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Iran Forces Women, Minor Girls into Psychiatric Treatment for Defying Hijab Laws

Iran Forces Women, Minor Girls into Psychiatric Treatment for Defying Hijab Laws

France24 TV channel: Iran’s “Education Minister Youssef Nouri admitted that schoolchildren were being detained in the streets or at school and held in “medical psychological centres” where they were “re-educated” to prevent “anti-social” behaviour.”

The Iranian regime is subjecting women and girls to psychiatric confinement for daring to defy the Sharia-mandated Hijab Laws, the public broadcaster France24 reported Sunday.

According to the Iranian regime’s own admission, minor girls were being forced into psychiatric treatment for refusing to wear a hijab, or the Islamic headscarf. Iran’s “Education Minister Youssef Nouri admitted that schoolchildren were being detained in the streets or at school and held in “medical psychological centres” where they were “re-educated” to prevent “anti-social behaviour,” the French TV noted.

The shocking revelations come to light as Iran tightens the enforcement of the Sharia dress code for women despite nearly 11 months of anti-regime protests. Last month, the Morality Police were back on the streets looking for women violating the Hijab Laws. More than 500 Iranian died and around 20,000 were arrested since the nationwide protests erupted after 22-year-old Iranian woman, Mahsa Amini, died at the hands of the Morality Police in mid-September 2022 for not wearing her headscarf properly.

France24 reported:

In a symbolic act of defiance, Iranian actress Afsaneh Bayegan has repeatedly posted photos of her unveiled hair on Instagram, and recently attended a public ceremony without a hijab.

The move irked Iranian authorities, who have been looking for new ways to force women into covering their hair. Bayegan, 61, was given a two-year suspended prison sentence and ordered to visit a “psychological centre” once a week to “treat her anti-family personality disorder”, the country’s Fars News Agency reported on July 19.

Many Iranian women have chosen to start showing their hair since the death of Mahsa Amini in September 2022 after being detained by Iran’s morality police for “improperly” wearing her headscarf. Iranian celebrities, athletes and actresses have followed suit in solidarity.

“The sentence that [Bayegan] was given sets an example,” explains Azadeh Kian, an Iran specialist and professor of political science at Université Paris Cité. Bayegan was one of Iran’s first cinema stars after the Islamic Revolution in 1979 and is a respected figure on Iranian television.

Bayegan’s case is not an isolated one. Iranian judges recently “diagnosed” Iranian actress Azadeh Samadi with an “antisocial personality disorder” after she wore a hat instead of a hijab at a funeral. Samadi will also have to seek therapy weekly in a “psychological centre”.

At the start of July, a Tehran court sentenced a woman to two months in prison and six months of psychological treatment for “a contagious psychological disorder that leads to sexual promiscuity” because she didn’t wear a hijab.

The surge in sentences forcing women to undergo psychological treatment has alarmed the Iranian psychiatric sector. In an open letter sent to the head of the country’s judiciary, Gholam-Hossein Mohseni Ejei, on July 23, the presidents of four mental health organisations accused authorities of “exploiting psychiatry” for other purposes.

“Diagnosing mental health disorders is the responsibility of psychiatrists, not judges,” they decried.

Their concerns are all the more serious given that even young children are not being spared. At the peak of the anti-government protests that broke out in Iran following Mahsa Amini’s death, Education Minister Youssef Nouri admitted that schoolchildren were being detained in the streets or at school and held in “medical psychological centres” where they were “re-educated” to prevent “anti-social” behaviour.

Besides ramping up Hijab patrols, the regime is deploying Chinese surveillance technology to identify and prosecute women violating the Islamic dress code. China’s Communist regime also trains the Iranian security forces to clamp down on dissent.

“Facial recognition technology and powerful tools for video and crowd surveillance, phone and text monitoring have all been supplied by Chinese companies, while Iranian government officials have reportedly received training on matters such as ‘manipulating public opinion,'” the France-based TV channel Euronews reported in April.

Much like the Soviet Union, China weaponizes psychiatry to torture its ideological opponents. Communist regimes throughout history have abused psychiatric institutions to lock-up dissidents and discredit criticism. With the military and strategic axis emerging between Shia-Islamic Iran and Communist China, Tehran appears to be perfecting the tools of suppression.


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And feminists around the world


They cowered for Covid, pretty sure the feminists would gladly put on a hijab

I see this at the mosque kiddie corner from me… love how the churches sell out to the Islamics.

I don’t have many Muslims living by me, but this is what they do, buy the churches, cause we are such a God fearing Country and then start buying houses in the area.

Been living here a long time but it will be time to move soon.

That’s less cruel than puberty blockers, hormone treatments and surgically cutting off their girl parts like we’re doing here.

    rhhardin in reply to jimincalif. | August 10, 2023 at 6:12 pm

    They do cut off their girl parts, google fgm iran.

    Well, they DO cut off certain girl parts….

    But they’d never use puberty blockers. Or hormone treatments, except maybe to make girls more fertile for their husbands.

    retiredcantbefired in reply to jimincalif. | August 10, 2023 at 10:54 pm

    The Iranian regime prefers trans people to cisgender gays. (Gay men are often executed.)

    I don’t know where the Ayatollah Khamenei extracted such a preference from Shi’ite theology and fiqh, but he managed it.

    Whether the regime favors hormones and surgery for the prepubescent is another matter. Does anyone know where they stand on that?

    — And dooming women to be childless, marriageless, working-stiffs who will likely kill themselves as they get older.

BigRosieGreenbaum | August 10, 2023 at 5:51 pm

No condemnation from the UN? Maybe we need to send arms to Iranian women. I’m wondering when we’ll start up with this Chinese spy tech stuff here.

They don’t need anything about hijabs. The crazy vs hot diagram starts at 4.

Where are all the feminist “Handmaid’s Tale” protesters over this?

Totalitarian regimes often use psychological illness as a excuse to lock up opponents

“minor girls were being forced into psychiatric treatment for refusing to wear a hijab”
Them ‘n all they droogs, too.

nordic prince | August 10, 2023 at 7:34 pm

Not that different from the mask insanity.

Totalitarians do not tolerate opposition.

Iran’s leadership is chummy with a Russian regime headed by an ex-KeyGeyBeynik. Putting dissidents in insane asylums was a long-standing Soviet practice; now Iran has adopted it.

No kidding: when they’re done with the women in Iran, can we borrow the shrinks to help with the crazy women here?

E Howard Hunt | August 11, 2023 at 12:33 am

Hey, I’ll take it any day over crazy American teachers secretly mutilating innocent pupils’ sex organs.

Suburban Farm Guy | August 11, 2023 at 7:29 am

You don’t have to be crazy to defy a totalitarian religious fanatic regime, but it helps.

Somewhere we need a balance between confining people who want their human freedom vs not confining dangerous lunatic psychos and having them living all over the streets. Beam me up, Scotty…

I wouldn’t call Quran recitations and, most likely, beatings and rape “psychiatric treatment”.

Sounds like what the Soviets did with dissidents.