Survey Finds 75 Percent of Students Would Report a Professor for Saying Something They Found Offensive
“the percentage of students who said they would report a professor was higher among self-identified liberal students”
This is so disturbing. We didn’t get to this point overnight, and it will take a long time to get past it.
Inside Higher Ed reports:
‘Teaching on Eggshells’: Students Report Professors’ Offensive Comments
Nearly three-quarters of all college students, regardless of their political affiliation, believe professors who make comments the students find offensive should be reported to the university, according to a new report.
A similar rate of students would also report their peers for making insulting or hurtful remarks.
The report by the Sheila and Robert Challey Institute for Global Innovation and Growth at North Dakota State University is based on a survey of 2,250 students from 131 public and private four-year institutions across the country and was released Wednesday.
Over all, the percentage of students who said they would report a professor was higher among self-identified liberal students (81 percent) than among self-identified conservative students (53 percent). Sixty-six percent of liberal students and 37 percent of conservative students said they would also report peers who made offensive comments.
John Bitzan, author of the report, said the survey findings are troubling and reflect continuing challenges on college campuses to encourage students to think critically and engage in healthy debates—with each other and with faculty members—over issues on which they disagree.
“Of any place, a university should be a place that is open to a variety of points of view, and traditionally the universities have been,” said Bitzan, who is also director of the institute and a professor of management. “To me, it’s alarming that students are saying, ‘You can’t have an opinion on something that differs from the correct or appropriate opinion without being reported to the university.’”
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This trend results entirely from the spinelessness of college administrators. If a student comes in and says “My prof just said there are only two sexes, and that offends me,” the administrator should say “Part of the education you get in college is the ability to hear views that don’t agree with yours, yet not need to retreat to a safe space and tell your Mommy.”
“1984” is a work of fiction, not an instruction manual.
“Whaaaaaah… WHAAAAAAAHHHH…!”
If I reported a professor for anything, odds are better than 99/100 that he would be a leftist crybaby to begin with, given that he’s a professor at all, so where’s the problem?