‘Progressive’ Democrats Freak Out as AOC Tepidly Backs Biden in 2024 “Given that field”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has come out with a less than ringing endorsement of Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden’s 2024 reelection bid, and her fellow socialists among the ‘progressive’ Democrats are freaking all the way out.

She stated she supports Biden . . . “given that field.” That field consists of New Age guru and genuine weirdo Marianne Williamson and decidedly liberal RFK, Jr. who appears to have more support on the populist right than he does among his fellow Democrats.

The Hill reports:

Ocasio-Cortez told the “Pod Save America” podcast Thursday she would support Biden, who faces two long-shot challengers in the 2024 Democratic primary.“I believe, given that field, yes,” Ocasio-Cortez said when asked whether she would support the incumbent president in the next election.“I think he’s done quite well, given the limitations that we have,” she added of Biden’s first three years in office. “I do think that there are ebbs and flows, as there are in any presidency.”

The Washington Examiner has more:

She praised both the American Rescue Plan and the Inflation Reduction Act that went into effect under Biden’s administration, adding that the IRA “was a massive step in terms of our climate agenda.”However, the New York Democrat said there are still areas of Biden’s presidency that need improvement.According to her, “We have major structural issues in this country.” The most important thing, she explained, is electing senators “that are willing to stand up and stare the filibuster in the eyes, and stare a lot of structural issues about the Senate in the United States. And it will be what holds back this country from an enormous amount of progress.”

AOC, of course, is a socialist, and she was a fervent supporter of self-proclaimed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders in 2020, so much so that she nominated him months after he had officially withdrawn from the race.

Just as Sanders had seemed poised to legitimately win the Democrat nomination, the party elite—fearing that he was unelectableshunted him to the side in favor of Biden.

Democrats who like to refer to themselves as “progressives” are furious that AOC is betraying the cause, and it’s hilarious.

Fox News reports:

Leftists on the [Twitter] platform accused the lawmaker of selling out her progressive and anti-war values with her decision to support the second presidential term of the Democratic Party leader who recently just approved of providing controversial cluster bombs for Ukraine’s war effort.Critics accused the Congresswoman of “maliciously” selling out working class voters with the endorsement.

Is it bad that I’m giggling at her mob turning on her? Something about reaping whirlwinds and just deserts.

Tags: 2024 Democratic Primaries, 2024 Elections, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Joe Biden