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Resident Assistants at Tufts University Threaten to Strike on Move-in Day

Resident Assistants at Tufts University Threaten to Strike on Move-in Day

“If a deal is not reached by Tuesday, which is when all Tufts students who did not participate in pre-orientation move in, the RAs will go on strike.”

The timing of this action seems pretty obvious, doesn’t it?

WCVB News reports:

RAs at Tufts University threaten to strike on student move-in day

As Massachusetts college students prepare to head back to campus this week, resident assistants — also known as resident advisors and commonly referred to as RAs — at one university are preparing to strike in on move-in day.

The United Labor of Tufts Resident Assistants union states its members overwhelmingly voted in favor of authorizing a strike if the university does not meet the union’s demand for more compensation.

If a deal is not reached by Tuesday, which is when all Tufts students who did not participate in pre-orientation move in, the RAs will go on strike.

In a statement sent to NewsCenter 5, Tufts University said it is prepared with a move-in day contingency plan in case the RAs go on strike.

“As we have gone through the bargaining process, we have benchmarked what our peer institutions offer resident assistants,” the statement reads in part. “We believe that a room and board plan both aligns with our values as an institution and is in line with best practices and industry standards across higher education.”


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“The United Labor of Tufts Resident Assistants union”
Take me now, Jesus.

The Gentle Grizzly | August 28, 2023 at 9:37 pm

Will anyone notice?

Let them go out on strike. And if they were getting a break on their own housing for serving in that capacity, revoke it and bill them for the balance subject to having their degrees withheld if they do not pay, or evict them, fire them and hire others. Or better yet, come to the realization that they will be missed about as much as the actors and writers on strike are being missed, which is not at all. Maybe without these uber-snowflakes, the incoming student snowflakes will grow up faster.

Move-in day is a medium pressure point. The maximum pressure point is to strike during Homecoming weekend, and issue the statement, “Dear dorm residents, this coming weekend we are going on strike, so we will not be in a position to monitor conduct violations, prevent you from having guests stay over in your rooms, help you with calling for emergency transportation in case of any medical situations, etc. ”

“Please member that student health and safety is Tufts’ top priority.”

Easy answer. “Very well your services are no longer needed and you are expelled from this institution.”

Next Campus announcement: Student Job Openings!