Gender Studies Prof in Canada Claims Combating Obesity is ‘Fatphobic’
“What makes this moment different from the others, however, is the dangerous rhetoric in which it is lodged.”

Isn’t it ‘settled science’ that being obese is bad for your physical health?
FOX News reports:
Gender studies professor claims combatting [sic] obesity is ‘fatphobic,’ blasts agenda against fatness
A Canadian professor who specializes in “fat studies” claimed that aiming for an obesity-free future was “fatphobic” and blasted the “biopolitics” agenda as an attack against fat people.
Fady Shanouda is an associate professor at the Feminist Institute of Social Transformation at Carleton University in Canada. Shanouda “draws on feminist new materialism” to examine the intersections between “fat studies, “colonialism, racism…, and queer- and transphobia.”
The Critical Disability Studies scholar wrote that it was “fatphobic” to have a public health conversation and to tamp down on obesity, according to a Monday article in The Conversation.
Being overweight or obese increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, joint problems, liver disease, gallstones, some types of cancer, and sleep and breathing problems, according to the NIH.
In particular, Shanouda believes the marketing of the drug Ozempic – as a method to combat obesity – was the latest example of fatphobia in the culture.
“The latest wonder drug… [was] invented to help diabetics regulate blood glucose levels, but has the notable side-effect of severe weight loss. It has been heralded by many to culminate in the elimination of fat bodies. The fatphobia that undergirds such a proclamation isn’t new,” Shanouda said.
“What makes this moment different from the others, however, is the dangerous rhetoric in which it is lodged. This rhetoric elevates the banal and commonplace fat-shaming that fat people must endure and resist to an unprecedented level,” the professor added.

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“Fady Shanouda (he/him) is a Critical Disability Studies scholar whose research examines disabled and mad students’ experiences in higher education. His scholarly contributions lie at the theoretical and pedagogical intersections of Disability, Mad, and Fat Studies and include socio-historical examinations that surface the interconnections of colonialism, racism, ableism/sanism and fatphobia. He has published scholarly articles on disability/mad-related issues in higher education, Canadian disability history, the anti-fat bias in medicine, and community-based learning.“
In other words (s)he is a real pain in the ass.
“Shanouda “draws on feminist new materialism” to examine the intersections between “fat studies, “colonialism, racism…, and queer- and transphobia.”
Marxist word salad from Fady Pants.
How much you wanna bet that s(he) earns a bit more salary for every ism and bia listed in he(r) teaching contract?
Look up that thing’s picture. Yikes!
I did. Now I wish I hadn’t. Ugly, with a capital Ugh.
Shut up and get a real job.
If only…. If only its parents hadn’t named it ‘Fatty.’ Better yet, if only they’d gotten an abortion instead. The world would not be burdened by this freak, who now only exists to drag everything down to its sub-moron level. Sad. Really sad
The professor’s picture is shown in this link:
Someting tells me he was born she. Obesity is a very real health concern. Which can and should be addressed without treating overweight and obese persons like lepers. A person’s weight is not the single measure of health but it sure can be like the canary in the coalmine as a warning of potential serious disease and syndromes.
I don’t get the same feeling looking at that picture… but if so, then she was probably not assigned Fady at birth, either.
Fine. It is fatphobic. When did that become a bad thing?
Everything phobic is now a bad thing . Except hoplophobia, that’s a good thing.
Is the name misspelled? Should it be Fatty, as in Arbuckle, instead?