Woke Professors Reportedly Fleeing Florida Universities in Protest
“because of the perceived anti-higher education atmosphere in the state.”

Ron DeSantis is causing progressives to self-deport from higher education in Florida. I’m pretty sure this was intentional.
Campus Reform reports:
Pro-woke professors leave Florida universities in protest
University professors in Florida are leaving in droves, and blaming the state’s fight against woke policies.
The Tampa Bay Times reported on a July meeting of the Florida Board of Governors. During the meeting, a number of professors expressed concern about the political climate in Florida. Professors and administrators said they were having difficulty hiring and retaining new teachers, in part because of Florida lawmakers dismantling CRT, DEI, and other planks of the leftist agenda from higher education.
Florida State University music professor Matthew Lata, told the Florida Board of Governors that new hires have rejected offers “because of the perceived anti-higher education atmosphere in the state.”
“More and more often we are hearing ‘Florida? Not Florida. Not now. Not yet,’” he reportedly said.
One employee at University of Florida reportedly said that a half dozen candidates who toured the campus “expressed mixed feelings about moving to Florida in the current political climate.” A candidate who applied to the philosophy department at the University of South Florida reportedly took a job at a lower-ranked school in another state over political concerns.
Florida Gulf Coast University ecology professor Edwin Everham said that 3 of 19 faculty members in his department have left, either for political reasons or because they found a better job, and applications for open positions dropped as much as ninety percent. A report from the American Association of University Professors found a law school position that went unfilled and added that some candidates turned down offers from Florida colleges without a backup plan.
UCF History professor and AAUP chapter president Robert Cassanello, says he hears regularly that job searches at the school have had no qualified candidates apply.

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I would have thought that professors entered the profession to engage in the search for and the spread of truth. That entails debate with people of different views, a willingness to test and change one’s own, and the teaching of the knowledge which one has to others. I would have thought that if they viewed Florida as so misguided that they would want to go there and correct what has gone amiss. Perhaps I was wrong.
To all the soi-disant “professors” fleeing Florida:
Please – – don’t let the doorknob hit you (*) on the way out!
I find the claims of a “lack of qualified applicants” to be suspect.
There is a HUGE glut of PhD’s that have been reduced to taking low-paying adjunct positions that would likely jump at the chance for a tenure-track position.
I suspect the real problem is that in order to “qualify” for the position, your politics better align with the prevailing views in the department. I.e., conservatives need not apply.
Agreed. Are they not qualified academically or ideologically?
The problem is the grant grift system. Once you are out of the payline, you are out of the club.
I notice that the position cited are primarily liberal arts subjects. I wonder if the non-liberal arts disciplines are facing the same faculty recruiting problems. Same question about the non-far Left schools around the state.
My BS detector is ringing off the wall. This sounds like a hit piece by a Democrat-leaning newspaper.
I’ve been involved with university hiring for over 50 years, and what they are describing is nonsense. I’ve heard of a few people passing over jobs because of a mandatory “diversity” oath statement, but the Florida universities aren’t requiring any political statement. If they just run the standard ads on the standard websites, they will find plenty of overqualified applicants.
Well, bye …
“If you build it, they will come.”
Conservative Professor’s will be flocking to Florida.
The humanities and the bubble majors will be the hardest hit. It’s the perfect time to trim some fat!
Conservative professors have been trying to flock to Florida but w/o much success because the hiring apparatus is still controlled by Lefty Prog Crit types. So if they don’t get any applicants they like ideologically, they claim that they had no qualified candidates, even when conservative candidates with far better credentials than the HIRING COMMITTEE have applied. If DeSantis wants to transform FL higher ed, he has to use state funding to pierce the authority of hiring committee members and make them personally liable when they do not offer hobs to the objectively best candidates.
Imagine turning down a job because you can’t impose your woke politics on others and can’t discriminate against conservative
AntiFA actually stands for
Anti First Amendment
AntiFA is the new KKK of Democrats.
Both thoughts are stolen from another. Tell me how they are incorrect.
“Woke Professors Reportedly Leaving Florida Universities”
—Good deal!!
They are not fleeing in protest. They are fleeing because they have been called out for being Communist sympathizers and and teaching a socialist distortion of the Constitution.
First question is: how many are leaving…excuse me, “fleeing”? 10,000? 1,000? 100? 10? 4?
Hopefully the answer is “enough,” as in enough to let the ship start to right itself.
Ok.. woke academics out. DLTDHYITAOTWO
There is an actual, serious problem here (I am visiting in Tampa right now) wr to home insurance.
The rates have skyrocketed… and it is hurting middle class families. They may be following those woke academics.