Kevin McCarthy is in the news the past couple of days for suggesting that he is open to starting an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden’s family business dealings.
I appeared on July 21, 2023, on The Tony Katz Show, and the topic of impeachment came up, and I called for just such an impeachment committee to be formed:
(Relevant audio section starts at 4 minute mark)(trimmed audio also here)
Tony Katz (04:07):
Talking to William Jacobson, Cornell Law professor, the mind behind Let us talk culture. We have had this week, IRS whistleblowers speaking in definitive terms about the investigation into Hunter Biden and the tax fraud being slow walked. We have heard from whistleblowers, in definitive terms, say that prosecutors in DC said, no, we are not going to move forward on this case…. The question before us is, I’ll take your take on all of that. Doesn’t this, in any other situation, in any other world with any other president, let’s say someone named Trump or otherwise, doesn’t this lead to at least a special prosecutor to look into it, a special counsel?
WAJ (05:39):
Well, I think it would. You know, a special counsel’s not the the answer unless you have the right special counsel, because there have been special counsels who do virtually nothing and take two years. On the other hand, there are special counsels like Jack Smith, who is like a bull in a China shop bringing charges against Trump very quickly relative to the normal process. So I think it depends who the special prosecutor is.
The point of Joe Biden is he’s been corrupt his whole life. He’s been a liar his whole life. I mean, he lied about, you know, he plagiarized things when he was, I forget if it was in law school or soon after law school. This is who Joe Biden is. Why would anybody expect that he would tell the truth about anything? So, we’ve got to get to the bottom of it because, and I’ve been saying for two years now, it appears Joe Biden sold not just his office, but his future office, that he sold his influence.
He sold the fact that he was going to be a presidential candidate to the highest bidders, and those highest bidders appear to have been in Ukraine and China. So, this is potentially the biggest scandal, dwarfing Watergate by far. certainly dwarfing the inaccurate Russia collusion allegations, which were never proven. So this is massive. I mean, we have a vice president, presidential candidate who sold his office. That’s what the documents coming out seem to indicate, and we better get to the bottom of it. We can’t allow the media and the FBI to squash this thing, just like they did in 2020.
Katz (07:15):
One of the things that we saw was that when this came out yesterday, there was radio silence, except to say. there was one mention of, look at this thing being leaked. Well, all of a sudden today, 24 hours later, that’s the whole conversation. Look what Chuck Grassley has leaked. He has put lives in danger. He has put confidential human sources. You’ll see CHS a lot, written down, confidential human source. Put these people in danger. It is as if they were waiting. You talk about media, they were waiting to know what the talking point was so they could go forward is, well,
WAJ (07:53):
We see this all the time. We see this all the time. When a Democrat does something wrong, the story becomes Republican reaction to it. Republicans ‘pounce’ on it. That’s, you know, we have a, like a running joke about that, that that’s typical media. So it’s not the wrongdoing, it’s the reaction to the wrongdoing. And that’s what you’re seeing here. It’s standard media. As long as you accept that the media, the mainstream corporate media, you know, ABC, NBC, CNN, everybody, with the exception of the the Murdoch papers, wants Biden elected. And if you just accept that’s true, that everything they do is going to be to elect a Democrat, it all makes sense and we shouldn’t expect anything different. They should be different, but they’re not.
And it is so corrupting how our media, our mainstream corporate media, serves the purposes of one political party. That’s why people have so little faith in anything anymore, because the one place they think they should at least get a fair shot, not necessarily a favorable shot, but a fair shot, which is the corporate media, which is media, they don’t get. And that’s really it. The press in this country is so corrupted by political considerations. I mean, this should be everywhere. This should be round the clock on every TV channel. It should be front page in every major newspaper that the FBI had information that the now president of the United States was engaged in a bribery scheme. But that’s not what you’re hearing as you point out.
Katz (09:30):
And and we have discussed this numerous times, that this is the biggest story in America, no matter how little coverage the press gives to it. But now let me get just a bit specific, and let’s start with the concept of impeachment. Congressman Jim Banks of the Indiana Third District, Congresswoman Lauren Bobert of Colorado, they have both come out to discuss impeachment. I’m not opposed to the concept. I’m opposed to the idea of rushing to something without the data as you see it, a legal mind who has taken a look at all of the, what I will call evidence, but you might see it differently. Do you think there is enough known to go about engaging the idea of high crimes and misdemeanors? Or are you somebody who would demand the investigation to be able to get to the place? Or is it about what you just said? You can decide you need a special counsel. And Merrick Garland, the Attorney General can appoint a special counsel. But we already know Merrick Garland can’t be trusted. So the Special Counsel is just going to take however many years to make sure this doesn’t affect the 2024 election and then decide no wrongdoing took place.
WAJ (10:39):
Well, I think what the House needs to do is hold impeachment hearings. Before they vote to impeach they should hold impeachment, hearing, call witnesses, subpoena records, put it out there, and then make a decision. I think that because you can’t trust the FBI, you can’t trust DOJ, you can’t even trust a special prosecutor acting under DOJ, to do the right thing. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. And all the things that are coming out now show that they cannot be trusted to be politically fair. And so I think the House Committee maybe needs to, the House needs to maybe vote to appoint an impeachment committee and take testimony and look into these things.
Katz (11:22):
And that’s just it. The idea of a committee is different than impeaching. So you are discussing taking this intermediary step. Don’t run before you can walk, go gather and build your case, not only if it’s legally, but in the court of public opinion. That’s your advice forward.
WAJ (11:39):
Yes. That’s, that’s what I would do if I were in the House of Representatives, because I think that’s the right way to do it. I don’t know that we have enough right now because the FBI’s holding back things, the DOJ is holding back things, they’re running interference for Joe Biden. So I don’t know that we have enough now to take that monumental step, but I think we should start the process of gathering that evidence, putting it out in the public, taking testimony in public for everybody to hear, except for things that, particular things that might not need to be put public. And let’s have a hearing about Joe Biden and his family corruption.
Tony appeared on Fox News to discuss impeachment, and was kind enough to give me a shout out.