‘Sure Let Our Adversaries Know’: Anger Boils Over After Biden Reveals in Live Interview That America is Low on Ammunition

President Joe Biden admitted on live TV that he’s sending Ukraine cluster bombs because America is running low on ammunition:

Number two, the Ukrainians are running out of ammunition, the ammunition — they used to call them 155-millimeter weapons. This is a — this is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of those — that ammunition. And we’re low on it.And so what I finally did, took the recommendation of the Defense Department, to not permanently, but to allow for, in this transition period, where we get more 155 weapons, that — these shells, for Ukrainians to provide them with something that has a very low dud rate. It’s about one — I think it’s 150, which is the least likely to be blowing — and it’s not used in civilian areas.

Jim has written about our low ammunition:

I bet this is the last time we’ll hear from Brandon for a while. Biden has already shown us as weak, especially with his awful pullout from Afghanistan.

The administration said Putin is a war criminal for using controversial cluster bombs.

So we are sending awful weapons to Ukraine, and we have low ammunition.

Tags: Biden Defense Policy, China, Defense Department, Joe Biden, Military, Russia, Ukraine