Biden White House Attacks Supreme Court, Bizarrely Claiming Affirmative Action Is a ‘Constitutional Right’

In terms of Supreme Court decisions, the past year has been an abysmal one for Democrats, especially the current Oval Office occupant Joe Biden.

There was, of course, the SCOTUS’ decision in June 2022 to overturn Roe v. Wade. And last month, there was their ruling that race-based college admissions were unconstitutional, their upholding of religious rights in the 303 Creative case, and their striking down of Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness program. There was also their ruling in May that effectively reined in Biden’s EPA.

Not surprisingly, the Biden White House has, like their allies in Congress, the mainstream media, the activist left, and academia, ramped up its attacks on the Supreme Court in the aftermath of the barrage of setbacks for the “progressive” agenda despite over two years of lecturing the American people on how we must respect our democratic norms and sacred institutions, with the clear insinuation that even the mildest criticisms of any of that amounted to being insurrectiony.

Most recently, Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, appeared on Ari Melber’s program on MSNBC, where one of the topics under discussion were some of those Supreme Court decisions as well as the political tilt of our nation’s highest court. During the interview, we learned that according to the Biden White House, there is a “constitutional right” to affirmative action:

“This is really, really important and I know the American people are really tracking this, as they should be. Dobbs decision, that was something that was decided on a year ago. Really took away the freedoms from women. I think about abortion, I think about reproductive rights. And that was unprecedented. Now you fast-forward to what we saw last week, affirmative action. Again, taking away important constitutional rights that have been in place for a long time,” Jean-Pierre said.

Also in the below clip, we were assured that Joe Biden is an “expert” in these matters since he once chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee back when he was a senator:

“Let’s not forget the president, when he was a senator, he was the chair of the judiciary committee, he is an expert on this, he understands how this works. A lot of these unprecedented decisions that this SCOTUS has made, they have been held up in the past by Republicans, by Democrats, right? And so there’s so much changes [sic] that have happened in the past year. It is, you know, unheard of. It is really wrong what we’ve seen,” she continued.


Later, Jean-Pierre told Melber that the Biden team was already looking for ways around the Supreme Court’s ruling on the student loan forgiveness program, which was reminiscent of DOJ Attorney General Merrick Garland promising in June 2022 to, as Professor Jacobson put it at the time, “use their vast resources to limit the effect of the Supreme Court’s rulings. They are going all insurrectiony, but legally, of course.”

If there’s one thing Jean-Pierre got right on that, it’s that Joe Biden is indeed an expert: at both undermining the judiciary branch when it suits his purposes and at smearing judges who don’t toe the liberal line. That’s something the late Judge Robert Bork, if he were still with us, could attest to, and it is something that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who was vilified by then-Sen. Judiciary Committee Chairman Joe Biden in 1991, has attested to very recently.

“One of the things you do in hearings is you have to sit there and look attentively at people you know have no idea what they’re talking about,” Justice Thomas, from the movie Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Affirmative Action, Constitution, Democrats, Joe Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre, US Supreme Court