UN Chief Dials-Up #ClimateCrisis Panic: “Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived”

I have recently been noticing that “Climate Cult” dominoes have begun to fall:

All of these reports provides good evidence that the globalist push for green-energy-control of the world economy is failing.

Today we can add another story confirming that bureaucratic eco-activists are losing control of the narrative. The United Nations Secretary General is panicking and dialing-up the climate crisis hysteria.

The U.N. chief issued a stark warning on climate change this week: “The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived,” António Guterres declared in a news briefing, as scientists confirmed that July is set to become Earth’s hottest month on record.“Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning,” he said at a briefing at U.N. headquarters in New York on Thursday, as he described “children swept away by monsoon rains, families running from the flames [and] workers collapsing in scorching heat.”He added that data showed that “July has already seen the hottest three-week period ever recorded; the three hottest days on record; and the highest-ever ocean temperatures for this time of year.”

Was Guterres  confused between 100 degrees Fahrenheit (the temperature of a very hot day in San Diego) and 100 degrees Celsius (the actual boiling temperature of water)? In any case, I believe that if people were still buying the global warming pseudoscience, the Secretary General would not be engaging is mock-worthy histrionics.

Clearly, a more sober look at this historic data puts a substantially cooler perspective on this subject.

Many people are beginning to catch on to the data manipulation.

Support for the Green Movement is cratering, thanks in large part to climate activist antics.

It seems a fair amount of the general disgust has to do with the climate activists themselves. It turns out, half of your everyday Frauen und Herren are just tired of their virtue signaling, inconvenient as hell, mindlessly destructive theatrical BS.

Polling elsewhere shows that there is no sense of climate panic by the general public.

Opinion polls and the actions of countries around the globe prove once again climate change ranks behind most other issues in the public’s mind and certainly behind the economy.A story in the Washington Post (WaPo) notes that even amid the media’s blitzkrieg of climate alarm surrounding the present heatwave, most people are not clamoring for radical climate action:If proponents of climate policies thought this year’s scorching summer temperatures and extreme weather events would propel the world to embrace rapid action to lower greenhouse gas emissions, they were sorely mistaken. If there is to be any hope that governments might address this issue, they will need a new strategy.Around the world, nations are choosing to prioritize economic growth and national interest over climate policy.

The globalists are seeing their plans to apply the tactics learned from the  public acquiescence to tyrannical covid policies to obtain even more money, power, and control from climate crisis control completely boil away.

There are so many outstanding responses mocking the United Nations and “global boiling” I could share, but I would like to conclude with some favorites:

The only thing that appears truly “sustainable” is the inanity coming from the United Nations.

Tags: Climate Change, United Nations