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“I Only Treat Real Women”: French Gynaecologist Refuses to Treat Transsexual, Angers Trans Activists

“I Only Treat Real Women”: French Gynaecologist Refuses to Treat Transsexual, Angers Trans Activists

Euronews TV: Gynaecologist said he had “no skills to treat men, even if they have shaved their beards and come to tell my secretary that they have become women.”

Refusing to bow down to the woke dogma of “trans women are women,” a doctor in south west France earned the wrath of gender activists by refusing to treat a transsexual as woman.

The male gynecologist Victor Acharian, medically trained to treat women, refused to examine a transsexual saying that it was beyond his professional expertise. “I only treat real women,” the physician told the French TV channel Euronews. “I don’t know how to treat [transsexuals] and I don’t mind being called ignorant.”

The doctor’s polite yet principled stance angered the transsexual and his partner, who accused him of being a “transphobe.”

“Acharian explains to Sud Radio that the couple came in to make an appointment and that his secretary told them that the gynaecologist was not specialised in care for them and would refer them to another physician,” the Christian News Europe (CNE) reported Friday. “However, in response, the couple started to attack the secretary verbally with accusations of transphobia, Acharian emphasises.”

The Euronews reported Friday:

The French doctor admitted he didn’t have the training or knowledge to treat trans patients – as experts say there’s no need for a trans woman to visit a gynaecologist at all.

“I only treat real women” – that’s what French gynaecologist Victor Acharian told a 26-year-old transgender woman he refused to treat in his clinic in the south-west of the country recently.

The transgender woman, accompanied by her boyfriend, went to a gynaecological appointment when, after minutes of waiting, the secretary told her that the doctor had refused to see her.

“I told her that I’m not competent, but I can guide you. I can refer you to services that can take better care of you. But after I said that, things went south,” gynaecologist Victor Acharian told Euronews.

“I thought I was being honest when I said it wasn’t my speciality. I don’t know how to treat them and I don’t mind being called ignorant,” he added.

“You’re transphobic!” the young woman reportedly shouted as she left the consulting room. According to the gynaecologist, the patient began to insult his secretary, reacting violently to the refusal.

The woman’s partner, still in shock, left a comment on the clinic’s Google reviews complaining about what had happened.

The doctor replied with a message addressed to a “gentleman”, claiming that he treated “real women”.

He justified himself by saying that he had “no skills to treat men, even if they have shaved their beards and come to tell my secretary that they have become women”.

He also asked the woman to take it upon herself to tell other transgender people that they were not welcome in his clinic.

The gynecologist “aroused the indignation of activist groups,” French newspaper Le Figaro reported Monday. The transsexual and his male partner left a “bad Google review” and their supporters hurled online “insults” at him, the newspaper report suggests. The activist group Stop Homophobia Association was going to “file a complaint” against the doctor, the Le Figaro added.

Considering the outrage in the French media and among the woke activists, it is only a matter of time before the doctor—fearing for his safety and career—will be hauled before an angry crowed and forced to apologize. Any defiance, no matter how isolated or insignificant, has to be subdued. In the spirit of Maoist Cultural Revolution, heretics are socially ostracized and publicly humiliated to deter others from daring to question the newly-established gender order.

Across the West, attempts to defend women’s rights from the corroding effect of gender ideology have been met with anger, hostility, and outright violence from the so-called trans activists. While mouthing slogans such as “Trans Rights Are Women’s Rights,” activists have been demanding the right of transsexuals to dominate women’s sports, to be admitted to their prisons, and to use their bathrooms.


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Well, he’s not a urologist.

    Whitewall in reply to healthguyfsu. | September 16, 2023 at 1:41 pm

    Nor a proctologist.

    Take the money.
    Order pregnancy tests, etc.
    Order IUD, etc.
    Have them come back for 5 follow up visits and declare there are no problems with ovaries and not pregnant.

      1073 in reply to 1073. | September 16, 2023 at 1:47 pm

      My mother had a check up and her regular doctor wasn’t available.
      X-rays the whole bit.
      He starts telling her how her lungs are clear and healthy…

      Uh, doc, I am here for my routine 6 month follow ups after cancer surgery.

      You know, when the removed my left lung.

      Fishman in reply to 1073. | September 16, 2023 at 3:36 pm

      No, place the iud,, in the urethra, oh I’d say prostate level. Shouldn’t come out and reduces their risk of pregnancy (sarc). American College of Ob Gyn recommends no anesthesia

      irv in reply to 1073. | September 16, 2023 at 4:23 pm

      That’s what a lot of them seem to be doing. Playing “Let’s pretend” and taking the money. Otherwise, this would be happening all the time.

      It’s all about the money for too many people.

Dolce Far Niente | September 16, 2023 at 12:21 pm

What the doctor meant was, he is not qualified to treat mental illness.

So they literally think everyone must be forced to play pretend. It really is like some Orwellian/Soviet mindset.

    henrybowman in reply to geronl. | September 16, 2023 at 1:22 pm

    Or maybe there’s another motivation:

    “the couple came in to make an appointment and that his secretary told them that the gynaecologist was not specialised in care for them and would refer them to another physician… the couple started to attack the secretary verbally with accusations of transphobia”

    Smells a lot like “bake my cupcake, bigot.”

I think he should have put “Her” into the stirrups and got out the big spreaders and after a few clicks of them, I believe the “Woman” would probably have left of her own free will.

Russ from Winterset | September 16, 2023 at 12:56 pm

Seems to me that a gyno who agrees to provide services for trans women is similar to a mechanic who charges a customer for changing spark plugs on their diesel engine.

    In the early days when fuel injection was just making its way into the consumer market (Datsun 200SX) I had a mechanic try to bill me $150 for retuning my carburetor.

It’s probably a translation problem. He only treats biological women, something which makes sense even with all the name changing. Indeed the bathroom problem is solved the same way, calling them the penis room and the vagina room. Self-identification doesn’t come up.

Insane that the quoted arricle repeatedly refers to this MAN with female pronouns. Even going si far as to refer to HIM as a “woman”.

“The transgender woman, accompanied by her boyfriend, …”

In other words, two homosexual men are described. It’s insane that the obnoxious “trans” totalitarians and misogynists demand that rational-minded people refrain from acknowledging the obvious and instead show a cowed obeisance and deference to their malignant narcissism and delusions.

I’m a physician. I’d do exactly the same thing if someone came to me asking for treatment for a problem that is well outside my specialty. Sorry, I don’t do that, but here’s the name of a colleague who does.

This strikes me as akin to the Masterpiece Bake Shop issue in Colorado. The man (i.e., the ‘woman’) in the story insists on external validation and will stop at nothing to get it.

Maybe one procedure should be renamed a hersterectomy, lest there be confusion.

I saw a good debate about treating transgender women and the question asked of a trans-EMC, “If you are the attendant in an ambulance to a transgender woman who claims to be having menstrual cramps, would you look into it?” After a long pause, the transgender EMC said no. In other words, it is not their responsibility to “Play along” with someone’s wishes about their gender status. Nor is it the public’s responsibility to use the correct pronouns with people they do not know.

“You’re transphobic!” the young woman reportedly shouted …

The only woman in this entire story is the doctor’s secretary.

Good for the doctor.

Is there anyone who truly believes that Dick Levine and Bruce Jenner are as much women as the mother who bore him? These trans-“women” are just eunuchs with fancier cutting and women’s garb.

Forcing a gynecologist to look at your genitals is not how it works.

That sounds more like how indecent exposure and sexual assault works.

If they call you a transphobe, call them a realityphobe.