Penn State Prof Sues School for Allegedly ‘Discriminating Against Him for Being White’
“After De Piero was hired, he said he almost immediately felt pressure from faculty to conform to their political viewpoints”

This professor brings up the ‘anti-racist’ movement at the school, and we all know what that means.
Campus Reform reports:
Penn State English prof sues university for discriminating against him for being White
Zack K. De Piero, a White English professor formerly employed by Penn State University, Abington, resigned from his position and filed a federal lawsuit against the university, alleging discrimination based on his race.
After De Piero was hired, he said he almost immediately felt pressure from faculty to conform to their political viewpoints and was expected to teach “that the English language itself is ‘racist’ and, furthermore, that white supremacy exists in the teaching of writing of English,” his lawsuit reads.
“As time went on, the ‘antiracist’ movement continued gaining more power and traction at Penn State Abington to the point of pretty much becoming entrenched in the centralized mission of the school,” De Piero said in an interview with Campus Reform.
“After I raised important questions about it during various meetings, my personal relationships with Abington colleagues dwindled down to only a few people,” he added.
The lawsuit says that the “antiracist” activism of the defendants reached a high after the murder of George Floyd in May 2020.
During a Zoom meeting on June 5, 2020, faculty were led through a breathing exercise when white and non-Black people of color were asked to hold their breath “to feel the pain” of their Black counterparts.
According to the lawsuit, De Piero received multiple emails from supervisors of the writing program at Penn State Abington in October 2020 to watch a video entitled “White Teachers Are a Problem.”

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As reported here, this seems closer to a forced speech case than a race discrimination case. Presumably there is some history of adverse employment action if he’s bringing a discrimination case.
“Hostile work environment.”
He resigned? Is he claiming constructive dismissal? Voluntary resignation seems stupid, you risk mooting your unlawful dismissal case.