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Is the Tide Turning on the DEI Racket in Higher Education?

Is the Tide Turning on the DEI Racket in Higher Education?

“Professions of fealty to DEI ideology are so ubiquitous as to be meaningless”

We are definitely seeing some positive change, but is it enough?

Jarrett Stepman writes at the Daily Signal:

The DEI Racket Transformed Our Colleges, Universities. But Tide Could Be Turning.

College campuses have been dominated by the Left for generations. That’s hardly news to anyone. But a recent news report sheds light on how higher education has been transformed from a general haven of left-wing ideology into an engine of radicalism and revolution in the name of DEI: diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The lengthy report in The New York Times, of all places, highlights how the use of DEI statements essentially has allowed schools to create ideological loyalty oaths for new faculty. These tests aren’t being applied only in humanities departments, they’re the norm in science departments and all others too.

California—upholding its reputation for being at the cutting edge of anti-civilizational lunacy and tyranny—has predictably gone all in on the diversity, equity, and inclusion regime. Fealty to DEI dogma has become practically mandatory at all levels of higher education.

The Times notes that the faculty senate at the University of California, San Francisco urged professors to apply an “anti-oppression and anti-racism” lens to their coursework. On its website, UCLA’s public affairs school pledged to “decolonize the curriculum and pedagogy.” And the faculty senate of California Community Colleges instructed teachers on their duty to “lift the veil of white supremacy” and “colonialism.”

“Professions of fealty to DEI ideology are so ubiquitous as to be meaningless,” Daniel Sargent, a professor of history and public policy at the University of California, Berkeley, told the Times. “We are institutionalizing a performative dishonesty.”

It’s not just that school administrators enforce a pervasive, left-wing culture on campus. That’s been happening for generations. These schools also are hiring with strict DEI-style parameters, to the near total exclusion of merit.

In one study, according to the Times, researchers found that at Berkeley “a faculty committee rejected 75% of applicants in life sciences and environmental sciences and management purely on diversity statements.”


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No. It’s not enough. The fight has barely begun. Ask me again in 20 or 30 years.

The tide is turning. Is it enough? Not yet, but it’s good progress.

The more we act like defeatists the more we turn people away. Recognize that something good is happening in this area, promote how this opens opportunities for Americans and helps to end discrimination of all kinds, and keep building on the many successes not just at the Supreme Court but elsewhere. Hopefully soon at the military as well.

There’s a long way to go to reverse this and gain the ground back.
Take the diversity statement very seriously. I think a few of the right stories or anecdotes would go a long way. As I’ve heard it, typically the diversity statement is a screen. If it doesn’t pass, the rest of your application is not read.

WildernessLawyer | September 21, 2023 at 8:25 am

The DEI racket will go underground and continue until the legal consequences become too heavy to bear. Unrelenting litigation to kill this cancer will be needed.

And it should be said here: Thank you and well done to the Legal Insurrection team and Equal Protection Project for both reporting and litigating to stop discriminative practices such as DEI.