Michigan AG Charges 16 ‘Fake Electors’ for Trump for Allegedly Trying to Overturn 2020 Election

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel filed felony charges against 16 Michigan Republicans who allegedly tried to overturn the state’s 2020 election in favor of President Donald Trump.

Each defendant faces the following charges:

Nessel claimed the 16 Republicans tried to “interfere in the 2020 election to reject the will of the voters.”

Nessel’s office detailed the Republicans’ alleged plot:

These defendants are alleged to have met covertly in the basement of the Michigan Republican Party headquarters on December 14th, and signed their names to multiple certificates stating they were the “duly elected and qualified electors for President and Vice President of the United States of America for the State of Michigan.” These false documents were then transmitted to the United States Senate and National Archives in a coordinated effort to award the state’s electoral votes to the candidate of their choosing, in place of the candidates actually elected by the people of Michigan.

Former Michigan GOP Chair Laura Cox told the January 6th committee that Trump supporters came to her with a plan:

Former Michigan GOP Chair Laura Cox, meanwhile, detailed to the congressional committee one plan Trump allies discussed with her proposing an attempt to seat fake electors by entering the state Capitol the night before the Electoral College vote. Michigan election law specifically requires the state’s presidential electors convene in the Michigan Senate chamber at 2 p.m. EST the day they are supposed to cast the state’s votes for president and vice president.Cox called the idea “insane and inappropriate” in a video of testimony she gave the committee after she was subpoenaed. She said the plan for Republicans to hide overnight in the state Capitol never occurred.But some Republican lawmakers still joined members of the group of fake Trump electors in an attempt to enter the Michigan State Capitol in December 2020. They were denied access.But according to Nessel’s office, they allegedly met in the basement of the Michigan GOP headquarters on Dec. 14 and signed fake certificates falsely claiming the Republican slate was the legitimate set of delegates to the Electoral College. Those documents were sent to the U.S. Senate and National Archives.

However, an affidavit claimed that Cox and the Republican National Committee organized the meeting of the Republican electors.

Here are the 16 defendants:

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Donald Trump, Michigan, Republicans