McHenry County College in Illinois Offers ‘Talking Dirty’ Course

Does anyone really need a college course for this?

FOX News reports:

College offers ‘Talking Dirty’ course that asks ‘why men rape’ and gives extra credit for STD testsAn Illinois college is offering a course called “Talking Dirty” that gives extra credit to students who undergo STD testing and covers various topics, including foreplay, BDSM and the morality of abortion.A flyer for the McHenry County College course, posted online by Campus Reform, shows a woman in lingerie and a man with his shirt off tenderly embracing.”Yes, this class is all about sex—what’s not to like?” the flyer reads. “Join in this fascinating study of ethics as it relates to the many forms and facets of human sexuality.”The class is considered a “twofer,” allowing students to “complete two classes in one time slot” as part of their graduation credit requirements. The course is a hybrid between the Philosophy 251 “Intro to Ethics” and Psychology 175 “Human Sexuality” courses.The online syllabus warns that the course is “not a class to pick up chicks” and instead, students will be asked to address and ponder questions such as “Should prostitution be a crime” and “What is the moral status of a fetus.”Professors Christine Greta and Tim Seitz teach the course which will include lessons on foreplay, genital cutting, abortion, BDSM, porn, and “Why men rape.”It is intended to help students “better understand their own sexual needs and behaviors” and appreciate various facets of sex relating to an individual’s sexual orientation, race, religion, age and gender.The course will also cover virginity, paraphilias, and virginity and provide students extra credit if they provide professors with evidence that they underwent STD testing.

Tags: College Insurrection, Illinois