Newsweek Tries Riding to Joe Biden’s Rescue After Strange ‘Cancer Cure’ Claim

The closer we get to 2024, the more aggressive the mainstream media will be in trying to run interference for Joe Biden.

As evidence, we turn to a speech Biden gave earlier this week at the White House on his administration’s alleged efforts to expand access to mental health care. During his remarks, Biden brought up a question he says gets asked often related to “why Americans have sort of lost faith for a while on being — being able to do big things.”

Biden said he is sometimes asked, “If you could do anything at all, Joe, what would you do?” and that his answer was “I’d cure cancer.”

Strangely, Biden then declared that “We ended cancer as we know it.”


As much as we all would like to see cures for all forms of cancer, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Joe Biden has, in fact, not “ended cancer as we know it.” Not even close.

Though Biden was, understandably, pilloried by conservatives over his bizarre claim, the mainstream media and so-called “fact checkers” have been mostly quiet over the matter – except for Newsweek, which instead of pointing out that Biden proclaimed something that was inarguably untrue instead, tried to ride to Biden’s rescue by heavily relying on the White House’s official transcript of what he said (bolded emphasis added by me):

“One of the things I’m always asked is: You know, why—why Americans have sort of lost faith for awhile on being—being able to do big things,” Biden said, according to the official transcript of today’s speech.“‘If you could do anything at all, Joe, what would you do?’ I said, ‘I’d cure cancer,'” the president continued. “And they looked at me like, ‘Why cancer?’ Because no one thinks we can. That’s why. And we can. We can end cancer as we know it.”Conservatives, such as Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert, have spread a short clip of Biden’s speech on Twitter, claiming that the president said he “ended cancer as we know it.” In the nine-second video posted by Boebert, Biden appears to slur the words “can” and “end” together during his sentence, and it sounds as if he says “ended” instead.

The problem here is two-fold. First, the video speaks for itself. Biden didn’t “slur” his words together. He said what he said. Here’s the video again:

The second issue is that the official White House transcript, which Newsweek referenced, has cleaned up Biden’s speech to omit “ended,” altering his speech to say what they want to make it look like he said (bolded emphasis by me):

One of the things I’m always asked is: You know, why — why Americans have sort of lost faith for a while on being — being able to do big things.“If you could do anything at all, Joe, what would you do?” I said, “I’d cure cancer.” And they looked at me like, “Why cancer?” Because no one thinks we can. That’s why. And we can. We can end cancer as we know it.

Considering Biden’s handlers have been caught before changing transcripts to include things that either didn’t happen or that they don’t want people to know he said, one would think that a supposedly reputable news organization like Newsweek would do their due diligence on this beyond relying so heavily on the White House’s transcript, but here we are.

This is of course not the first time we’ve seen Biden’s apologists in the press attempt to cover for him and it most certainly won’t be the last. But just think about what Newsweek and other media outlets and their fact-checking arms would be saying and doing right now had it been Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis who said what Biden did, and you’ll be reminded all over again why these so-called arbiters of truth simply should not be trusted.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: 2024 Democratic Primaries, 2024 Presidential Election, Democrats, Joe Biden, Media