Boston College High School Removing Founder’s Name From Building Over Slavery Ties

I will now ask once again, why Yale has not been forced to change its name? Elihu Yale was a major figure in the slave trade.

CBS News in Boston reports:

Boston College High School renames campus building due to founder’s ties to slaveryBoston College High School is removing its founder’s name from a campus building due to his ties to slavery.School President Grace Cotter Regan called its founder, Father John McElroy, an “extraordinary” man. But further research found he had connections to slavery when he served in Maryland in the early 1800s.”BC High is a school that respects and upholds the dignity of all people, and it is our responsibility to demonstrate these values to the faculty, staff, students, and alumni who walk through our halls each day, both now and in the future,” said Regan in a statement.

Tags: College Insurrection, Education, History, Massachusetts