Fauci Worried the Public Won’t Comply With Masking Recommendations Over COVID

Good Lord.

COVID is supposedly coming back with a vengeance. We’re hearing whispers of masking “recommendations” due to it.

But not the flu. Never the flu or colds because COVID is super duper special or something.

Well, the national sweetheart (#sarcasm) Dr. Anthony Fauci is so worried people won’t comply with these recommendations:

FAUCI: “That is not so. When you’re talking about a population level that the data is less strong than knowing that if you look on a situation as an individual protecting themselves or protecting them from spreading it, there is no doubt that masks work. Different studies give different percentages of advantage of wearing it but there is no doubt that the weight of the study — and there has been many — indicate the benefit of wearing a mask.”

It gets better:

FAUCI: “Mandating I don’t think will happen. There may be local mandates and people keep thinking that the federal government is going to mandate that you wear a mask. That will not happen. There may be individual institutions, organizations that will say, if you want to come to work, you have got to wear a mask. Nothing the federal government can do about that if they want to do it locally. I think people need to realize it is unlikely that you will see a mandate, for example, on the CDC. They have no authority to mandate anything with regard to masks. They can only recommend it people can do what they want to do based on their own evaluation of their own risk.”

Dude. Where is the magic where it won’t happen in a big group but only individually?

Also, the CDC doesn’t mandate anything? Oh, sweet summer child. Why else was everyone in a mask for almost all of 2020?

Tags: Anthony Fauci, Wuhan Coronavirus