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Armed Man Arrested At RFK, Jr. Event Identified

Armed Man Arrested At RFK, Jr. Event Identified

“Adrian Paul Aispuro, 44, was arrested without incident by police after RFK Jr.’s security detail recognized that Aispuro was attempting to impersonate a U.S. Marshal”

The internets have been abuzz with the very bizarre news that a heavily armed man posing as a U.S. Marshall, a member of RFK, Jr.’s security team, and an EMT (!!) was arrested in Los Angeles.

It’s a bizarre story, but the suspect has been apprehended, as has an alleged accomplice.

Fox News reports:

A man carrying loaded pistols and spare ammunition was detained Friday after impersonating a U.S. marshal at one of Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign events in Los Angeles.

He was identified Saturday as Adrian Paul Aispuro, 44, The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed to Fox News Digital.

Here’s the content of the full tweet (x?):

I’m very grateful that alert and fast-acting protectors from Gavin de Becker and Associates (GDBA) spotted and detained an armed man who attempted to approach me at my Hispanic Heritage speech at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre in Los Angeles tonight. The man, wearing two shoulder holsters with loaded pistols and spare ammunition magazines was carrying a U.S. Marshal badge on a lanyard and beltclip federal ID. He identified himself as a member of my security detail. Armed GDBA team members moved quickly to isolate and detain the man until LAPD arrived to make the arrest. I’m also grateful to LAPD for its rapid response.

I’m still entertaining a hope that President Biden will allow me Secret Service protection. I am the first presidential candidate in history to whom the White House has denied a request for protection.

Thank goodness Kennedy’s security team was on the ball. We don’t know yet what this person’s intentions were, but it all seems a bit sketchy at this point in time.

KTLA has more:

Adrian Paul Aispuro, 44, was arrested without incident by police after RFK Jr.’s security detail recognized that Aispuro was attempting to impersonate a U.S. Marshal at a Hispanic Heritage Month event at the Wilshire Ebell Hotel on Friday evening.

Aispuro told Kennedy Jr.’s real security team that he needed to see the candidate immediately, and upon seeing he had weapons, the security guards removed him from the area and contacted LAPD.

A second man, who has not yet been identified, was also taken into custody. He allegedly was in possession of a backpack containing another handgun inside.

Aispuro was booked on felony gun charges and is being held on $35,000 bail.

Here’s a report on the incident and arrest:


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Subotai Bahadur | September 17, 2023 at 6:15 pm

1) Do either of those arrested have any connection to the coercive organs of state power, or to the Democrat party and/or their allies on the Left?

2) I see Aispuro is being held on a cash bond. Which in Leftist areas is unusual. If he does bond out, if we had a media they would be interested in who furnished the bond. The Second Party, unnamed [interesting] and also armed should be subject to similar charges. Unless I missed it, I saw n0 mention of bond. Has he been released?

3) While I am far too conservative now to consider voting for ANY Democrat, long ago in my younger days I supported Bobby Kennedy in the Nebraska Primary in 1968. If I may, I will quote part of something I said yesterday on another blog:

. . . I was a volunteer for Bobby’s campaign in Hastings, Nebraska. Those of us high school kids who were known to have pistols were asked by the local campaign to come to Bobby’s campaign appearance. We got him through the crowd in the park, spread through the park watching the crowd during his speech [our watchwords were that they were not going to get Bobby the way they got John], and then got him through the crowd on the way out. We went to the airport where we were introduced to him [and promptly were forgotten I’m sure]. The next primary after Nebraska was California where he was killed.

This campaign’s series of events makes me wonder how much effort the Secret Service would in fact put into protecting any candidate running against Biden or other alternate Democrat presidential candidate. I hope that President Trump and Governor DeSantis have similar questions. This feels like the fall of a dynasty.

Subotai Bahadur

The malignant spite of the crime boss and dotard-marionette, Biden, Administration is off-the-charts. What possible justification does the vile Biden (or, more accurately, his handlers/chaperones/toadies) have for denying Secret Service protection to RFK Jr.? Especially given his family history.

These people are pure scum, the lowest of the low, the most wretched reprobates, around.

I hate to say this, but once I was a Hillary supporter, worked very hard for her campaign and met she, and her husband several times

Same with several other high profile political people

I can tell you it was appalling how anyone and I mean anyone could walk into the headquarters, restaurants, etc and take them out

No metal detectors, no questions, no nothing

So, business as usual

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to gonzotx. | September 17, 2023 at 7:54 pm

    A lot of us change, Gonz.

    I come from a staunch Democrat family. In 1952 and 1956 my mother worked her heart out for Adlai Stevenson, and even drove his Los Angeles motorcade car, our 1953 Chrysler convertible. (Stevenson refused to be seen in a Cadillac because Republicans drove Cadillacs, or some such.)

    My change of mind started in my mid 20s. Much later in life, I read some of Stevenson’s remarks regarding what he considered the peasantry, although that was not his choice of words. The remarks he made about the very people from whom he expected his votes were just awful. Something akin to Kerry’s “stuck in Iraq” remark.

    I wish my mother had still been living when I made these discoveries; she just could not understand how anyone could vote for some Army General from an unknown family.

    (note: she didn’t want to hear about Roosevelt’s remarks about Jews to one of he Jewish advisors when I brought that up.)

    guyjones in reply to gonzotx. | September 18, 2023 at 7:33 am

    You’re not alone, I can promise you. Many of us conservatives started out as Dumb-o-crats. Ronald Reagan is one prominent example, but, there are many others — Thomas Sowell also comes to mind.

    I was raised in a Dumb-o-crat household in NYC. I got hustled by narcissist-incompetent, Obama and voted for him in 2008, before my conservative awakening had taken place. It took me approximately ~30 years to overcome my Dumb-o-crat indoctrination and evolve into an unabashed, full-blown and proud conservative.

Adrian Paul Aispuro …

I guess there really can be more than one.

Sorry. It had to be said.

The Gentle Grizzly | September 17, 2023 at 7:38 pm

His name is Fareed Bullah Ibrahim. FBI for short.

The Gentle Grizzly | September 17, 2023 at 7:56 pm

I think Kennedy needs to be careful what he wishes for regarding SS protection. They are just as likely to take him out as some “bad guy”. He’d be far better off with volunteer security.

    You may have a point. There were an awful lot of “suicides” around the Clintons, and at least some of them appear to have occurred in places where SS should have sway. Not to mention the Obama “chef”.

He may not have been a US Marshal, but something tells me he was a disposable fed.

Three names? Is this a requirement?

The Biden administration denied secret service protection to RFK Jr. just last month, so I’m sure this is just a coincidence. Right, Sirhan?

    gonzotx in reply to LB1901. | September 17, 2023 at 10:15 pm

    You know Jr met Sirhan and stated he felt he was innocent and should be sent free

    Found that very weird. He may have been set up but I remember the pictures and video

Per their guidelines, secret service only provides candidate protection up to a year before a general election, except under exceptional circumstances. I should think being a member of an assassination-prone family should qualify.

While my first vote was for McGovern, 4 years in the Marines and life in general completely changed everything 180 degrees. Still, it’s lunacy to ignore the Kennedy family’s assassination legacy. Give this nutty guy some protection!

Speaking of identification…. whose Federal Marshall badge and federal ID card was this mutt carrying and how did he get them?

Seems a very germane question, but nobody seems to want to ask it.

    henrybowman in reply to Gosport. | September 18, 2023 at 12:13 am

    If Ray Epps had a son, he’d look exactly like Adrian.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to Gosport. | September 18, 2023 at 4:28 pm

    Because it would either lead back to the US government, or to someone who is capable of forging such accoutrements, or both. Such knowledge cannot be allowed to the proles.

    Subotai Bahadur

Bork said something to the effect that anybody under 35 who isn’t a socialist has no heart; anybody over 35 who is a socialist has no head.

    Milhouse in reply to txvet2. | September 18, 2023 at 5:57 am

    It wasn’t Robert Bork (or even Edmund Burke). See here

    But whoever first said it, it sounds clever but it’s wrong. It’s a canard to claim that having a heart requires one to be irrational and ignorant.

      venril in reply to Milhouse. | September 18, 2023 at 8:03 am

      Yep, at 16 I complained to my dad frequently about what was going on then (’78?). He gave me a copy of Fountainhead and told me to read it and then we’d talk. Just clarified what I was already thinking. Many books later here I am.

      jhkrischel in reply to Milhouse. | September 18, 2023 at 8:19 am

      Having a heart is fine – letting your heart rule over your head when it comes to policy is what is irrational 🙂

      The question is whether or not you believe that younger people are less rational than older people, on average. My bet is that opinion skews based on age as well 🙂

      txvet2 in reply to Milhouse. | September 18, 2023 at 1:36 pm

      I didn’t say he said it first, but he did say it during his confirmation hearings.

You know who just got released from Federal prison on Thursday? The wife of Sinola Cartel leader El Chapo. Her name: Emma Coronel Aispuro

Adrian Paul Aispuro… Is he related to Emma? No reporting on that yet.

There’s a wild rumor that Aispuro was going to assassinate RFK. He had a badge and a gun. His associate had a gun. He wanted to see RFK which is what red flagged him for security.

Amazing he just happens to have the same last name and she got released the day before he got arrested.