Cornell Junior Arrested and Charged In Threats Against Jewish Students
Patrick Dai, a Cornell Junior, has been charged.

A suspect has been charged in the threats against Jewish students at Cornell.
A Cornell student has been charged Tuesday with making threats against Jewish students on campus.
Patrick Dai, of Pittsford, posted threats to shoot up a multicultural dining room on campus to an online discussion site, prosecutors from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of New York said in a news release.
104West, the dining room, serves food that meets Kosher, Halal and other religious guidelines. It is next to the university’s Center for Jewish Living, where several dozen Jewish students live on campus.
Dai, a junior, also called for the deaths of Jewish people and threatened to bring an assault rifle to campus, prosecutors said. He was charged with posting threats to kill or injure another using interstate communications.
Dai faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison if convicted. He’s expected to be arraigned Wednesday in federal court in Syracuse, prosecutors said.
The US Attorney’s Office Press Release asserts:
Patrick Dai, age 21, a junior at Cornell University who is originally from Pittsford, New York, was arrested today on a federal criminal complaint charging him with posting threats to kill or injure another using interstate communications. The announcement was made by United States Attorney Carla B. Freedman; Alfred Watson, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the Albany Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); New York State Police Acting Superintendent Dominick L. Chiumento; and Cornell University Police Chief Anthony Bellamy.
The complaint alleges that Dai posted threatening messages to the Cornell section of an online discussion site, including posts calling for the deaths of Jewish people and a post that said “gonna shoot up 104 west.” According to information provided by Cornell University Police and other public information, 104 West is a Cornell University dining hall that caters predominantly to Kosher diets and is located next to the Cornell Jewish Center, which provides residences for Cornell students. In another post, Dai allegedly threatened to “stab” and “slit the throat” of any Jewish males he sees on campus, to rape and throw off a cliff any Jewish females, and to behead any Jewish babies. In that same post, Dai threatened to “bring an assault rifle to campus and shoot all you pig jews.” The charges and the allegations in the complaint are merely accusations. The defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
The charge filed against Dai carries a maximum term of 5 years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and a term of supervised release of up to 3 years. A defendant’s sentence is imposed by a judge based on the particular statute the defendant is charged with violating, the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other factors.
Dai is expected to make his initial appearance tomorrow in federal court in Syracuse, New York, before a United States Magistrate Judge.
The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), which includes the New York State Police, is investigating this case along with the Cornell University Police Department and the Ithaca Police Department. The United States Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of New York is prosecuting the case, in conjunction with the Counterterrorism Section of the Department of Justice.
I was quoted in a Fox News article about the arrest:
“It is concerning, of course, that the threats came from within the campus. It must be particularly frightening for students to think that someone they sat in class with or socialized with could make such threats,” said William A. Jacobson, a Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Securities Law Clinic at Cornell Law School. “I hope that there will be a full and transparent investigation of his connections, if any, to any groups or others who may have known of the threats.”

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I dindt do nfin, man.
Any bets he gets off with (mild) slap on wrist?
Aww… He was just funnin’ an’ sh…
Why dis Chinaman be talkin’ like he from da hood?
If he goes to prison like he should, he’ll find out da Black pepo from da hood don’t like Chinamen.
Must have charming parents.
Watch hm give the commencement speech at graduation.
I share Cornell President Martha Pollack’s wish that the guilty party or parties is punished to the full extent of the law.
Yep. Keep an eye on the law.
He won’t be.
He MIGHT be…. He’s Asian…
So, no protected status.
In any case, way to screw up an Ivy League Education, man. I would -hope- that this would mean expulsion regardless of the outcome of any legal proceeding.
He kinda looks Asian.. but he is obviously a white supremacist, far right extremist, and more than likely Maga guy. Wait for it.
At a minimum, he’s adjacent.
way to screw up an Ivy League Education, man
Pfft. That seems to be the whole point of an Ivy League education nowadays.
Lock up him up with some Grizzlys, but not Gentle ones.
Until these militants are punished to the fullest extent of the law, this will continue.
Maximum fine, maximum incarceration, maximum supervision.
But that won’t happen. Then we will read about these people murdering others, and somehow “authorities” had them on their radar.
AFTER too many peoples are dead.
Until these [insert cretin group here] are punished to the fullest extent of the law, this will continue.
Honestly, you can make that a macro in today’s topsy-turvy world of Soros prosecutors and bleeding-heart progressives.
But that won’t happen.
Not until we stand up and force it to happen.
He’s being charged federally. That’s a whole different beast.
While I normally detest the pageantry bullshit of the “Perp Walk”, in this case it would actually serve a serious and legitimate purpose. I’d be fine if the networks blurred the bastard’s face, as long as the story is reported loudly, widely, and repeatedly.
I would not expect any of the vapid, useless college brats to reevaluate their opinions, but it is important to remind them that there are real-world repercussions for crossing certain lines. Hurl the book at this [p]ucker so hard that it’ll collapse a terrorist tunnel in Gaza.
The only time I’ve heard ‘Dai’ used as a surname is for someone of Chinese ancestry. I didn’t think the Chinese community was a hotbed of antisemitism. But, that could be wrong, I guess. Still, I’m surprised.
Maybe Welsh?
Not nearly enough letters (particularly ‘y’s and ‘w’s) to be Welsh.
It doesn’t have to be a hotbed. It only takes one.
This is not the left; we don’t think in terms of groups, or at least we understand that we shouldn’t.
The left thinks almost exclusively in terms of groups. Whether it’s discipline in schools, traffic stops by police, or income differences by gender, It teaches that differences in group outcomes are supposed to prove systemic discrimination, and justify corrective group-based discrimination. The left also disfavors individualism in favor of collectivism, which necessarily involves thinking in terms of groups.
You must be thinking of libertarians, which these days code as right-wing, if not “right-wing extremists”.
In the context of what’s happening in the world RIGHT NOW, there are in fact two groups we need to identify: 1) Those who are Islamic Jihadists 2) Those who are NOT Islamic Jihadists.
A person of Mandarin Chinese decent who is in the former group would be a surprising and troubling development. I spent several years of my life in Iraq fighting Jihadists, many of them from literally all over the world (yes, many of the ‘fighters’ in the Iraq war weren’t even Iraqi). I have never seen a Chinese national who was engaged in active Jihad.
China recently erased Israel of its maps of the Middle East.
Milhouse, you seem to know such things, so what is the statute (18 USC Sec????) he is charged with violating? Is that used often? I doubt it.
18 USC 875(c). Making a threat using interstate communication. And yes, it is used often.
From the headlines, it seems like the Chinese are refining their antisemitism. It’s a work in progress.
Too bad he can’t just be handed over to some JDL members, but, I don’t think the JDL is around anymore.
Cornell is infamous for scapegoats when they can’t bury something that makes them look bad.
Watch the trial and see what “evidence” they provide. I highly doubt there’s just one being charged; I doubt he’s a lone wolf given the terror groups that run around campus and no one was arrested when Jews were spit on at Hoy Plaza
The left also wants to restrict Asians’ access to colleges and universities… not really on topic or anything….
My reaction is “only one student”?
Well, how many people did you think posted those messages? They were all clearly by the same person.
You are too literal. I don’t think you understand the point of natdj.
There were plenty of other messages and actions – just at Cornell.
Let’s see DOJ investigate the Hamas fronts and sleeper cells that are present on college campuses
They are too busy looking for conservative parents who question the school board desire to groom their children.
Oh, and anyone who has ever mouthed the word ”Trump” on any communication oral or written, in the past 60 months.
Once they finish investigating anyone who suggests that elections may be rigged against conservative candidates, perhaps they may get around to investigating anyone who defaced a federal building (except Antifa and BLM).
Don’t forget those dangerous Catholics like Opus Dei.
And pro-life activists who already offered to turn themselves in.
Too bad this guy didn’t write a manifesto (Opus Dai).
According to the official complaint from the FBI, here are some more posts that Dai made:
The additional posts associated by IP Address 1 were provided to the FBI and listed below (in chronological order):
Date: 2023-10-28 07:17:46 IP:
School: Cornell University – CU
Author: sîeg heîl
Content: preach, brother! all jews are sub human animals and must be killed as such! the zionist entity will be destroyed!
Date: 2023-10-28 17:37:39 IP:
School: Cornell University – CU
Author: 50 shekels
Content: jewish people are some of the most greedy, violent, genocidal creatures on this planet. no bettee than animals
Date: 2023-10-28 20:02:15 IP:
School: Cornell University – CU
Author: glorious hamas
Content: i will find you and your family. i will râpe your wife in front of you before slitting her throat. i will behead your children and bathe you in their blood. die, názi zionist genocidal jewish scum.
Date: 2023-10-28 20:16:07 IP:
School: Cornell University – CU
Author: pig kÿs
Content: as long as the target is sub human like a zionist jew-woman then räpe is allowed and encouraged by the quran. Mashallah
Date: 2023-10-28 20:17:30 IP:
School: Cornell University – CU
Author: jew evil
Content: Yes Brother! The evil shekel-grubbing pigs deserve an animals death! Keep it up!
Date: 2023-10-28 22:58:12 IP:
School: Cornell University – CU
Author: Hamas Fighter
Title:Content: Good. Let the rain of retribution turn the zionist entity into a storm of hèllfire. Let every nàzi fascist genocidal jew die from their own hypocrisy. The defenders of Palestine will not stay silent!
Note the post from Oct-28 at 20:16:07, which sounds like Dai either has become a Moslem or else is merely pretending to be one online.
Wow, that’s a state of the art, antisemitic asshole.
“Arrested and Charged”
Well, THAT never happens.
“Patrick Dai, age 21, a junior”
So then, quite possibly NOT Asian…
He will plead mental illness and demand (and receive) a short term of therapy in a nice comfy hospital.
His parents are already on it. They say he was depressed and didn’t commit a crime. I think they’re going with the bipolar 1 or 2 route. Regardless, he should be sent to Gaza so can get the full terrorist experience.
Uh, parents, he DID commit a crime. Terroristic threats were prosecuted heavily in the wake of 9/11. This is no different.
I say send a couple goons from the football team over to “correct him”.
Speedy action by the FBI. Maybe their own reputation will benefit. It’s good to know these despicable posts were all from one student. Thank you, Millhouse, for posting the full list. Dai is being charged in federal court, so this is no minor charge. He can forget a career as an engineer. No company would dare hire him. Now, about who he was communicating with online …
Correction: The FIB says they’re all from one person.
He did it. He put out a later post saying he was sorry and he only wrote those things because he was “depressed.” Right. More likely he figured out the FBI was going to track him down. He also admitted it to the FBI after he’d been mirandized.
He’s going to plead extreme emotional distress over the plight of the poor Gazans blah blah blah, this isn’t who I am (sob sob), and his parents will weep. Oh, and they’ll find some radical left Jewish attorney to represent him (see, a Jew is representing him so he can’t really be a violent anti-Semite, right?)
Can just see this as a “Law & Order” script with the real bad guy being some Jewish Israeli …
Depression doesn’t make you make vile threats.
Agreed. Being depressed does not bring on latent anti-semitism. This guy has hate in his heart. Not sure how it got there. Maybe indoctrinated by others. Nevertheless, he hates Jews. His hatred led to real and specific threats. He created multiple submissions across multiple names. This takes away impulse as the reason. He understood what he was saying and he said it.
Yeah, being depressed is not going to mitigate this. It’s a bullshit excuse.
Photo of him here:
Compared to today’s rabble rousers (and at lest one senator), this one cleans up good.
Dai was interviewed by the FBI at the Cornell Police Department on Wednesday and admitted to posting the messages, according to an affidavit by FBI Special Agent Michael Renn. The interview was audio and video recorded and Dai had been read his rights, Renn said in the affidavit.
In an interview with the New York Post, Dai’s father asserted that his son is innocent. “My son is in severe depression. He cannot control his emotion well due to the depression. No I don’t think he committed the crime.”
Dai took two semesters off from his studies — in Spring 2022 and Spring 2023 — due to mental health problems under the suggestion of a doctor, Dai’s father told The NY Post.
He cannot control his emotion well due to the depression.
Sorry, Pops, but that doesn’t hold water. If he literally can’t control himself due to his mental illness, then he needs to be locked away.
No I don’t think he committed the crime.
Well, you just said he did, by dint of not being able to control himself.
What you meant was that you don’t want him suffering consequences for the crime he committed. Which means you raised him to be this, most likely.
Notice how every LEA involved is tip toeing through a mine field trying not to trip a hate crime?
Future Lawfare zealot.
I am a full supporter of Israel, and against antisemitism, but I find the Progressive Liberal Jewish community’s shock, SHOCK at the unhinged antisemitism and violence a bit disingenuous. This same community, including no small number of Cornell professors, have led the decades long effort to tear down America and it’s culture and actions in the world, and attack the fabric that was our strength. They were fellow travelers with the progressive Left on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE, save this one, and now are shocked and dismayed to find these people empowered, and America not the healthy, safe, cohesive bastion they helped denigrate & tear down. Perhaps learn from it, grow up, I won’t hold my breath.
Nailed it, Mr. C. They reap what they sow. I wonder when they will claim some ownership for their efforts.
I forgot to mention, this is the open borders progressive Left, those that hissed and shouted when Orange Man Bad, or anyone else, suggested that perhaps unfettered Islamic immigration has never gone well, ANYWHERE and perhaps ought to be better thought out. The same Left responsible for millions of gotaways, and how many sleeper cells among them?
Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.
Like down with dogs who don’t believe you have a right to live, you don’t wake up.
He’ll get less time than J6 people who didn’t go into the Capitol.
Semi-related: Dai the Flu is a good song by Deftones.
Speaking as someone of Chinese ancestry, let me call for **No Quarter** for his offense.
Subotai Bahadur
Perhaps it is related to China’s recent decision to wipe Israel off all its maps.