Bipartisan Coalition of Lawmakers Introducing Bill to Crack Down on Anti-Semitism at Colleges
“It’s critical the Department of Education has the tools and resources it needs to investigate antisemitism and root out this vile hatred wherever it rears its ugly head”
Over the last two weeks, what we have seen unfold on campus at places like New York University, Harvard and even MIT, in response to the Hamas attack on Israel has been downright sickening.
Now lawmakers from both parties are uniting to introduce a bill to deal with anti-Semitism on campus.
FOX News reports:
GOP and Dem lawmakers back bill to crack down on college ‘hotbeds of antisemitism’
A bipartisan coalition of lawmakers is backing a bill to require the Department of Education to consider antisemitism while enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws and to ensure that antisemitism on college campuses is “properly investigated and prosecuted.”
The Antisemitism Awareness Act directs the DOE to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism and its examples while investigating hate crimes.
Republican New York Congressman Mike Lawler introduced the bill to quash the “disturbing and unacceptable” antisemitic demonstrations at universities, which “have long been breeding grounds of antisemitism.”
Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., the 2024 presidential candidate who is co-leading the bill, says America’s universities “have become hotbeds of antisemitism, especially in the wake of the brutal Hamas terror attacks against Israel and innocent civilians.”
“It’s critical the Department of Education has the tools and resources it needs to investigate antisemitism and root out this vile hatred wherever it rears its ugly head,” said Scott.
Reps. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., and Jared Moskowitz. D-Fla., and progressive Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, are also co-sponsoring the proposal, despite many progressive Democrats splitting with their colleagues on backing Israel and condemning Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attack.
“Those who commit antisemitic attacks with the sole purpose of hurting the Jewish community must be held accountable to the full extent of the law,” said Moskowitz. “With the hatred we’ve witnessed over the last couple weeks, it’s beyond clear we need a multi-layered approach to stopping antisemitism.”
This is absolutely necessary.
Today I introduced the bipartisan, bicameral Antisemitism Awareness Act alongside @SenatorTimScott, @RepJoshG, @RepMaxMiller, and @RepMoskowitz. We must confront antisemitism at all times, unequivocally.
— Congressman Mike Lawler (@RepMikeLawler) October 27, 2023
Just look at the figures. These aren’t specific to higher education but it’s all related.
From Reuters:
US antisemitic incidents up about 400% since Israel-Hamas war began, report says
Antisemitic incidents in the United States rose by about 400% in slightly over two weeks since war broke out in the Middle East after Palestinian Islamist group Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, advocacy group Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said Wednesday.
The advocacy group’s data – which showed a 388% rise in antisemitic incidents in the U.S. between Oct. 7 and Oct. 23 over the prior year – comes amid monitoring by American authorities of domestic threats due to the conflict.
The ADL Center on Extremism said preliminary data showed 312 reported U.S. antisemitic incidents from Oct. 7 to Oct. 23, including harassment, vandalism and assault.
About 190 of those were directly linked to the war between Israel and Hamas.
Among examples cited by ADL were alleged physical assault; violent online messages, especially on messaging platform Telegram; and rallies where “ADL found explicit or strong implicit support for Hamas and/or violence against Jews in Israel.”
In the same period of 2022, ADL recorded 64 U.S. antisemitic incidents, of which four were linked to Israel.
I’ll leave you with this.
Antisemitism at #Harvard – an inside view (1 minute)
— David Wolpe (@RabbiWolpe) October 26, 2023
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Just pull government funds from all universities and wash your hands of it.
That’d be the most effective method.
Not to keep antisemitism off campus. The indoctrination of Students and as each cohort of Students graduate they bring those antisemitic views and ‘oppressor v oppressed ideologies with them into the corporate workforce, K-12 and other govt employment.
The other issue is GI Bill benefits, Pell grants and student loans. Getting the govt out of student loans would be a great idea as would ending almost all grants other than narrow research grants for basic research to which the govt should get a piece of any profits from patents using the basic research.
When did Leftists go from being Jews to hating Jews?
Nothing has changed.
It’s the “Always has been” meme
The fed payment to universities pales when compared with Middle Eastern states “Donating” hundreds of millions of dollars to the best schools in the country. The schools are at the mercy of these big donors and they must allow these fake protests at their schools to keep the money flowing. Congress should investigate this and put a stop to it. Between the thugs in the ME and the Chinese Communist, our upper education system is almost fully funded. The billionaires who are pulling their donations to the big schools will hardly be missed.
Then the wailing will start: “But how will we replace all those donations?” And you will end up replacing them with your tax money, and nothing will actually have changed at the U.
All funds, student loan guarantees, grants, VA Benefit use and research dollars including HHS, EPA and DOD. See them stomp this out in a heartbeat
But then how would the fedguv buy tHe sCIeNce?
Also stop any race consideration. require pure merit based selections.
Sad that in 21st-century America, such a bill even needs to be contemplated.
The moral and cultural rot that the vile Dhimmi-crats’ “long march through the institutions” has spread over decades, has been pervasive.
Second option: Round up all the scum and put them on a one-way flight to Gaza.
I would rather see Israel take control and make Gaza and Jews in Gaza prosper. There has been way too much BS about Hamas and their supporters. Zero tolerance.
Whining about anti-semitism is bad enough when there isn’t any anti-semitism. You’d think they’d realize it would just get worse.
Veiled antisemitism is antisemitism all the same. Take off the veil!
Yes I prefer they just come right out and say who and what they are, that way I know what I’m dealing with.
It’s usually Jewish tradition being tied to prophets more than philosophers, perpetual separation and alienation, then ascribed to everybody else around instead of being investigated as essential to consciousness itself.
There’s then a “Jeez, give it a rest” reaction that appears to confirm the position.
Tied to philosophers is traditionally classical Greek, the opposite. Being part of the polis.
I”d suggest that the fruitful direction is claiming to be Americans rather than Jews, more likely to have a win/win effect. Americans have plenty of rights to work with.
And then there is the BS of an antisemite.
To tell the truth, ever since eschatology has opposed peace and war the evidence of war has been maintained in an essentially hypocritical civilization, that is, attached both to the True and to the Good, henceforth antagonistic. It is perhaps time to see in hypocrisy not only a base contingent defect of man, but the underlying rending of a world attached to both the philosophers and the prophets.
Emmanuel Levinas, Totality and Infinity, p.24
Are we Jews? Are we Greeks? We live in the difference between the Jew and the Greek, which is perhaps the unity of what is called history.
Jacques Derrida, Violence and Metaphysics, Writing and Difference p.153
just to cite two Jewish scholars.
It comes from Hegel, for which see Jean Hyppolite “Genesis and Structure of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit,” p.190 “Unhappy Consciousness”
Citing Jews changes nothing. Take off the veil!
U.S. Constitution Article III Section 3:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Hamas/Hezbolla are both declared terrorist organizations so any/all support for them falls into the “Aid and Comfort” category which means treason.
Follow the LAW.
Rashida Tliab and The Squad disagree
They should be publicly humiliated in many ways, run out of office. It is amazing how much government has deteriorated.
IMHO, you misspelled “hanged”.
That they are terrorist organizations does not make them enemies of the USA, so giving them material support, even if it’s out of genuine adherence to them, is not treason. It is, however, a federal crime which is vigorously prosecuted whenever someone is caught doing it. But without material support there can be no crime, even if it’s to an actual enemy.
The first amendment protects all “mere advocacy”, even advocating the cause of an actual enemy in wartime. That’s why Copperheads couldn’t be arrested in the Civil War, and why Wilson’s crackdown on dissent in WW1 is now properly condemned.
This bill proposes to require “ the Department of Education to consider antisemitism while enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws and to ensure that antisemitism on college campuses is “properly investigated and prosecuted.”
Um, OK, but let’s consider what a Kamala-style Venn diagram of government employees, democrats and antisemites looks like. So the DOE will (1) ask for more funding to enable it to carry out the requirements of this act, and (2) compose a standard statement something like “the Department has considered the AAA of 2023 and finds that [insert school name] has acceptable policies and procedures in place in compliance with the Act.]”
And then they will just keep handing out money like they always do. Better to abolish the DOE and eliminate federal funding of academia.
That female holding up that sign will not like it if she gets her wish.
The dumb part is these colleges all have Codes of Conduct which every student signs off on being held to when they sign their admission papers. The antisemitic demonstrations and garbage like the Harvard letter are almost certainly violations of the moral character sections of those codes. The same goes for the antisemitic professors – they also sign off on a code of conduct.
Enforce the codes, The impact would be pretty dramatic.
You’re asking universities to discipline students for what in all likelihood is the first time in their lives.
Yup. I could care less if they have experienced discipline before. The time has come, and instilling self discipline is part of what a good college does.
The time for Participation Trophies should be over. We need Participation Expulsions.
Congress really has no business mucking about with the Jew-hating all over American college campuses. What Congress DOES have the responsibility and authority to do is to stop federal money from flooding colleges. Not a dime of federal money should be going to anyone to pay for college. NOT A DIME.
Private colleges need to survive on their own and public schools have their states to support them. The federal government has no business, at all, in paying for people to go to college – not paying for anything, not giving people loans to pay for anything, and not giving guarantees for loans (though they don’t really do that anymore since BarkyCare involved the total federal takeover of the college loan business!) going to pay for college.
If colleges want to have Jew-haters abound they can do that on their own dime. Colleges are businesses and must sustain themselves. Take all federal money out of colleges. Get the federal government out of the college business entirely. THIS is what Congress can, and should, do.
What about veterans?
The BLM-supporting Tim Scott is now concerned about antisemitism?
Tim Scott is Black FIRST above all else, lie 99% of Black people
Scott has never supported BLM. He’s taken positions which are too similar to BLM’s claims for my taste, but he’s never supported the neo-Marxists, or any other form of Marxism.
Once again, treating the symptom, not the disease.
“It’s critical the Department of Education has the tools and resources it needs to investigate antisemitism …”
Is this a joke? Show me some evidence that the DoEd isn’t in favor of all the anti-semitism they can get!
And this Wolpe character is a fool, cut from the same cloth as the fool female rabbi in Detroit who just got sliced to death
She was no rabbi. Not even by her own definition. She was president of a synagogue. (A Reform/Reconstructionist synagogue where “social justice” was the only core doctrine, but that’s not relevant here.)
And there’s no reason to believe her murder had anything to do with that. Far more likely it was just another ordinary crime in a city that’s riddled with it.
It never get’s old pointing out people supporting radical Muslim ideas like a Caliphate who would lose everything they claim to hold dear if it were to come about.
The woman holding the sign would be in a Burka and would be relegated to worse than Handmaid status in about 10 minutes in a Caliphate.
Derbyshire “On a couple of occasions this past three weeks, meeting a Jewish friend, I have opened the conversation by saying: “You do realise that you’re white now, don’t you?” “