Rutgers University to Disenroll Students Who Don’t Comply With COVID Vaccine Policy
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Rutgers University to Disenroll Students Who Don’t Comply With COVID Vaccine Policy

Rutgers University to Disenroll Students Who Don’t Comply With COVID Vaccine Policy

“Of the 2,679 four-year colleges and universities across the country, Rutgers remains one of the fewer than 100 universities that will not let go of COVID vaccine mandates.”

It’s amazing that this is still going on in 2023. Why do students put up with it?

The Blaze reports:

Rutgers University to disenroll students who don’t comply with COVID vaccine mandate

Rutgers University has said that it will disenroll students who do not adhere to the school’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for the upcoming school year. The policy is set to take effect on August 15, 2023.

However, Rutgers has gone back and forth on its COVID policies over the past two years. The Brownstone Institute reported that on March 25, 2021, Rutgers became the first university in the country to announce it would require students to get the COVID vaccine ahead of the fall 2021 school year. But this policy was instituted only after the school retracted a prior statement earlier that year, which said, “With our stance of human liberties and our history of protecting that, the vaccine is not mandatory.”

Rutgers, even now, continues to claim that it has a “commitment to health and safety for all members of its community,” even though Rochelle Walensky issued a press release on July 30, 2021, that the COVID vaccines do not prevent contracting the illness.

Despite the press release, Rutgers announced in January 2022 a booster mandate that students had to abide by before January 31. This left currently enrolled students little choice but to go along with the mandate in order to stay enrolled.

Of the 2,679 four-year colleges and universities across the country, Rutgers remains one of the fewer than 100 universities that will not let go of COVID vaccine mandates.


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Covid vax=loyalty oath.

Time to find a college that has a clue. I wouldn’t want to send anyone to a college that has that policy.

Also today: Crisis in the Cockpit: Three Airline Pilots ‘Die Suddenly’ in a Week

Last week we witnessed **3** major airline pilots “die suddenly” — two of them mid flight…
This is UNPRECEDENTED in aviation history…
Since April 2021 I have seen more than 30 condolence tables at Lufthansa, Frankfurt and Munich. From active crew members. BEFORE 2021 it was maybe 1-3/year. There have NEVER been five condolence tables at once!

Pharma very powerful in NJ
Always has been

Cancer rate very high in NJ
Always has been

The mRNA jabs are associated with increased risk of cancer and miscarriage, in addition to nontrivial myocarditis.

It will be interesting to observe rates of these conditions amongst Rutgers students going forward.


    They’re gearing up again. According to a friend who works for a medical corporation (deliberately being vague here), there are tons of vaccines left. People stopped getting vaccines and boosters as the bad news started coming out about them. The vaccine companies are experiencing financial losses, which means they have to push it where they can. I would check and see who Rutgers’ major donors are and if Pfizer, for example, has a lot of research partners on the campus.

    If you have been paying attention to NBC and mainstream sources, there is rumbling about a covid “variant” that threatens life as we know it coming this fall, probably just in time for Christmas. You wanna bet that the vaccine mandates will be back in place?

There are plenty of other colleges willing to take them right now.