Two More University of Kansas Profs Accused of Faking Native American Ancestry
“Those KU professors you mentioned are indeed ethnic frauds pretending to be American Indians”

We already covered one of these professors. What in the heck is going on here?
The College Fix reports:
Three University of Kansas professors now accused of falsely claiming Native American ancestry
Three University of Kansas professors, historian Kent Blansett, biologist Raymond Pierotti and geographer Jay Johnson, now have been accused of fraudulently representing themselves as Native Americans.
Blansett (pictured, left) was accused of misrepresenting his lineage by journalist Jacqueline Keeler, who investigates those who falsely claim Native American ancestry, as well as by AncestorStealing, a website that publishes research on the subject, The College Fix reported earlier this month.
On the heels of that article, The Kansas City Star recently reported that “some Native grassroots groups and researchers allege [Professor] Raymond Pierotti in the department of ecology and evolutionary biology and [Professor] Jay Johnson in the department of geography and atmospheric science are also ‘pretendians’ – slang to designate someone faking Native American heritage.”
These accusers “say, based on independent research of the men’s family trees, that the professors are white, and white only, and that they’ve built careers and profits off of a lie,” according to the Star.
The Fix reached out to the Tribal Alliance Against Frauds, a grassroots whistle-blower association comprising citizens of federally recognized tribes and allies and dedicated to “expos[ing] ethnic frauds,” to ask for information regarding the accusations against Blansett, Pierotti (pictured, center) or Johnson (pictured, right).
“Those KU professors you mentioned are indeed ethnic frauds pretending to be American Indians,” director and co-founder Lianna Costantino said via email. “They are not. Their genealogy is up on our website.”
The Fix reached out to University of Kansas media relations as well as Blansett, Johnson, and Pierotti by email asking for comment on the accusations. Neither KU, Johnson nor Blansett responded.
Pierotti responded July 25 with a statement defending his work at KU.
“I am proud of the record I have accomplished, none of which depends on any of the accusations made,” Pierotti wrote.

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The only way you can get busted on this is if your family rats you out.
Someone shows up with a public record ancestry, “My family would really like you to keep my ancestors rape out of the public if you don’t mind.”
The only way to disprove, is a DNA test. “Fine, I’ll take one, right after you make everyone else’s working here public. Do you want everyone to know if there is creme in your coffee?”
I won’t downvote this, because I can’t even follow who is presumably saying what to whom, here.
No. The above comment is not true and was obviously written by someone who is not an American indian. When you claim to be Cherokee in public, you have just opened up a public discussion into your ancestry.
Being Cherokee is not just about race, it is about a legal political status, being a citizen of a Sovereign Nation recognized by the United States as such.
Can you work in the United States without proving that you’re a citizen of the United States or having a valid green card? No. Can You waltz into Germany and claim to be a German citizen and expect people to take you seriously if you are not? No. Nor can you claim to be Cherokee without being a citizen of one of our three federally recognized Sovereign tribal Nations or a recognized descendant, backed up with documentation.
We don’t use DNA. Unless you are talking about something like a paternity test or forensics. We use genealogy, kinship, community belonging.
You claim to be Cherokee? Do the Cherokee people claim you back? That’s the question. These three professors are absolute frauds. Not one of them has anything to back up their claims of being American Indians upon. If they did, after all these accusations and all the proof presented, why would they have shown it?
It’s not because they value their privacy. All of our ancestries are public knowledge. Anybody can look up anybody else’s genealogy. People have looked up mine. There’s nothing there to hide. Nothing whatsoever. It’s not a state secret.
The only reason someone would want to hide their genealogy is if they are not who they say they are…. There’s your first red flag of many.
So whether or not you put cream in your coffee is a ridiculous analogy here. Whether you are lying about being an American Indian person and making a career based on that lie, defrauding all your students for decades, living the life of a con man and red face, that’s the question here. It’s a simple question.
Blansett, Pierotti and Johnson are conmen.
“So whether or not you put cream in your coffee is a ridiculous analogy here. ”
It’s not an analogy, it’s a euphemism for racial mixing, But I still don’t follow it.
Go back to second grade then. It’s not that difficult.
alright, Lo.
“[Professor] Jay Johnson in the department of geography”
Well, you can call me Jay… or you can call me Ray Jay… or you can call me Red Moon Setting…
I am an American mutt. My heritage is primarily Scottish, French, some English, Dutch, and Irish with a smidge of Spanish. The only other heritage marker was from my great grandmother that was Colorado Ute. I am registered with the Nation but I don’t throw my Ute Nation card. I am an American who is also a retired USAF veteran.
It pisses me off when politicians try to pass themselves off as Native American. Let’s see the Nation records or it didn’t happen. BTW: I would like to see all college and professional sporting teams to be named after the indigenous tribes of their area. FSU is a shining example of embracing the Seminole Nation and the Nation is proud to represent FSU.
Racist drivel.
Trollish snarkism.