Report: Biden Planning to Ask Congress for $13 Billion for Ukraine

Reports indicate the Biden administration will ask Congress for $20 billion in aid for numerous countries.

$13 billion is for Ukraine.

I bet it goes through even though more and more people have grown exhausted over all the money poured into Ukraine, especially since no one is keeping track of how anyone is spending the money:

Lawmakers in both parties have clamored for more Ukraine aid, determined to honor a U.S. commitment to helping the country in its grueling war against Russian aggression that looks likely to continue throughout the rest of the year. But staunch conservatives in both chambers, particularly in the House, are vehemently opposed to giving Ukraine another dime without a fuller accounting of how the $43 billion in assistance already allocated to the country has been spent.Both Ukraine aid and disaster relief enjoy bipartisan support, however, and the funds could help shore up backing for a stopgap spending bill that averts a government shutdown in October.Passing a short-term funding patch with emergency cash attached still presents a number of politically tricky hurdles for Congress to clear, given GOP hardliners have already signaled they would reject a stopgap that fails to enact steep spending cuts. Ukraine aid is likely to further alienate that group.

I forgot we have a Ukraine Caucus:

In an interview Wednesday, Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.), a senior appropriator and co-chair of the Ukraine Caucus, said he wanted enough aid to last the allied country an entire year “to send a message to [Vladimir] Putin, and our allies and Ukraine that we’re in this for the long haul.” He predicted that moderate Republicans and Democrats will get the funding over the finish line.“It’s calculus; there are multiple variables that are intertwined and it comes at a difficult time,” he said. “The guys I talk to in the Republican party, and I’m an appropriator, say, ‘Oh no, we’re going to get this done.’ That’s what gives me hope.”The money will also set Kyiv up for months of continued military operations, as critical supplies of artillery ammunition and other supplies run low due to heavy fighting and stiff Russian resistance along hundreds of miles of front lines.

We’ve sent Ukraine $123 billion since last year.

By the way, the Pentagon still has $6.2 billion in an account specifically for Ukraine. That will likely run out by the fall because we cannot stop sending the country our money.

Tags: Biden Administration, Congress, Defense Department, Ukraine