Self-Proclaimed Marxist Library Association President: ‘Libraries Need to be Sites of Socialist Organizing’
“Freedom To Learn: Black and Asian American Solidarity Against Attacks on Antiracist Education”

This seems like an alarming reminder of where we are now. The radical left is so comfortable that they’re not even hiding their goals anymore. It’s all out in the open.
The College Fix reports:
Marxist American Library Association chief: ‘Libraries need to be sites of socialist organizing’
Remember Emily Drabinski, the self-proclaimed Marxist lesbian CUNY librarian who was elected president of the American Library Association?
Remember, too, how the editor-in-chief of a Montana newspaper chided Drabinski’s critics, saying they assume her political beliefs will “guide her every action”?
Well, last week an intrepid independent journalist attended “Socialism 2023,” the “largest socialist conference in the country,” and discovered that’s just what Drabinski wishes to do.
She said so herself.
According to Karlyn Borysenko at Actively Unwoke, Drabinski was scheduled to give a talk at the conference (pictured), but due to apparent ongoing controversies over her Marxist leanings it was “quietly canceled.”
Nevertheless, Drabinski did speak briefly at a September 2 session titled “Freedom To Learn: Black and Asian American Solidarity Against Attacks on Antiracist Education.”
Borysenko notes that following the presenters’ talk (two gents associated with the “social justice teaching magazine” Rethinking Schools who discussed “fugitive pedagogy,” or “how to smuggle socialist ideas like critical race theory into the classroom even when the law outlaws it”) Drabinski got in line to offer a comment.
Addressed as “comrade” as she was about to speak, Drabinski said (emphasis in the original)
I’m Emily and I’m a librarian.
(There’s a large round of applause – the crowd knew who Emily was)
I just want to say thank you for bringing up libraries, and classroom libraries, but also school libraries of all kind, public libraries and higher education library who have been under attack in similar ways
I think your point that public education needs to be a site of socialist organizing, I think libraries really do too.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
“… I think your point that public education needs to be a site of socialist organizing, I think libraries really do too …”
The American Red Guard, as Mao did it and for the same reasons.
Sure see much woke at our suburban liberry system. Racist literature masquerading as ‘anti-racist’ and they let homeless people hang out during the winter — some slick NGO and county vans drop them off — who, why and where from, God only knows — libraries apparently are extensions of the Marxist takeover of education.
Can we cut their funding, or expel these bad-faith actors? Fire them? Our tax dollars should not support individuals or institutions dedicated to overthrowing the country! How hard is that???
Oversized glasses, check.
AirPods: check
No sign of manliness: check
Talks with flaming hand gestures: check.
I don’t think she makes any claims to maleness. She was born female and still is.
i think that she needs to be retrained to do her job as a librarian
It’s a medical condition caused by a mineral deficiency.
Specifically, a shortage of lead in the brain.