San Francisco Reparations Panel Member Claims ‘Straight White Men are Serial Killers’

As the nation celebrates Independence Day and the freedoms enjoyed, thanks to straight white men who fought the Revolutionary War, news broke that a member of the infamous California Reparations Panel had a hot take on this race and gender group.

During an interview with Great Britain’s The Daily Telegraph, Nikcole Cunningham, a member of San Francisco’s 15-person African American Reparations Advisory Committee, launched into an epic tirade that was a spectacular blend of wokism, sexism, and racism.

“Straight white men are abusive. Straight white men are serial killers,” Cunningham told the news outlet. “They have the most — I watch these shows — the most serial killers. Straight white men are the ones who are shooting up schools, right?“So they are a danger to society,” she said, adding: “Not all of them.”Cunningham also claimed that “white supremacy is ingrained in the DNA in this country and definitely in this city.”The committee — which was established in 2020 to advise officials on how to address discrimination — seeks to grant each eligible black resident $5 million in reparations for slavery.Cunningham told the Telegraph that white people should be held accountable for the actions of slave owners as they are “still benefiting from the harms that… [their] ancestor[s] caused.”

Cunningham also asserts straight white men were harming efforts to empower black Americans in the face of systemic racism.

‘If anything, they pose more of a harm than support and help. And then you got to remember their ancestors… are the ones who were standing out here in their Sunday best watching black people hang and burn,’ she said.’So until white people come to grips with their ancestry too and make amends with them, to say, I want to be the change,’ she added.

Meanwhile, the reparations task force handed off its historic two-year report to state lawmakers last week. The wish list of demands from the panel encompassed over 1000 pages.

“This book of truth will be a legacy, will be a testament to the full story,” said Lisa Holder, a civil rights attorney and task force member. “Anyone who says that we are colorblind, that we have solved the problem of anti-Black animus and racism, I challenge you to read this document.”

This “legacy” includes banning police from enforcing public urination laws.

“A signification [sic] proportion of law enforcement contact with the public relates to low-level, non-violent offenses. Thus, for example, law enforcement is frequently tasked with enforcing public disorder offenses, such as illegal camping, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, minor trespass, and public urination.Although the subjects of these contacts are often experiencing homelessness, a mental health crisis, or both, the responding officers typically possess neither training nor expertise in working with these vulnerable populations,” the report charges.

The final “bill” from the reparations panel came in at $225 billion.

The figure is contingent on an “annual reparations amount of $159,792” calculated to take into account “the disproportionate years spent behind bars for African American” multiplied by “what a California state employee would have earned in a year on average (since incarcerated persons were forced, unpaid ’employees’ of the state).”“The Task Force’s experts then added compensation for loss of freedom, comparable to Japanese American World War II prisoners, and arrive at $159,792 per year of disproportionate incarceration in 2020 dollars.”According to this formula, California should pay over $225 billion in damages for alleged incarceration-related racism alone.

If the legislature agrees to this monstrosity, potential presidential aspirant Gov. Gavin Newsom will truly be between a rock and a hard place. Personally, I will enjoy the squirming as he brought it on himself by asking for the creation of this panel.

That Newsom is a straight white man is an extra irony bonus.

However, if this inanity moves forward, expect the number of Californians wanting to leave the state to increase from the 40% level that it is currently.

Tags: California, San Francisco