Woke Professors Reportedly Fleeing Florida Universities in Protest

Ron DeSantis is causing progressives to self-deport from higher education in Florida. I’m pretty sure this was intentional.

Campus Reform reports:

Pro-woke professors leave Florida universities in protestUniversity professors in Florida are leaving in droves, and blaming the state’s fight against woke policies.The Tampa Bay Times reported on a July meeting of the Florida Board of Governors. During the meeting, a number of professors expressed concern about the political climate in Florida. Professors and administrators said they were having difficulty hiring and retaining new teachers, in part because of Florida lawmakers dismantling CRT, DEI, and other planks of the leftist agenda from higher education.Florida State University music professor Matthew Lata, told the Florida Board of Governors that new hires have rejected offers “because of the perceived anti-higher education atmosphere in the state.”“More and more often we are hearing ‘Florida? Not Florida. Not now. Not yet,’” he reportedly said.One employee at University of Florida reportedly said that a half dozen candidates who toured the campus “expressed mixed feelings about moving to Florida in the current political climate.” A candidate who applied to the philosophy department at the University of South Florida reportedly took a job at a lower-ranked school in another state over political concerns.Florida Gulf Coast University ecology professor Edwin Everham said that 3 of 19 faculty members in his department have left, either for political reasons or because they found a better job, and applications for open positions dropped as much as ninety percent. A report from the American Association of University Professors found a law school position that went unfilled and added that some candidates turned down offers from Florida colleges without a backup plan.UCF History professor and AAUP chapter president Robert Cassanello, says he hears regularly that job searches at the school have had no qualified candidates apply.

Tags: College Insurrection, Florida, Ron DeSantis