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Bryn Mawr College Launching 59-Point Plan to Combat ‘Privilege and Oppression Perpetuated at the College’

Bryn Mawr College Launching 59-Point Plan to Combat ‘Privilege and Oppression Perpetuated at the College’

“encompasses every aspect of campus life, from curriculum to policies to financial aid”

A school has to have priorities, right? It’s very telling that this is what they are focusing on right now.

The College Fix reports:

Bryn Mawr College rolls out 59-point plan to combat ‘privilege, oppression perpetuated at the college’

Bryn Mawr College has re-energized its effort to promote diversity, equity and inclusion on campus, rolling out a 59-point action plan for the 2023-24 school year that encompasses every aspect of campus life, from curriculum to policies to financial aid.

Bryn Mawr College, a private all-female institution just outside Philadelphia, states on its website it needs to implement the plan to get a handle on “understanding of the processes by which power, privilege, and oppression are perpetuated at the College,” where annual tuition costs $61,190, plus $18,690 for housing and meal plans.

Bryn Mawr officials have ignored repeated requests for comment from The College Fix to ask them about the “privilege and oppression … perpetuated at the College” and their 59-point action plan to address it.

The action plan is broken down into 15 different subsections, which include: deepening DEIA awareness and practice, addressing institutional policies and practices, increasing access and strengthening financial aid, and remembering and reclaiming.

Under the category called course and curricular design and implementation, the college has launched a new mandatory “Power, Inequity, and Justice” class requirement for students. The requirement was approved in May 2022 and implemented on campus this fall.

The course seeks to advance “an understanding of the ways that power dynamics and hierarchies shape the production of knowledge and access to opportunity, as well as engagement with histories and futures of social transformation and justice,” the curriculum committee wrote.

Asked to weigh in on the requirement, one higher education watchdog questioned whether the promotion of DEI over other areas of academic study is justifiable.

“Power, inequity, and justice are worthy topics of study, but it is troubling that Bryn Mawr has prioritized making this course a requirement when its students do not need to take basic courses in economics or U.S. history or government,” said Steve McGuire with the Campus Freedom division at the American Council of Trustees and Alumni.


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How tiresome this has become.
The last statement is just sad.
80k per year!
Bryan Mayr to be closing in 3…2…1…

I have a 59 point plan to roll my eyes.

    drsamherman in reply to UJ. | September 23, 2023 at 1:16 am

    Snobby Liberal Suburban White Women’s College Virtue Signals Beyond Capacity to Deliver”. Ho. Hum.

59 points!
Seems to me that they aren’t a very good school if they can’t be more concise than that.
Or, maybe they’re lying about what they’re really trying to achieve.

Heck, Luther only had 95 and he was confronting a man with arguably the most power in Europe at the time.

    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | September 22, 2023 at 12:28 am

    “…their 59-point action plan to address it… is broken down into 15 different subsections”
    Stalin was modestly content to fail at a simple five-year plan.
    The commies of Bryn Mawr are ambitious indeed!

Why are we constantly discovering that leftist institutions are such cesspits of racism and oppression?

Next thing you know we’ll be finding out that the Democrats founded the KKK, were behind the Jim Crow laws and opposed the civil rights act.


Looks like Bryn Mawr has just published a 59 point suicide note.

Bryn Mawr is a finishing school for Main Line debutantes and angry butch lesbians.

Chester B Arthur | September 23, 2023 at 3:30 am

It’s as if they have now accepted fully … the fact that almost-nothing that Bryn Mawr offers … is of any practical use in anything resembling the real world.

And so they’ve come up with this gobbledygook.

Christopher Rufo discusses Cluster B students and young adults. The people who run Bryn Mawr are Cluster B adults.

Sane American families will pass by Bryn Mawr like sane American families pass by any other weird dysfunctional … restaurant, motel, concert, preacher, drug-pusher, healthcare facility ….