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Berkeley School District Hit For Slow Response to Hamas Terror Attacks, Support for Pro-Palestinian BLM

Berkeley School District Hit For Slow Response to Hamas Terror Attacks, Support for Pro-Palestinian BLM

Father: “Jewish lives don’t matter” to the Berkeley United School District.

A Jewish father with two daughters enrolled in California public schools criticized the school district over its treatment of the recent Hamas-led terrorist attacks in Israel.

Shamik Dasgupta penned a letter on Wednesday condemning the district for failing to issue a statement on the attacks and for its support of Black Lives Matter in the wake of controversial statements by some chapters.

The Berkeley United School District later that day issued a tepid statement on the events in Israel. The statement “acknowledged that there is a heartbreaking conflict and tragedy at this moment” while avoiding the assignment of blame or condemning the enormity of Hamas’s purposeful attacks on civilians.

Dasgupta criticized the statement for failing “to mention the intentional and celebrated massacre of Jews.”

He highlighted the district’s previous vocal support for BLM in the “days after the atrocious murder of George Floyd,” which saw the district publish a statement “condemning the tragedy and even passing a resolution in support of the Black Lives Matter organization.”

Dasgupta contrasted the district’s tepid statement on Israel in light of its full-throated condemnation of “the injustice of the recent killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor.”

The district “do[es]n’t even mention the murders [of Israeli civilians], let alone condemn them” Dasgupta tweeted with an accusation that “Jewish lives don’t matter” to the district:

Dasgupta also called on the district to disavow its support for BLM after chapters posted statements in solidarity with Palestinians, including BLM Chicago, which included an image of a paraglider with its statement of support, as Legal Insurrection reported.

The image evoked Hamas paragliders descending on concertgoers at the start of the conflict, followed by a massacre of at least 250 civilian attendees, according to The Telegraph.

UPDATE (10/16/23): The headline was changed after publication.


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Maybe they want to see who they want to stand with, if anybody, after it settles out. Israel is having that debate internally too.

As for George Floyd, everybody knows that white people are evil already and they stand with the blacks.

Different debate.

Steven Brizel | October 16, 2023 at 9:08 am

This is the result when school boards are controlled by woke progressives

    More accurately, it’s the result of “education by government bureaucracy”. The rampant corruption should not be surprising. The surprising thing is that parents like Shamik Dasgupta continue to send their children to the corrupt government schools.

Berkeleyside Newspaper 2019.

Yvette Felarca is a violent Maoist (on videotape) and gainfully employed public schoolteacher in Berkeley. She’s a rebooted Angela Davis, The newspaper is modeled on the Daily Worker.

Felarca, who’s had a heated relationship with Berkeley Unified, said she is back to teaching full-time at King, after teaching part-time last year and being placed on leave before that.

She and her crew should’ve spent time in prison. This all happened in the same timeframe as the “bike lock” bay area assault case.

The lines are distinct and very simple here. Either you loudly, prominently and unreservedly condemn the planned, deliberate butchering massacres carried out by Hamas or you don’t. Many of us are taking notes.

Berkeley Unified School District supports Hamas. But of course they do. There’s no way the father was unaware of Berkeley politics and biases. That he suddenly discovers they are unsympathetic to Israel and support Palestinian statehood? Please. And only now he discovers a figurative knife lodged in his back by erstwhile allies.

This past week on twitter people were posting photos of doors marked with the star of david .. in Germany no less.

“After the arrests, conservative outlet Judicial Watch filed a request to the Berkeley Unified School District to release any emails related to Felarca and her Antifa group, BAMN. Felarca then sued the district, claiming that releasing the emails would violate her rights to free speech and freedom of expression. The judge, however, ruled that releasing the documents did not violate any rights. The judge also ruled that Felarca was required to pay Judicial Watch $22,000 for their legal fees for filing a frivolous lawsuit against them.”

    MattMusson in reply to Tiki. | October 16, 2023 at 11:23 am

    It seems like many of these Leftists are not supporting Palestine as much as Celebrating the Massacre of Jews.

The disparity in response is real.

For all of these issues- I’d prefer the school districts stayed the hell out of informing my kids of whatever is happening in the current news cycle. My 10th grader should be learning history/civics/geometry/trig/literature rather than keeping up with latest soundbites for which they are utterly clueless to the historical perspective.

A big driver of pulling my kid out of the Olympia school district was they felt compelled to send a newsletter sharing their feelings on all these events. NO- this isn’t your job and its unprofessional.

Dolce Far Niente | October 16, 2023 at 12:08 pm

Any parent in any urban area should be aware that they are sending their kids to government schools, and that the prevailing ideology of these schools will mirror the greater governmental ideology.

Which at this point in time is firmly leftist, trending socialist.

Leftists hate Jews, in general, and support almost anyone other than Jews, but particularly mohammedans right now.

Secular Jews who believe themselves to be “cured” of their Jewishness by their denial of the God of Abraham must realize that those who Jew-hate will never forgive them for their bloodline. Urbane and elite Jews eventually discovered this in Germany and Austria, to their horror.

This generation must learn anew.

Subotai Bahadur | October 16, 2023 at 9:42 pm

This is California. This is Berkeley. Who would expect anything else BUT support for HAMAS massacres of Jews from them?

Subotai Bahadur

Woke voters shouldn’t complain when they are bitten by their own woke dog. Sorry, . . . you own it.