Our 50,000th Post at Legal Insurrection
We are approaching our 15th Anniversary in October. Shocking, actually.
I noticed this completely by accident.
Last night I published a post about a 9th Circuit decision.
While going through our Dashboard for other reasons, I noticed this:
Legal Insurrection’s first post was October 12, 2008.
You know I’m bad at math, so help me out. What does that equate to in terms of average posts per year/month/week/day since then?
We are approaching our 15th Anniversary in October. Shocking, actually.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
These have been an amazing 15 years of changes in the use of the rule of law, politics, and social revolution.
It’s been a long, strange trip. I’m glad I had you for company.
Slightly more than two posts a day.
Huh: I’m calculating a 15-year average of about 9 per day, 60-or-so per week. Which feels about right, by my almost-daily experience. (More so than only two a day.)
Thank you Professor J., writers/posters, editors, staff … and of course all you regular loyal followers out there.
Here’s to the next 50k.
And I thank LI for each and every one of them.