Free Speech Training Program at Stanford Law Turns Out to be a Joke
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Free Speech Training Program at Stanford Law Turns Out to be a Joke

Free Speech Training Program at Stanford Law Turns Out to be a Joke

“it was an online program that required barely a minute’s effort”

This program was put in place after the recent and shameful shoutdown at the school, but as you can see below, it’s not going to change anything.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Stanford Law School Promised Free Speech Training. It Delivered a Campus Joke.

After hundreds of students at Stanford Law School shouted down a sitting federal judge in March, school administrators went into damage-control mode. Among the measures they promised to promote a more open academic climate was a mandatory half-day training session on “freedom of speech and the norms of the legal profession.”

Many hailed the move as a sign that Stanford was turning over a new leaf and lavished praise on Jenny Martinez, the law school’s dean, for her perceived defiance of the campus mob.

But the promised training wasn’t much of a crash course in free speech. Instead, it was an online program that required barely a minute’s effort, according to five people who completed the training as well as screenshots and recordings reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. Students were given six weeks to watch five prerecorded videos, most about an hour long, then asked to sign a form attesting that they had done so.

The videos could be played on mute, and the form—which could be accessed without opening the training—did not ask any questions about their content, letting students tune out the modules or skip them entirely.

“I watched none of the videos,” one student said. “I never even opened the links. On the day the training was due, I went to the attestation link provided by the university, checked a box confirming I watched the videos, and that was the end of the matter. Whole process took 10 seconds.”


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The question remains whether or not their policy will be enforced but I do not criticize this action.
Everyone, including the students, knows what the policy is but the violators don’t care and think they can get away with it.
Given that, the point of this “program” is not to ensure the students care about and understand the policy but rather to give them plenty of time to complete the program about the policy and to document with their own signatures that they have been clearly informed of it.
This gives a very sound legal basis, that shouldn’t run afoul of any university policies regarding student conduct punishments, to move against violators.
This is why people in the real world of work have to listen to stupid videos and such about sexual harassment and other topics- to make it clear they were notified in advance regarding the limits of their behavior on the clock.
But, as stated, it remains to be seen whether the university will enforce it.

This tells you everything you need to know about Stanford Law students. Boycott them everywhere!

The thing that people seem to be unable or unwilling to accept

is that if you have the brains and the $$$$$$ to be able to go to Stanford

then you do not need to go to Stanford.


drsamherman | July 3, 2023 at 8:05 am

Sounds like what most snotty Stanford students expect==easy assignments and maximum credit for minimal effort.