Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt’s Executive Order Protects Women’s Spaces, Defines Female and Mother

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt became the first governor to issue an executive order that protects women-only spaces along with defining females and males.

“I am taking decisive executive action to ensure the true definition of the word woman, meaning a biological woman, is what guides the state as we reaffirm our commitment to ensuring the safety, dignity, and sanctity of women across Oklahoma,” said the governor. “As long as I’m governor, we will continue to protect women and ensure women-only spaces are reserved solely for biological women.”

The order defines a female as one with a reproductive system “designed to produce ova.” It defines a male as one with a reproductive system “designed to fertilize the ova of a female.”

The executive order states that woman and girl will only be used to describe a biological female while man and boy will be used for biological males.

A mother is defined as a biological female with a child or children. Father is defined “as a male parent of a child or children.”

Unless there is another law, agencies must “provide governmental services in single-sex environments where biology, privacy, and personal dignity are implicated.”

Therefore, schools must have “dedicated restrooms and locker room facilities for boys and girls, respectively.”

Riley Gaines, a prominent out-spoken critic, stood next to Stitt as he signed the order.

“Biological differences must be respected in the law to ensure female-only spaces have a future,” said Gaines. “It is sad that such basic truths must be spelled out to ensure equal protection, but I applaud Governor Stitt for taking decisive action today. Establishing common language by way of the Women’s Bill of Rights is a way of saying enough is enough: Oklahoman women deserve equal opportunity, privacy, and safety, and this order will help deliver it.”

It is sad that it has to be said. Follow the science, though, you guys.

Tags: Education, LGBT, Oklahoma, Sports, Transgender