FBI Richmond Office Worked With ‘Multiple Field Offices’ to Produce Memo Targeting ‘Radical Traditionalist Catholics’
“…we now know that the FBI relied on information from around the country—including a liaison contact in the FBI’s Portland Field Office and reporting from the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office.”

I’m shocked, I’m telling you. SHOCKED.
You mean to tell me the FBI Richmond Field Office targeting us radical traditional Catholics wasn’t a one off thing?
Nope! Christopher Dunham, FBI Acting Assistant Director, told House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan that the Richmond office worked with multiple field offices to produce the memo targeting “radical traditionalist Catholics”:
The Committee on the Judiciary is continuing to conduct oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) assessment of traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists. From information recently produced to the Committee, we now know that the FBI relied on information from around the country—including a liaison contact in the FBI’s Portland Field Office and reporting from the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office—to develop its assessment. This new information suggests that the FBI’s use of its law enforcement capabilities to intrude on American’s First Amendment rights is more widespread than initially suspected and reveals inconsistencies with your previous testimony before the Committee. Given this startling new information, we write to request additional information to advance our oversight.
However, the document given to the committee is redacted. Jordan told Wray the committee keeps asking for the unredacted version.
The redacted version gave the committee enough information to pinpoint what information the three field offices exchanged:
The document cited reporting from an “FBI Portland liaison contact with indirect access” who informed on a “deceased [Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremist (RMVE)] subject” who had “sought out a mainline Roman Catholic community” and then “gravitated to [Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX)].” In addition, the document noted how an FBI undercover employee with “direct access” reported on a subject who “attended the SSPX-affiliated [redacted] Church in [redacted] California, for over a year prior to his relocation.” The document states that FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office initiated an investigation on the “RMVE subject.” Most concerning of all the newly produced version of the document explicitly states that FBI Richmond “[c]oordinated with” FBI Portland in preparing the assessment. Thus, it appears that both FBI Portland and FBI Los Angeles field offices were involved in or contributed to the creation of FBI’s assessment of traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists.
The Judiciary Committee already asked Wray to correct his testimony regarding free speech.
Jordan wants Wray to amend his testimony about the Richmond field office as well.
Jordan also wants all the documents and information related to:
1. All documents and communications between the FBI’s Richmond Field Office and the FBI’s Portland Field Office referring or relating to the reporting cited in the January 23, 2023, Domain Prospective, entitled “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities”;
2. All documents and communications between the FBI’s Richmond Field Office and the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office referring or relating to the reporting cited in the January 23, 2023, Domain Prospective, entitled “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities”;
3. A list of FBI intelligence products that have also cited the reporting done by the FBI’s Richmond Field Office and the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office, as well as any other investigations initiated based on the same; and
4. Confirm the placement and access of the FBI’s Portland Field Office liaison contact with indirect access and the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office Undercover Employee with direct access.
Just a reminder that we are still seeing Catholic Churches vandalized and ruined since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Not a peep from the FBI.
The number is between 260 and 324.
But we’re the radicals because some of us still choose the Latin Mass and wear veils to Mass. We like to keep some of the traditions from before Vatican II.
Pending piece – @FBI crossing the Rubicon on 1A protection – freedom of religion.
"There may be limits to the level of engagement between [Radical Traditionalist Catholics] and OTHER far-right white nationalists…"
You prefer a Pre-Vatican II Latin Mass? #WhiteSupremacy https://t.co/8bx5dPeP3I pic.twitter.com/d4m6wrxdyM
— Kyle Seraphin (@KyleSeraphin) February 8, 2023

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Director Wray testified that he had Top Men looking into the memo. Who? Top Men.
When asked if he would definitely allow the committee to see the unredacted report and speak to the investigators, he said maybe.
Wray lied under oath. What will happen? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Jordan will have some nifty sound bites but in the end not one damn thing will change.
I am ready to leave but the big question is where can I go that will be any better?
Earlier today I encountered a blog thread discussing if it was just a corrupt minority of FBI agents who ignored the law and Constitution, or if the entire organization was loyal to the Nomenklatura and the Narrative to the exclusion of the Constitution, country, and the American people. I think the question has been answered. Now there is the matter of what to do about the conditions now existing on the ground.
Subotai Bahadur
What needs doing is obvious. Unfortunately, there is no one in Washington with the spine to actually do it.
More importantly, you’ll never be able to elect anyone that has the spine to do it. The system will not allow it
When the soap boxes, jury boxes, and ballot boxes are all broken, we’re down to the last box.
One that doesn’t have the Amazon Smile on it.
Wray and his subordinates need to be fitted for stripped suits.
Come on now. Wray was hand picked by Trump. /s
Shhhhh! We Don’t Talk Of Such Things.
Orwell would certainly appreciate this complete contradiction in terms being used to justify more totalitarian police state actions. Radical Traditionalist indeed.
They’re crossing the Rubicon on this? How many times do we have to cross the Rubicon? Do we just keep re-crossing the same Rubicon or are there several? Actually, I don’t think you can do that. Once you’ve crossed into police state territory you’re there to stay.
Unless you fight your way out. Thank you founding fathers for 2A.
Are there plans for us radical Presbyterians?
I think conservative Presbyterians are too few in number these days to be of interest to the bad guys.
There are fewer than a million of us in my denomination so maybe that’s not so bad.
Aren’t those low numbers ‘predestined’? /S
Come join us “frozen chosen”!
I think NAPARC is around half a million, all told. More than half of which is the PCA. I am in the ARP and I think we are a bit less than 50,000.
Don’t know about that but if I know my totalitarians, I suspect the Jewish faith is in the crosshairs too.
I’ve suspected over the years that when a known Jew is considered for a sensitive position where a clearance is needed, The Au THOR uhh Tees, spend extra time vetting them.
As for vetting Presbyterians: I’m also sure that people from Good Families of the Proper Faith are hardly vetted at all.
Nobody is coming for your golf clubs.
Does anyone else see a disturbing similarity between this and Jews being ‘investigated’ by Hitler’s minions?
I have from the start, and suspect that the only reason Jews aren’t being spied on (that we know of) is, Jews will scream their heads off and get a LOT of media coverage were it to come out. Why? I will use the popular phrasing where prepositions are optional: Because Holocaust.
Aren’t they already harassing the Amish? Like vaccine mandates during covid and that sort of thing.
I suspect “our” Stassi has spies in the Mennonites and other denominations that are off the beaten path.
“That’s some authentic sounding Latin!”
Biden/Pelosi Catholics are just fine, but people who actually believe in God are a threat. Almost all so-called Catholics are not in communion with the church, but the regime wants the few faithful to suffer the eternal flames of hell with them. Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
Religion is, so often, the cause of wars and of massacres. Wanting to remain authentic here, does anyone know the Latin word for Pogrom?