October 8, 2023 at 7:48 pm

      Unfortunately, Islam officially endorses deceit when used against non-Muslims to gain any advantage for the Muslim, the Muslim community, or for Islam and Allah. Because of this, no Muslim can be trusted. Not our fault. Their religion encourages it.

      FFL dealers are supposed to use their judgment when someone wants to purchase a firearm. FFLs have lost their licenses for having allowed purchases that weren’t flagged by NICS, because, according to the ATF, they “should have known better.” If I were an FFL, I wouldn’t sell a firearm to a Muslim, because Islam encourages deceit. I couldn’t trust anything a Muslim puts on the 4473 form, even if they pass a NICs check.

      It’s nothing personal, but nobody can be a Muslim and claim to be a harmless friend to non-Muslims, because the religion officially doesn’t permit such behavior. Anyone who tells me “I’m a Muslim” must be taken at face-value. That person isn’t trustworthy by reason of his avowed religious beliefs, and the behavior that belief system expects of him.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JR. | October 8, 2023 at 9:33 pm

      How fucking stupid are you?

      I say terrorists and you say I mean ALL Muslims.

      OK. I’ll play your fûcking stupid game. Yes, I want ALL Muslims eradicated from the face of the earth. Does that make you feel better.

      You know as well as I do that that is wrong, it is impossible, and I am not a racist.

      But to you, it’s either hate all blacks, Muslims, and every other person in the world, with no middle ground. I point out hateful groups and. You call me hateful for pointing out the obvious of a small segment, and you say I want to be a keyboard warrior.

      I am done with you. Just commit suicide and do us all a favor. Which is just a stupid as a statement that you always make.

      But thanks. Now we know that Muslims raping a 30 year old woman is OK with you. Now we know that the murder of innocents is OK with you.

      Now go back and suck up to the Squad.

      You hateful bastard.

Sure hope it’s not discovered that American weapons were used to kill 600 civilians, including Americans, so far. Why did Obama choose a guy that was always wrong and would find a way to FUBAR?

    TrickyRicky in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | October 8, 2023 at 1:02 pm

    How better to complete his fundamental change of America, whilst having the blame fall upon someone else? Someone who has never been worth a spit, but now has the cover of dimentia.

    American weapons?! From where would Hamas or PIJ have got them? Afghanistan?! I don’t think so. No, what they got was funding from Iran, which was available because Biden freed up money that Iran would otherwise have had to spend on food and medicine. And of course they probably still had some of the cash from 0bama’s pallets left over to spend on this.

The idea is to provoke hate.

    CommoChief in reply to rhhardin. | October 8, 2023 at 1:27 pm

    The response to such provocation should be the utter destruction of those choosing this path. Root and stem rip them out. There isn’t any measure short of this drastic COA that will work. No quarter to anyone who didn’t take the opportunity to flee Gaza when they had the chance.

      LibraryGryffon in reply to CommoChief. | October 8, 2023 at 1:48 pm

      My suggestion is for Israel and/or the West to carpet-bomb all areas held/controlled by HAMAS/ISIS/Islamic militant groups. They don’t deserve to live on the sae planet as the rest of us.

      Of course I felt that after 9/11 we should have taken out Medina and informed the world that the next Islamic attack, no matter how small, would result in the nuking of Mecca.

      As a medievalist who is getting on in years, I find I have ever less sympathy for certain groups.

        Whitewall in reply to LibraryGryffon. | October 8, 2023 at 2:11 pm

        I am fond of medieval study myself. Also readings of desperate struggles by men fighting when all seems lost. Do you by chance have in your collection a recent book called “Lost Causes, why men fight when all is lost”? I am half way through it as it began about 500BC. A very good history book and human nature book.

        Unfortunately Israel’s judicial dictators, as well as the IDF’s “legal advisers” (aka commissars) won’t allow it. This just highlights the urgency of overthrowing their dictatorship, as the current government tried to do six months ago. Unfortunately the current crisis almost certainly means that effort is over and will never be revived. Israel will remain a dictatorship, with the elected government powerless to implement the voters’ will, until the public summons the guts to take the judges out and hang them from lampposts, along with their supporters on the left.

        By the way, Channel 13 reports that a captured terrorist said “We prepared for this attack for over a year. The protests in Israel encouraged us.

      Mauiobserver in reply to CommoChief. | October 8, 2023 at 1:55 pm

      After Israel declared independence mobs in Iran rioted killing, raping and beating Jews and forcing hundreds of thousands whose families had been in the country for centuries to flee, mostly to Israel.

      Return the favor by deporting any and all people in Gaza who have any connection with Hamas. Put them on old freighters and send them to Iran.

      The “Palestinians” want a homeland. Iran is the perfect place, already controlled by lunatics and fervently anti US and Israel.

      Have the crews put them close to the shore then airlift the crews back to Israel.

        CommoChief in reply to Mauiobserver. | October 8, 2023 at 8:02 pm

        IMO if a resident of Gaza hasn’t already taken the opportunity to ‘self deport’ somewhere else they have chosen to stay and fight as terrorists. No quarter to terrorists.

        Knock down every building, dig up every foundation and basement and sift the rubble. Then salvage the copper and useful metal while using the rubble to create an extension of the new Gaza district of Israel. No ‘Palestinians’ allowed into Gaza for at least two decades. Not to visit, do business or borrow a cup of sugar and certainly not to reside there.

        Use this opportunity to create an object lesson for the West Bank and whomever else is paying attention. As for Hezbollah launching rockets from Lebanon, drop thermobaric bombs on any suspected launch points. Drop as many as required to create a 72 hour stoppage of the rocket launches or other attacks from inside Lebanon. Until the last attack +72 hours keep dropping them.

          Of course, you acknowledge that giving no quarter is unlawful.

          CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | October 9, 2023 at 9:20 am


          No I don’t b/c that statement isn’t accurate. You wrote ‘giving no quarter is unlawful’. That’s simply not true b/c you you left out the key qualifier to make it work.

          Had you appended the phrase ‘between Nation State belligerent parties to the conflict who themselves are all signatories to whatever version of the various agreements about the rules of warfare then you would be correct. You didn’t.

          Once again you insist on ignoring basic facts which would alter the validity of your posts if they were included.

          No non Nation State belligerent enjoys any presumptive protections of any of the provisions of the rules of warfare. Period. They do not posses any rights to assert b/c they are not signatories to the agreement.

          Terrorists are the equivalent of Pirates; the enemies of the Human Race. Killing them out of hand isn’t necessarily illegal, military necessity is ample justification for the on the scene commander. Captured terrorists are not POW. They have zero presumptive expectations of their treatment. They can only hope for the misguided benevolence of their Nation State captors for their treatment.

          It’s unlawful even if not between Nation-States.

          No quarter protects non-combatants, not Nation-States.

      alaskabob in reply to CommoChief. | October 8, 2023 at 4:17 pm

      Iran wants atomic weapons….I recommend Israel give them several.

      This is Obama/Biden’s war.

Yea the clip where their cutting off a kids head and them spitting on the German women shows how warped they really are.

If the psychotic, doomsday Manson family cult controlled a government and were funded with billions of dollars, how would their massacres, bizarrely intended to spark a race war, been different?

Cannot find any statement from the Carter Center…

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Oracle. | October 8, 2023 at 5:53 pm

    Another worthless POS. If it weren’t for Biden, Carter would still be the worst president in my lifetime, if not the nation’s lifetime. Biden pushed him to the #2 spot.

You should read this book:

It shows how what happened in Israel could happen here.

Bob Petersen arrives with his daughter at the Middle Grade school in Maine where he teaches, expecting another regular day but worried about what recent ominous news reports might portend. Suddenly his school — along with many others across the United States — is under attack. Gunmen burst in, slaughtering children and adults alike. This novella by New York Times bestselling author William R. Forstchen imagines a horrifying scenario where, in the course of one day, the terrorist group ISIS carries out massacres in schools and on highways across the United States. With a surprisingly small but well-organized and ruthless force, the nightmarish

    alaskabob in reply to ConradCA. | October 8, 2023 at 4:12 pm

    Years ago here I mentioned Beslan. They are just “Biden” their time. Only only way to resolve this now is eliminate Gaza and West Bank.

    rebelgirl in reply to ConradCA. | October 8, 2023 at 7:38 pm

    Approximately 2% of Israelis own in the US it is at least 30% and those who own guns often own more than one…this won’t happen in red states..

      Milhouse in reply to rebelgirl. | October 8, 2023 at 10:42 pm

      Unfortunately and incredibly, Israel has very strict “gun control” — the very opposite of what reason and a decent regard for human liberty would lead us to expect.

Raze the whole “f”ing Gaza strip. No two bricks on top of each other. If there isn’t a single male between 12-60, left, so what.

It is far past time for Israel to leave behind the concept of “Restraint” in dealing with these attackers. Their restraint has cost them dearly. They need to go back to the attitude they had after Munich and if the “International Community” wants to piss and moan then let them.

Sometimes the only way you can deal with evil is to kill it and keep killing it until it is no longer strong enough to be a threat.