California Adopting New ‘Social Justice’ Mathematics Framework for K-12
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California Adopting New ‘Social Justice’ Mathematics Framework for K-12

California Adopting New ‘Social Justice’ Mathematics Framework for K-12

“This framework provides strategies to challenge, engage, and support all students in deep and relevant math learning by building on successful approaches used in nations that produce high and equitable achievement in math”

The political agenda of the left is being embedded in everything. No discipline will be spared.

FOX News reports:

California approves new math guidelines that encourage ‘teaching toward social justice’

California will officially adopt a new “equity” and “social justice” based mathematics framework for its K-12 schools after a vote from the State Board of Education on Wednesday.

After multiple revisions and years of development, the board unanimously passed the 2023 Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools which seeks to renew the state’s “commitment to ensuring equity and excellence in math learning for all students.”

“This framework provides strategies to challenge, engage, and support all students in deep and relevant math learning by building on successful approaches used in nations that produce high and equitable achievement in math,” State Board President Linda Darling-Hammond said in a statement.

She added, “It also draws on the experiences of educators who have worked for a decade to develop successful strategies for teaching California’s rigorous standards, carrying those lessons to others across the state. This framework provides teachers and schools with a path to greater excellence with greater equity.”

The 1000-page document, which has seen three revisions and two public hearings, aims to “structure the teaching of the state’s math standards around ‘big ideas’ that integrate rather than isolate math concepts,” “allow students to ‘see themselves’ in curriculum and in math-related careers by making math instruction culturally relevant and empowering” and “instill confidence in learners by dispelling myths about who can and cannot learn math.”

“Cultural and personal relevance is important for learning and also for creating mathematical communities that reflect California’s diversity. Educators can learn to notice, utilize, and value students’ identities, assets, and cultural resources to support learning for all students. Additionally, because culture and language can be intertwined, attending to cultural relevance may also enable teachers to attend to linguistic diversity – a key feature of California and relevant to the teaching and learning of mathematics,” the document reads.


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This is so Orwellian.

It’s hard to believe that anyone involved in this project actually, in fact, believes any of it.

It is so sad.

Parents who love their K-12 children should form their own home-school math cooperatives.

Or leave the state.

Or send your kids to live with relatives in Florida. Or Tennessee.

Until you can quit your job in California and join them


If you look carefully at their watered-down curriculum, you have to conclude that their graduates will not be able to complete a college degree in four years if they major in physics, math, chemistry, or engineering.

In these fields, prerequisites are built on top of each other. Being poorly prepared in math means that the freshman year will be spent bringing them up to speed so that they will be ready in their sophomore year to take what is usually freshman calculus. That sets the whole schedule back a year.

Solutions? If you want to graduate in four years, major in Gender Studies or Sociology. Also get some experience flipping burgers and maybe learn Spanish, such as “¿Quieres papas fritas con eso?”

    RandomCrank in reply to OldProf2. | July 15, 2023 at 6:18 pm

    It would be very interesting to see a step by step critique. I’d like to know how it will change what was there before. And it would help if the ed-speak was boiled down to mere English.

Suburban Farm Guy | July 15, 2023 at 10:24 am

Statement that combines obnoxious aggressive braggadocio with shell games and meaningless blather. I am diminished for having read it. Imagine being surrounded by nonsense like that for 13 years….

Does anyone have a link to the model curriculum? I’ve seen other such documents that purport to teach mathematics using anti-racist or “social justice” ideas as a “hook”.

But what I’ve found in curricula that make such claims is that this is a lie. What’s actually going on is that the idea of math instruction is being used as a “hook” for teaching political or sociological concepts. The math concepts attached to them are typically far below grade level.

RandomCrank | July 15, 2023 at 4:40 pm

I would like to see a detailed critique that’s as non-polemical as possible.