U. Chicago Survey: 30 Million Americans Think Violence Justified to Stop Trump From Winning the Presidency
“The public is more radicalized than it was in April and it’s really quite significant.”

The country is going to very dark places these days. This is disturbing news.
The College Fix reports:
U. Chicago report: 30 million Americans believe violence justified to keep Trump from presidency
A new report out of the University of Chicago shows that millions more people favor using violence to keep Donald Trump from the presidency than those who would use it to put him back in the Oval Office.
The Chicago Project on Security & Threats survey findings, some of which are available at The Guardian, indicate that eighteen million, or 6.9 percent of Americans, feel violence is justified to ensure Trump does become president again.
This represents an increase of approximately six million from last April.
Of this 18 million, “68% believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and 62% believe the prosecutions of Trump are intended to hurt his chances in 2024.”
U. Chicago’s Robert Pape, founding director of CPOST, said “The public is more radicalized than it was in April and it’s really quite significant. We’ve been tracking this quite a while, and this is a really big bump.”
Pape (pictured) said a more “radicalized public” alone is not sufficient for actual violence. He compared the situation to a “kindling” which would need something like Trump “light[ing] the fire” as he (allegedly) did on January 6, 2021.
But what’s shown only as part of a bar graph in The Guardian is the percentage of Americans (11.6) who said violence would be ok to prevent Trump from again assuming the presidency. This equates to 30 million people, and was highlighted on this Sunday’s CBS’s “Face the Nation” on which Pape was a guest.
While noting the Left has never engaged in anything like the January 6 “siege,” Pape said “nonetheless, what we need to look at are the sentiments on both the right and the left that are being radicalized to millions and millions of Americans.”

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Are there that many socialists and pantifa members in the U.S.?
The ChiComs are laughing their hindquarters off right now.
The Lefties and proto-communists think violence is warranted to keep Trump out of office, but Trump supporters are threats to democracy, right?
Naomi Wolf, a notable liberal who is slowly redpilling herself (starting after her having been “cancelled” over valid COVID reservations), writes a relevant article today: On Hearing President Trump In Person — And Not Hating It (And on Analyzing My Own Indoctrination):
It’s fascinating (if slow) to see the process of deprogramming in real time.
The thing is, wanting violence, and having the capability are two different things. Those with the capability do not want violence. But when they figure this out, it will be too late to go back.
I watch a lot (too much actually) of po po bodycam videos and it never fails that the tough guy really changes his tune after he has absorbed a few 124 grain doses of reality.
Of course, they will use violance to carry out their threats against Trump and MAGA. From what I;’ve seen the pitiful woke opposition can be wiped out in an afternoon by MAGA forces. They are overweight, subject to physical and mental issues and just not very smart.,
Or even a few whacks from an (unsharpened) stick.
But, what about with a banana?
If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow
Oh? Memo to the Kids These Days. Your hero there was an unmitigated disaster
I see the left seem to push us toward violence. It seems that they want to force us to breakdown into another Civil War as the Federal Government is not following the Constitution and the branches are not acting properly. If the next election is not done properly I fear we will go into CW2. This can be much worse then the previous Civil War as the majority of US present and past military are right leaning and understands the affects of Vietnam, Irag, and Afghanistan and how to take out a country with not much.
Bots can fill out surveys, too! Who knew?!
Trump is now an historical figure that will forever be remembered as the one great leader that stood against the tyranny of the Left. Trump is our Cincinnatus. He risked all to defend us, our families, our liberties, our nation, and our civilization. We owe him our complete and total support which includes annihilating his enemies who are all demons who have sold their souls to Satan in return for unprecedented power and wealth. . Today, let’s agree to start a campaign demanding that all other contenders for the Republican nomination stand down and endorse Trump. There can be no other choice. Trump may not be perfect, but he is perfect to carry the standard of Liberty and the Republic forward. MAGA Advance! No quarter to our enemies!
While noting the Left has never engaged in anything like the January 6 “siege,” Pape said “nonetheless, what we need to look at are the sentiments on both the right and the left that are being radicalized to millions and millions of Americans.”
Pape, however, has conveniently ignored Antifa and BLM Rioting, Arson, Assault, murder, and is quite capable of using loaded wording such as “siege” in his attempt to deflect the destructive and violent actions of the “Left”.
You say the left has never engaged in anything like January 6th, which may be true when it comes to entering the capitol building. However, have you forgotten the riots, the burning cars, etc. the night of Trump’s inauguration? Have you forgotten the BLM and Antifa riots all over the country, essentially taking over much of the west coast? How about setting a church on fire that was near the White House? I would say any of that was worse than what happened on January 6th, although I strongly object to what happened that day.
What they want is violence against conservatives. Their barely functioning brains can’t grasp that in a war there are two sides. Two armies. If the Taliban can win, I wiuld think we could too. It’s just a matter of accepting the price. Because there is nothing quite so vicious as a civil war. (Well, maybe the drug cartels.). Civil war will tear families and communities apart. We can expect widows, orphans, and maimed men on the streets. Oh, and don’t forget the rubble on those streets, too. Exactly how we managed to raise a generation so totally incompetent and incapable of analytical thinking, I have no idea.