Biden Allies Showing Biden is Fit for Presidency With Photoshopped Pictures

Townhall’s John Hasson discovered that Joe Biden’s allies want to make the 80-year-old president appear fit to serve a second term with photoshopped pictures.

Democratic strategist Chris D. Jackson started it.

Democrats and Biden’s friends ate up the tweet.

But there’s one problem. Someone changed the Biden picture:

Originally from Getty Pictures, the photograph had been altered to make Biden appear younger. The edits become abundantly clear when you compare the image’s original Getty copy (on the left) with Jackson’s image (on the right).

So many more pictures, too:

While Jackson’s July 8 tweet featured the most drastic edits compared to the other photoshopped images, the other edited pictures all follow the same pattern: they add color to Biden’s face, smooth his wrinkles, and exaggerate Biden’s smile (or as shown, add a smile where none exists). In each case, the result is a version of Biden that seems more youthful and ruddy compared to the president’s actual appearance.

They think photoshopping pictures will help. When people say that Biden is too old or unfit to be president, they mean more than his physical fitness.

I noticed how they cannot or at least have not tried to debunk the falls, gaffes, getting lost on stage, notes on podiums, etc.

I believe we’re all more concerned about his cognitive issues.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Biden Congress, Democrats