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University of California System Looking to Increase Tuition by 6% Every year

University of California System Looking to Increase Tuition by 6% Every year

“the proposal would generate $840 million in revenue over five years”

As we recently noted, college tuition has gone up at an outrageous rate over the years.

FOX News reports:

California State University system considers increasing tuition 6% every year

California’s public university system is looking to increase its tuition for the 2024-2025 school year.

According to California State University’s website, the university is considering a “multi-year tuition proposal.” The website states that the proposal is a “revenue sustainability plan for system-wide tuition, nonresident tuition and the graduate business professional program fee.”

“The CSU’s first priority and commitment continues to be to pursue full funding from the state and to collaborate with partners across the system to make the case in Sacramento for the level of new funding that supports student success,” a statement on the proposal reads.

The proposal would impose an annual 6% tuition increase that is projected to “generate hundreds of millions of dollars.”

The proposal is expected to generate $148 million in revenue in the first year. CSU officials also plan to use that revenue to allocate $49 million to CSU’s State University Grant (SUG) program, a financial aid support program for low-income students.

Furthermore, the proposal would generate $840 million in revenue over five years.

The first increase in the 2024-25 academic year would be $342 for full-time undergraduate students.

Under the proposal, full-time undergraduate students would increase tuition from $5,742 to $6,084 in the first year. After that, tuition would increase by 6% each subsequent year, resulting in a full-time undergraduate student paying $7,682 a year by the 2028-2029 academic year.


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Real estate always rises in value over time

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Annnddddd a college education pays for itself (lolol lolol lololol)

Got it?

Please correct the headline. The University of California and California State University systems are different, and CSU is the one proposing a tuition increase. UC isn’t.

DIE administrators and programs don’t come cheap.

Then again, anything that keeps innocent kids out of that hot bed of Marxism could be a good thing.

Here are the reasons for the increases:

Cal State needs $1.5 billion for equity and unions. Seriously.

The goal of equity is front and center. No one is mentioning labs or facilities. And degree programs may actually end up reduced because the article implies that Cal State will be looking at the costs the programs. (Remember that Bill Gates “Guided Pathways” is running the changes at the community college level in the state and you can get an idea what will get cut an what won’t.)

Mentioned in the article is that 1.5 billion is needed for:

1. Extra academic support for non-white students and improving graduation rates (equity) in a system that no longer looks at SAT scores for college entrance..

2. Money for housing and food for low income students (equity again).

3. Mental health facilities for low income students (see paragraph below)*

4. Teamsters Local 2010–wants raises

5, Professors union — wants 12% raises

Add to this the fact that 60% of Cal State students pay NO tuition because they are low income and get state or campus grants.

So the tuition hikes will fall on the 40% who come from households with middle class incomes. These aren’t super high incomes, just incomes not low enough to get free education. And remember, it’s California, so factor in those costs.

40% of the students will be paying for 100% of the gap and will get little in return for it except some teamsters and a few happier FT profs.

(BTW: No one mentioned the sea of adjuncts that float this system, so not sure if they will get raises or not. If they do, it won’t be monumental.)

Also mentioned is enrollment. Covid and the lockdowns trashed enrollment. That is part of the reason the schools are not getting as much money from the state. Not as many bodies in the seats.

Here’s the takeaway:

*”…today’s college learners are typically lower-income and require more financial aid and money for sudden homelessness, chronic hunger and mental health support.”

That’s equity and that’s what the gap is.

Compared to IL, California’s tuition is cheap!

IL is about $17,000.

In the late 1960’s, kids would want to become CA residents to save on tuition!