Dem Rep. Rosa DeLauro Calls Republicans ‘Terrorists’ for Targeting LGBT Related Spending in Bill
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Dem Rep. Rosa DeLauro Calls Republicans ‘Terrorists’ for Targeting LGBT Related Spending in Bill

Dem Rep. Rosa DeLauro Calls Republicans ‘Terrorists’ for Targeting LGBT Related Spending in Bill

“Members on your side, I will continue to call out the harm you are doing in this process, both in what these bills proposed to do and in your approach on how we treat one another.”

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) brought a House Appropriations Committee hearing to a screeching halt on Tuesday when she accused Republicans of being terrorists.

What could cause DeLauro to use such inflammatory language? Republicans added an amendment to a bill that would block funding for LGBT related items like pride flags.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Democrat Rosa DeLauro calls GOP ‘terrorists,’ forcing explosive House hearing into recess

House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) called her Republican colleagues “terrorists” Tuesday afternoon, sending the committee into recess.

The full committee was considering a funding proposal for the Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development when DeLauro, who had already given remarks against the bill, called many Republicans “terrorists” for proposing an amendment.

“You are negotiating with terrorists,” she said, to the audible disgust of many Republicans. “Members on your side, I will continue to call out the harm you are doing in this process, both in what these bills proposed to do and in your approach on how we treat one another.”

DeLauro was apparently referring to some in the House Freedom Caucus, as she said committee Republicans were “placat[ing] the whims of some who, I might add in looking historically, do not ever vote for appropriations bills.”…

The amendment at issue, which was proposed by Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Subcommittee Chairman Tom Cole (R-OK), blocked federal funding for earmarks related to LBGT-oriented projects as well as “extraneous flags,” like the “gay pride” flag, from being flown at departments or agencies.

Here’s the video:

Roll Call has more details (emphasis is mine):

The earmarks that are set to be stripped include two in Pennsylvania: $1.8 million that Rep. Brendan F. Boyle requested for an expansion project at the William Way Community Center in Philadelphia and $970,000 that Rep. Chrissy Houlahan requested for a transitional housing program at the LGBT Center of Greater Reading.

“This cruel and unjust decision is not rooted in any legitimacy, but instead in bigotry and hatred,” Houlahan said on Twitter.

The third project is $850,000 that Rep. Ayanna S. Pressley, D-Mass., requested for LGBTQ Senior Housing Inc. to convert a former Boston Public School building into 74 units of affordable housing for seniors.

“It is unconscionable that Republican committee members would hold senior citizen-specific housing hostage and continue their dangerous national trend of targeting the LGBTQ+ community,” Pressley said in a statement.

Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md., criticized the Greater Reading center for offering services to children as young as 7, and argued the Philadelphia center promotes protests held by the Young Communist League of Philadelphia. And he said the Massachusetts project would discriminate against those who are not LGBTQ or allies.

Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont., said taxpayers should not be paying for the resources for transgender individuals that the LGBT Center of Greater Reading offers.

“The question is, should taxpayers pay for this?” he said. “The answer is no.”

Fund our LGBT pet projects and ‘Young Communist League’ allies or you’re a terrorist.

Is that what Rep. DeLauro was saying?


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The only spending the government should be doing on LGBT people is counseling to help them with their obvious mental health issues

henrybowman | July 19, 2023 at 5:11 pm

“Do what I want, or you’re an evil name?”
Why yes, of course that’s what she’s saying.
All leftists say precisely that, all the time.

She looks like a bad impression of Rush’s Geddy Lee.

Sit the F down, you nucking futjob.

Tell me again why I am supposed to be paying for political tchotchkes for anybody, at all?

2smartforlibs | July 19, 2023 at 5:51 pm

What I’m hearing is-I’m a tolerant liberal! Agree with me or else you racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, inbred, redneck, bible-thumping, Nascar-loving, gun-toting, America-loving bigot.

Should the Federal government be buying Confederate flags? How about Nazi flags. We have Americans that support both of those flags so why not? I feel just as unhappy seeing the “Pride” flag flying from the Whitehouse as I would with either of those other flags.

Is that wretched sub human still in Congress?
Affirmative Action at its finest

DeLauro is the sort you want be the guest of honor at a blanket party.

Thank G_d , we aren’t “Nazis” anymore…. just generic terrorists.

The Gentle Grizzly | July 19, 2023 at 6:15 pm

The GOP has bearded folks, folks with vanDykes, folks with mustaches.

None with purple hair, sequined hats, or fake-African names.

Thank goodness.

“…I will continue to call out the harm you are doing in this process, both in what these bills proposed to do and in your approach on how we treat one another.”

Oh, puuleeeze, wicked witch. You don’t have to convince me. I’m already sold on their approach.

“White supremacist;” “racist;” “Christian nationalist;” “Christofascist;” “terrorist” — I think the only pejorative moniker that the vile Dumb-o-crats have yet to invoke to vilify and slander conservatives is “enemy of the State.”

That one is probably just around the corner.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | July 19, 2023 at 7:18 pm

    Actually, now that I think about it, corrupt crime boss, dotard-marionette, Biden, tacitly vilified conservatives as “enemies of the State” in all but name, in his despicable and grotesque Philadelphia speech that stated that “MAGA Republicans” allegedly represented the greatest threat to American democracy. I stand corrected.

Almost funny how this clown calls people trying to prevent brutal mutilations of children “terrorists”.

The shoe is on the other foot.

This moron should have her genitals and breasts chopped off to see how the children she’s dooming to lives of misery like it.

    At her age, I doubt she’d notice. However, she is walking proof that mental illness untreated doesn’t improve. She’s been batstuff crazy for literally decades.

Gotta love the hyperbolic language. Everything and everyone that doesn’t perfectly align with the leftist d/prog orthodoxy is full of ‘ists, isms, phobia’, and now good old fashioned ‘terrorism’.

Everyone pining for the good old days of consistently being able to reach across the political aisle and be received in good faith instead of being willing to be aggressive should ask themselves whether Reagan or Tip O’Neill would call each other these sorts of slurs.

The old days of good faith and accommodation are unfortunately behind us for the foreseeable future. Our side must be willing to use the tools at hand and every lever of power to advance our political agenda and roll back the lefty d/prog gains every bit as ruthlessly at our political opposition works to get their agenda adopted.

    txvet2 in reply to CommoChief. | July 19, 2023 at 11:27 pm

    Unfortunately, conceding the fact that our representative republic has reached its end. Trump tried governing by decree. It worked really well until the next Administration cancelled everything he did (by decree – his judges, who were actually confirmed by Congress, live on and prosper).

She reminds me of Sheldon Whitehouse. Name calling ninnies have no place in a public forum. Require them write down or have their statements transcribed such that they may fully own those words.

I have not seen any evidence but she sure seems to be the product of drunken Kennedy water event.

E Howard Hunt | July 19, 2023 at 11:49 pm

I call her appearance terrifying.

Another day, another Marxist loon calls a Conservative a bad name. Oooooh, so hurtful. Ignore these clowns, let them make fools of themselves. Patronize them and smile (and hope for cerebral hemorrhage in response. Fuck ‘em.

drsamherman | July 20, 2023 at 9:38 am

That woman is even more repugnant on the inside than outside, though it’s not by much.

Is it true that Dem Rep. Rosa DeLauro auditioned for the famous “bar scene” in the Star Wars movie, but was turned down because she looked way too weird?

BierceAmbrose | July 20, 2023 at 6:46 pm

“Terrorsim” is a crime. Isn’t accusing someone of a crime different from merely sliming their character?

Steven Brizel | July 21, 2023 at 8:32 am

Da Lauro reoresents how low one can stoop to have the support of child grooming perverts

Typical member of Congress … stupid, corrupt or both.