France Burns With BLM-Style Riots In Major Cities, Considers State of Emergency

French President Emmanuel Macron is considering imposing a state of emergency as mobs attacked police, ransacked businesses, and set fires in Paris and other cities for the fourth night in a row. “Young rioters clashed with police and looted stores Friday in a fourth day of violence in France triggered by the deadly police shooting of a teen,” the state-owned TV channel France24 reported.

The riots started after police on Thursday fatally shot a 17-year-old boy of Algerian descent outside Paris. The shooting, which police claimed was in self-defense, triggered wide-scale violence in France, with mobs of young men setting cars and buildings ablaze in Paris and other French cities.

Refusing to address the problem of violent crime imported by mass-migration, the French president pinned the blame on “video games.” President “Macron called on parents to keep their children off the streets on Friday, saying some young people appeared to be copying violent video games which had ‘intoxicated’ them,” the TV network added.

The proposed “state of emergency would allow curfews to be imposed and public places to be closed. The measure was used in by [sic] the government in 2005 during the riots,” Paris-based newspaper Le Monde reported Friday night.

The French daily further reported:

“Additional means” would be mobilised by the interior ministry to tackle the rioting, Macron said. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne later said police will use armoured vehicles to suppress riots. “Additional mobile forces” would be deployed along with the vehicles belonging to France’s gendarmerie, Borne said, also announcing the cancellation of “large-scale events binding personnel and potentially posing risks to public order”.The 40,000 officers deployed nationwide on Thursday failed to prevent damage to a total of 492 structures, 2,000 vehicles being burned and 3,880 fires started nationwide, according to government figures he had earlier read out as the meeting got started. Latest interior ministry figures on Friday detailed 875 arrests overnight, while 249 police officers were injured – none of them seriously.Macron also said that the government “calls on parents to take responsibility” for the youngest of the rioters, one-third of whom were “young or very young”. “It’s up to parents to keep them at home… it’s not up to the Republic to take their place,” Macron said. Meanwhile he vowed to work with social networks to curb “copycat violence” spread through services like TikTok and Snapchat.

The mainstream media continues to call these rioters, vandals, and arsonists “French youth.” Meanwhile, these mobs of marauders can be seen desecrating French flags and monuments, including a Holocaust memorial.

Sticking to the the playbook, the mainstream media pushed its ideological agenda, drawing parallels with the Black Live Matters movement. “Nahel’s killing is now a rallying call, in a similar way that George Floyd’s murder by a police officer in Minneapolis in 2020 sparked widespread unrest over the police use of force, particularly against minorities,” the public broadcaster NPR claimed Friday.

Describing the carnage on the fourth night, the France-based Euronews TV channel reported Saturday morning:

Firefighters in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre, where the shooting occurred Tuesday, extinguished the blazes set by protesters that left scorched remains of cars strewn across the streets. In the neighbouring suburb Colombes, protesters overturned garbage bins and used them for makeshift barricades.Looters during the evening broke into a gun shop and made off with weapons, and a man was later arrested with a hunting rifle, police said, and in the southern Mediterranean port city of Marseille, officers arrested nearly 90 people as groups of protesters lit cars on fire and broke store windows to take what was inside.Buildings and businesses were also vandalised in the eastern city of Lyon, where a third of the roughly 30 arrests made were for theft, police said. Authorities reported fires in the streets after an unauthorised protest drew more than 1,000 people earlier in the evening.

France police union: We are “at war” with “savage hordes”

France’s leading police unions urged President Macron to take tough measures as they find themselves “at war” with the “savage hordes” on the streets.

British newspaper the Telegraph reported Saturday:

French police said they were “at war” with “savage hordes of vermin” on Friday night as France was rocked by violent waves of riots and looting and about 1,000 more people were arrested.Two of the country’s top police unions threatened a revolt unless Emmanuel Macron’s government restored order after protests broke out over an officer’s shooting of a teenager outside Paris.“Today the police are in combat because we are at war. Tomorrow we will enter resistance and the government should be aware of this,” they said.

Tags: Emmanuel Macron, Europe, France, Immigration