Biden Slammed for Refusing to Acknowledge His Seventh Grandchild

Joe and Jill Biden are fond of talking about their grandchildren. At least, they’re fond of talking about most of them. You will frequently hear them say that they have six grandchildren, but that’s not true. There is a seventh grandchild who they don’t mention. It’s a little girl who was fathered by Biden’s troubled son, Hunter.

Biden’s critics have brought this up many times, but his defenders in the liberal media have ignored the issue. Until now.

Maureen Dowd of the New York Times writes:

It’s Seven Grandkids, Mr. PresidentEven my Republican sister is not immune to Joe Biden’s gregarious Irish charm.She met him at media holiday parties over the years and was so impressed that she got seduced to the other side for a time, voting for the Obama-Biden ticket in 2008 and writing in Biden’s name for president in 2012. She sent out a Christmas card one year with a picture of herself cheek to cheek with Biden — and some of her Republican friends stopped speaking to her.So I was surprised recently when I discovered my sister writing a letter to President Biden, a plea that she had started in the middle of the night, after mulling over the matter for quite a while.“I watched as you told the nation that you had six grandchildren and you loved each one of them,” she wrote. “I believe that. What I cannot believe and what I find unconscionable is that you refuse to admit or accept the fact that there is a beautiful little 4-year-old girl living in Arkansas by the name of Navy Joan who is your seventh grandchild.”

Dowd seems to realize that this issue completely destroys the ridiculous narrative that Biden is a kindly old man, brimming with empathy:

My sister and I often disagree about politics, but this is not a political issue to us. It’s a human one. Joe Biden’s mantra has always been that “the absolute most important thing is your family.” It is the heart of his political narrative. Empathy, born of family tragedies, has been his stock in trade. Callously scarring Navy’s life, just as it gets started, undercuts that.

The reactions on Twitter were pretty strong.

Matthew Sedacca of the New York Post points out that this has been a political minefield for Biden:

Despite cultivating an image as a devoted and loving grandfather, Biden for his part, has refused to publicly acknowledge his granddaughter in Arkansas — repeatedly telling the world instead that he has only six grandchildren.In fact, Biden aides have been told in “strategy meetings” for years that the president only has six grandchildren, not seven, which the Times first reported.White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre this week declined to answer questions about Navy Joan following the report.“I have six grandchildren, and I’m crazy about them. And I speak to them every single day. Not a joke,” the president said at the White House’s “Take Your Child to Work Day” in April.

Megyn Kelly discussed this issue on a recent episode of her podcast with two guests and called Biden a fraud over all of his family values talk. Watch:

Is anyone taking bets on this little girl and her mother making an appearance at a Trump event in the near future?

Tags: 2024 Democratic Primaries, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, NY Times