Pope Francis Tells Europe to ‘Welcome’ Migrants as Illegal Border Crossings Hit Record High
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Pope Francis Tells Europe to ‘Welcome’ Migrants as Illegal Border Crossings Hit Record High

Pope Francis Tells Europe to ‘Welcome’ Migrants as Illegal Border Crossings Hit Record High

Migrants “do not invade, they look for welcome.”

As Europe witnesses a huge upsurge in the arrival of illegal immigrants, Pope Francis on Saturday urged Europeans to ‘welcome’ those swarming their continent.

Speaking at a gathering in the French city of Marseille, the head of the Catholic Church rebuked those who saw vast numbers of migrants illegally entering Europe from Muslim-majority North Africa and the Middle East as invaders.

“Pope Francis on Saturday hammered home his message that European governments must do more to care for migrants crossing the Mediterranean, saying ‘those who risk their lives at sea do not invade, they look for welcome’,” France state TV France24 reported.

Pope’s comments came days after the French government’s decision not to take in anymore migrants, who are currently swarming the Italian island of Lampedusa in record numbers. In recent days, tens of thousands of migrants landed on boats on the Mediterranean island.

“Worshipers cheered when [Marseille archbishop Jean-Marc] Aveline thanked the pontiff for his ‘powerful and courageous words’, in an apparent rebuke to French President Emmanuel Macron, present in the stadium, whose government plans to toughen up controls on migrants,” the French broadcaster added. President Macron was in the audience when those remarks were made.

Germany’s state-owned DW TV reported:

Pope Francis on Saturday rejected the notion of a migrant “emergency” in Europe during a speech in Marseille, France.

“Those who risk their lives at sea do not invade,” Francis said during a church conference in the southern Mediterranean port city. “They look for welcome.”

He added that migration is “a reality of our times, a process that involves three continents around the Mediterranean and that must be governed with wise foresight, including a European response.”

French President Emmanuel Macron, along with Interior Minister Gerald Darminin, were both at the event. Macron and Francis held private talks later on Saturday, as France weighs tougher action on arrivals.

“May we let outselves  (sic) be moved by the stories of so many of our unfortuanate (sic) brothers and sisters who have the right both to emigrate and not to emigrate, and not become closed in indifference,” Francis said, while decrying “beilligerent (sic) nationalism.”

“In the face of the terrible scourge of the exploitation of human beings, the solution is not to reject but to ensure, according to the possibilites (sic) of each, an ample number of legal and regular entrances,” he added.

The Tale of Two Popes

Pope Francis has long been an advocate of Europe’s open borders policy. In March 2016, the Pope urged Europe’s Christians to endure the ‘Arab invasion’ through mass-migration.

“How many invasions has Europe experienced in the course of its history? It has always been able to overcome them; moving forward and finding itself better through the exchange between cultures,” he told a group of French Christians. “Today we can talk about an Arab invasion . . . . It is a social fact,” he added.

The current Pope’s warm and welcoming words toward migrants mainly from Muslim-majority countries stand in contrast to those of his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, who angered the Muslim world with his speech in Regensburg, Germany in September 12, 2006.

“Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached,” Pope Benedict said quoting Manuel II Palaiologos, the 15th century Byzantine emperor.

Despite the Pope’s unequivocal apology for merely quoting a historic text, Muslims across the world went on deadly rampage, destroying churches and killing Christians.

Noting the widespread Muslim rage, German weekly Der Spiegel reported in 2006:

Churches were set on fire in the West Bank. Demonstrators in Indonesia chanted: “Crucify the pope.” The pope was burned in effigy in Iraq, and in Kashmir the police, in an effort to avoid unrest, confiscated newspapers that had printed the … quote.

Christian Persecution Under Islam

Pope Francis’ remarks come nearly a month after Muslim mobs in Pakistan burned churches and Christian homes over blasphemy rumors. The Associated Press reported on August 17 that a “mob angered by an alleged Quran desecration attacked a dozen churches and nearly two dozen homes of minority Christians.”

While Muslims migrants enjoy unrestricted access of Western welfare system, the U.S. magazine Christianity Today described the plight of Pakistan’s Christians: “Christians in Pakistan, comprising less than 2 percent of the population or about 3 million people, have long lived under a shadow of fear. Across the country, most of them live in sheer poverty, consigned to menial roles such as sanitation, agricultural labor, and other low-wage jobs.”


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The Gentle Grizzly | September 24, 2023 at 12:03 pm

“And I say to you, Pope Francis, tear down your wall!”

    The Catholic church is knee deep in profiting from illegals, both immediate and long term.

      Not the Church. Some bad actors who may profess to be Catholic. As for the Pope, this isn’t a matter of faith or morals, so I respectfully disagree.

      Thad Jarvis in reply to JohnSmith100. | September 24, 2023 at 6:12 pm

      Do you ever tire of sounding like a knuckle-dragging idiot? ’m sure you’ll back this statement up with definitions, facts, and logic like all of your comments. You should stick to crusading against the inevitable jihad you’ve been supposedly prepping for.

        JohnSmith100 in reply to Thad Jarvis. | September 24, 2023 at 7:02 pm

        The church’s history speaks for itself. The larger and older an organization is, the more it comes to represent it’s own interests, for example pedophile priests. The church most certainly played a roll in the dawn reason, it also did plenty to retard progress.

        JohnSmith100 in reply to Thad Jarvis. | September 24, 2023 at 7:29 pm

        I am not Muslim, so no jihad, and I am moving over a 1000 miles to distance my adult impaired daughter from an area which is being overrun by Muslims. You see, I understand history of Muhammadism, I have carefully watched what they have done in Africa and Europe. There is little doubt that we will have to eventually have to fight them. I doubt that I will live long enough to to see it. You are either a fool, or part of the problem.

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Thad Jarvis. | September 24, 2023 at 8:42 pm

        Why do you always resort to straw man comments about keyboard warriors and prepping for battles every time someone makes a comment about invaders?

        No one is asking for jihad, wars, and abusing Muslims.

        Yet, you don’t hesitate to call people racist and bigots.

        I would like to point out that I have never heard a single Muslim come to the defense of any country where Muslims murder and rape the population.

        Therefore, it stands to reason that you hate anyone who is not Muslims, and support the rape of girls and women, the murder of nonMuslims by Muslims, and the invasion of countries by Muslims.

        You must really hate little white girls. I bet you have photos of children being molested.

          “I would like to point out that I have never heard a single Muslim come to the defense of any country where Muslims murder and rape the population.”

          Well, I cannot even comprehend this statement.
          Surely the Muslims doing the murdering and raping are willing to defend their own actions.
          Or is your point that you don’t personally know any of those far-off Muslims, and that the domestic Muslims you do know stay mum?

          “I would like to point out that I have never heard a single Muslim come to the defense of any country where Muslims murder and rape the population.”

          Well, I cannot even comprehend this statement.

          Huh? The statement seems perfectly comprehensible. AF says that there exist countries where Moslems murder and rape the population, and he has never heard [of] a single Moslem com[ing] to such countries’ defense. From the supposed absence of such reports he deduces that Moslems in general are not as opposed to such things as their defenders make them out to be. The statement may be incorrect, or flawed in some way, but it is coherent.

      Your right John, the Catholic Church is knee deep in hundred of millions in of our dollars recruiting illegals and giving them shelter, food all paid for by you and me

        Ghostrider in reply to gonzotx. | September 25, 2023 at 8:52 am

        There is a lot of truth in what you say. Pope Francis has exhibited socialist attitudes and leans toward total wealth redistribution.

        Things would be better for him if he would avoid political correctness, climate change and other social-economic issues

    SeiteiSouther in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | September 25, 2023 at 10:51 am

    Not My Pope.

    It’s a pity that there isn’t a wall or a fence around Vatican City……everyone could ship the refugees to St. Pete’s and let the Commie Pope figure out how to feed and provide for the refugees that he so dearly loves!

Better idea, tell your commie buddies to back it down so these people are not forced to leave the country of origin.

thalesofmiletus | September 24, 2023 at 12:46 pm

Send them all to the Vatican. See what he says then.

Move some Muslims into the Vatican is my suggestion and show your charity

I wonder if Europe might tell this dual religion Pope to go to hell? Christian Europe turned on Pope Clement, I believe his name was, around 1520 and attacked and sacked Rome, laying waste to everything around the Vatican and removing the Swiss Guard. This was done by Catholic and Protestant armies for various reasons..

Bergoglio, not even a priest, is an antipope. Evil reigns, and worse, much worse, is coming.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to E Howard Hunt. | September 24, 2023 at 6:15 pm

    He’s been an ordained Catholic priest since 1969, idiot.

    Ooh is MUCH worse coming??!!! SCAAAAAARY!!!! Keep us safe, mighty warrior!

    E Howard Hunt in reply to E Howard Hunt. | September 25, 2023 at 8:52 am

    Vatican II was not a proper Catholic council. “Priests” ordained under the new rite do not have valid Holy Orders. The antipope, Bergoglio, is not a valid priest. The descent into evil can be traced to Vatican II.

Francis the Red, the Obama of popes.

Here’s a message for that commie marxist priest: GFY.

the Pope blows smoke

Could’ve housed Muslim invaders
in Notre-dame de Paris but Muslims torched it.


When Vatican City opens its walls to migrants, I’ll listen to this socialist Pope.

‘…according to the possibilities of each’? Sounds familiar…oh yeah…’From each according to his ability, to each according to his need’.

As others have pointed out Vatican City has space. Probably have to tear down everything to build the multifamily tenements to house sufficient numbers. Of.course the Vatican has deep coffers aside from just the Vatican itself. Probably could sell off the Vatican compound and get Italy to transfer some average for new compound/City State. Heck that would free up lots of capital to hand over to other European Govts in support of loose immigration policy with plenty left over to build a modern compound. Then there’s the accumulated art collection to be disposed of when the sale proceeds of the Vatican itself run out.

    “Then there’s the accumulated art collection to be disposed of…”
    It’s a good bet that the “refugees” would trash much of the art before it could be sold.

Russ from Winterset | September 24, 2023 at 3:34 pm

Time for the EU’s version of DeSantis to fire up the Greyhound buses and point them towards Vatican City.

“… ‘those who risk their lives at sea do not invade, they look for welcome’…” said the old man who lives inside a 100% Catholic walled city with its own private army.

This is textbook ‘Venezuelism’: a minority of rich & powerful lording over the majority of poor & powerless to demand they suffer hardships for the globalist ‘greater good’ knowing darn well the rich & power will suffer none of these hardships.

Coming soon to a North American continent near you. Oh. Wait…

    henrybowman in reply to LB1901. | September 25, 2023 at 4:01 am

    What’s ironic is that the very religion that invented the concept of sanctuary is not running a sanctuary city.

Pope Francis is no Pope Urban II, who called for the first Crusade.

House them in the Vatican then

“Muslims across the world went on deadly rampage, destroying churches and killing Christians”. How do you know that? It is what they have done for 1,400 years. The terrorism, wasn’t as bad then as it is today. Over 80% of Muslims support terrorism, because funding jihad is a large part of what Zakat is all about.

Nearly every religion seeks beatitude (happiness). But Islam seeks world domination according to the Quran.

How many invasions has Europe experienced in the course of its history? It has always been able to overcome them; moving forward and finding itself better through the exchange between cultures,” he told a group of French Christians. “Today we can talk about an Arab invasion . . . . It is a social fact,” he added.

and what of the millions who were made to suffer / die to ” overcome ” them ?–why not substitute the word ” survive ” instead of ” overcome? “–too accurate for you your holiness ?–and by what authority are you entitled to encourage policies and advocate actions that will inevitably lead to the suffering of untold millions of people (both the citizens of soverign countries and the ” migrants?”)

If the pope keeps talking irresponsibly like this, we may see another Reformation in the future.

Sorry, Francis, you’re wrong. They absolutely ARE coming to invade. And they’ve successfully done so. You’re basically telling all the Europeans to “lie back and think of England the Vatican.”

I note he is not saying, “To be more welcome in the countries you migrate to, do it legally and follow their laws and customs the best you can.”

If he really wanted moral authority, he’d specifically argue against entering any country in a manner contrary to longstanding border laws and only at recognized ports of entry.

Muslims don’t want to assimilate into Christian culture. They want to change it. The pope is foolish.