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Investigation Finds Prof Subjected Class to Sexual Harassment

Investigation Finds Prof Subjected Class to Sexual Harassment

“The shameful underlying facts in this investigation — of a college professor subjecting his entire class to sexual harassment as a condition of instruction — are galling and categorically unacceptable under Title IX”

This sounds like such a boneheaded move by the professor. How could someone not know this was a bad idea?

FOX News reports:

Investigation finds college professor subjected his entire class to sexual harassment over ‘shameful’ exercise

The U.S. Department of Education concluded a sexual harassment investigation at the Takoma/Silver Spring Campus of Montgomery College in Maryland involving a professor who told female students to remove their shirts in class in 2019.

The investigation found that the professor required the students to strip down to their sports bras to “demonstrate a medical assessment, despite the fact that the assessment did not require clothing removal, or the bodily commentary,” the department’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) wrote in a press release Wednesday. The professor also commented on the students’ nipples and breast positioning and demanded they remove the lab coats that some students put on for modesty purposes, according to the office’s letter to the college.

A three-month-long investigation by the college concluded that the professor created a hostile environment based on sex. The educator was put on leave the day after a report was filed and was later terminated, according to OCR.

OCR launched its investigation after a student claimed that the school discriminated against her on the basis of sex by not “promptly and equitably” responding to her sexual harassment complaint. The office concluded that the school followed Title IX guidelines but failed to notify affected students about its investigation’s conclusion.

Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine E. Lhamon praised the Maryland college, located outside Washington, D.C., for quickly responding to the situation and mostly complying with Title IX.

“The shameful underlying facts in this investigation — of a college professor subjecting his entire class to sexual harassment as a condition of instruction — are galling and categorically unacceptable under Title IX,” she said. “I appreciate the additional commitment Montgomery College made to fulfill its remaining obligation under Title IX to ensure that the discriminatory effects end for all its students.”


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henrybowman | July 3, 2023 at 1:47 pm

Paraphrasing the Babylon Bee: “Pervert Punished For Abusing Students Kicking Himself For Not Doing It During Pride Week Instead.”

He must be a total idiot. I don’t think you could get away with this “medical assessment” even in a nursing class.

beautifulruralPA | July 4, 2023 at 1:27 pm

When I went to a continuing education class at my alma mater for my physical therapy license, the instructor was from Belgium (this was about 1994). When it came time to do our lab part, he arrogantly asked why the ladies needed to go to a changing room, “at home, they would just pull off their shirts and do it in their bras!”.

Of course they are doing euthanasia now, too.