Hunter Biden Pleads NOT GUILTY Due to Stripping of Protection From Future Prosecution

Let me start all over.

After a crazy day, Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to charges of tax evasion and felony gun charges since the plea deal no longer contained protection from future prosecutions.

The new plea deal would only cover tax offenses, drugs, and gun charges from 2014-2019.

But the judge still doesn’t like it. She said over and over that “she felt like she was being asked to ‘rubber stamp’ an agreement she had serious ‘concerns about.'”

The hearing has ended:

US District Judge Maryellen Noreika said she was not ready to accept the plea deal, and the hearing ended with Hunter Biden pleading not guilty for the time being.The judge asked the sides to file additional briefs explaining the plea deal’s legal structuring.US District Judge Maryellen Noreika called the deal federal prosecutors reached with Hunter Biden for his gun possession offense “unusual.”She said the deal — in which Biden would enter the diversion program to resolve the charge — contains some “non-standard terms,” such as “broad immunity” from other potential charges.”We don’t usually make diversion agreements public,” the judge said, referring to the move by the parties to make that aspect of their agreement public and discuss it in open court.

So after the judge said no the agreement she asked Hunter how he wants to plead.

“Not guilty, your honor.”

*****Previous reporting…

At first it fell apart because the team wanted immunity for Hunter on all future prosecutions.

They eliminated that from the deal.

***More Previous reporting:

However, the plea deal has fallen apart. Hunter’s team really tried to demand the deal cover any future prosecutions of him.

I have to hand it to him. He has the guts to even suggest it let alone demand it:

Tags: Hunter Biden