Biden Administration Targets Funding for School Archery and Hunting Programs
It is not hard to see this is an attempt to punish programs that are Second Amendment adjacent.

Biden and his administration are dangerously malevolent, especially in how they target children.
The latest move by this gang of goons is take aim at key federal funding earmarked under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 for schools with hunting and archery programs.
According to federal guidance circulated among hunting education groups and shared with Fox News Digital, the Department of Education determined that, under the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) passed last year, school hunting and archery classes are precluded from receiving federal funding. The interpretation could impact millions of American children enrolled in such programs.
“It’s a negative for children. As a former educator of 30-plus years, I was always trying to find a way to engage students,” Tommy Floyd, the president of the National Archery in the Schools Program, told Fox News Digital in an interview. “In many communities, it’s a shooting sport, and the skills from shooting sports, that help young people grow to be responsible adults. They also benefit from relationships with role models.”
Republican Senators John Cornyn of Texas and Thom Tillis of North Carolina pushed back on the interpretation of the amendment in a letter o Education Secretary Miguel Cardona. Archery and hunting clubs are also engaging in the battle to stop the threat to these classes.
We were alarmed to learn recently that the Department of Education has misinterpreted the BCSA to require the defending of certain longstanding educational and enrichment programs — specifically, archery and hunter education classes — for thousands of children, who rely on these programs to develop life skills, learn firearm safety and build self-esteem,” Cornyn and Tillis wrote, according to Fox News.
“The Department mistakenly believes that the BSCA precludes funding these enrichment programs,” the senators said. “Such an interpretation contradicts congressional intent and the text of the BSCA.”
The Education Department’s decision to cut funding for school hunting and archery programs has sparked push-back from shooting clubs, hunting industry groups, and others.
“It is ironic that the U.S. Department of Education is actively denying young Americans the chance to educate themselves on basic firearm and hunting safety so that they can go afield knowing how to keep themselves, their friends, and family safe,” said Ben Cassidy, executive vice president at Safari Club International.
Archery is one of the fastest growing sports in the country.
In fact, a 2016 nationwide survey by Responsive Management, on behalf of the ATA [Archery Trade Association], found recreational archers were fueling much of the increase. The survey found 76% of archers shoot recreationally, while 35% are bowhunters who shoot only to prepare for hunting. Competitive archers make up 20% of the participants. (Some archers participate in multiple ways, so those percentages don’t total 100%.)
I began learning archery seriously just over a year ago. I am getting ready to compete in my first tournament. I can testify to the sense of self-confidence and independence gained from being able to handle a weapon well.
It is not hard to see this is an attempt to punish programs that are Second Amendment adjacent. Sadly, it appears to be working.
…Both archery and hunting, whether it’s bow hunting or hunting with a firearm, involve “weapons.” And weapons are bad. And since they can’t flatly ban these traditional common practices, they are falling back on the next tool in their kit. They will deny federal funding until the schools fall into compliance.
Sadly, that scheme is already working in a broad fashion. There are nearly 9,000 schools across the country that still offer hunter safety and archery classes. But many of them have already reported that they are curtailing those classes in the next semester in order to avoid losing their funding. So this shadow attack from the Democrats is working as intended.
Parents will now have to step up, one more time, to ensure their children have access to activities important to their families and communities. The tournament I am participating is in support of a scholarship fund directed toward supporting young archers.
I can only encourage others to support archery and hunting to use their time and talent to pass down the knowledge and skills to the next generation. Hopefully, we will see a new administration voted into office in 2024 that is less hostile toward children.
Voting in new Senators and congressional representatives would also be helpful.
The Senate Republicans who voted for this include Blunt (R-MO), Burr (R-NC), Capito (R-WV), Cassidy (R-LA), Collins (R-ME), Cornyn (R-TX), Ernst (R-IA), Graham (R-SC), McConnell (R-KY), Murkowski (R-AK), Portman (R-OH), Romney (R-UT), Tillis (R-NC), Toomey (R-PA), and Young (R-IN). Democrats from states with lots of hunters also voted for the legislation: Tester (D-MT) third highest state in terms of percent of the population with hunters, King (I-ME) comes from Maine that ranks fifth, Manchin (D-WV) from West Virginia that ranks ninth, and Baldwin (D-WI) from Wisconsin that ranks eleventh.
FIRST ARCHERY LESSON: I was blessed to be over-seeing the archery game booth at Ascension Catholic Parish. It gave me a chance to show young children some archery basics and encourage an interest in the sport. What I found most fascinating was this: Kids who got the arrow through…
— Leslie Eastman ☥ (@Mutnodjmet) June 3, 2023

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It’s war on Saggitarius. VIrgo is next.
A Cancer on all of their houses.
I think Hunter has been spearheading a hardcore war on Virgo for sometime.
We’ve gone from worshiping the beautiful Artemis to the hideous Randi Weingarten.
Can’t have hunter education programs or teach safe firearms handling practices in middle and HS b/c they are ‘dangerous’. Yet the same folks want to put what amounts to soft porn instruction manuals re topics of trans, homosexuality and paedophilia into elementary schools.
Time to uproot the agencies/departments and block grant funds to the States (- the $ currently spent on Fed bureaucrat salaries). Embrace Federalism with a vengeance and let Mississippi be Mississippi and let Massachusetts be Massachusetts.
What you’re suggesting would go a LONG way towards stemming the insanity emanating from DC. They’re taking our own money from us, skimming the cream off the top for their wages and pensions, and then ‘granting’ the money back to us with stipulations attached… implement our woke agenda or you can’t have your own money back!
Anything that is related to self defense or any kind of self reliance is anathema to the Left. I figure it’s only a matter of time before they go after the various empty-hand martial arts.
They already have at least indirectly. Martial Arts are within the broader fitness culture which has been deemed to be ‘right wing’, ‘patriarchal’ and a part of ‘white culture’.
Hannity is a black belt you know..
He tells you everyday
Yeah, Hannity is IMO, not very bright and is more concerned with the appearance of saying the right things than getting to an action agenda. Dude asks long drawn out questions to his guests then almost immediately interrupts them to pontificate or throw in a cute little ‘nickname’ or snide remark.
He still has an audience so some folks find his performance theater entertaining. Personally I think he’s the TV host/commentator version of Trey Gowdy asking questions during the Benghazi hearings; lots of talking and focus on shiny objects but very few actual results/change from his platform.
I dimly recall hearing (some years ago) about some Blue state (almost certainly California) was contemplating requiring martial arts schools to register with the state. I don’t think that went anywhere (you never know where CA is concerned). But I can see that coming up again at some point.
Taking Federal education money for schools will soon become Untenable.
Since education is not the purview of the fed govt., they should not be collecting any money for that purpose.
Just another in a long list of things the fed govt. has no business in.
Indeed. Where in Article I, Section 8, is Congress authorized to provide tax funds for education?
Taking federal money for anything is pretty much untenable. That’s why there was HUGE blow back here in Florida when then-governor Rick Scott wanted to implement ObamaCare’s Medicaid program (he didn’t). It would have ended up with the federal government gaining ever more control over how health care works in Florida. Even we, then, didn’t know how bad it would get with racist “anti-racist” medicine now pretty much declaring that white people don’t deserve medical care.
Parties harmed by this need to sue, assuming the action is ripe at this point. At the very least, start preparing for litigation ASAP.
“Biden Administration Targets Funding for Schools”
Of more concern at the moment is the Biden Administration’s targeting of Hunter’s business partner—whose name happens to be “Archer”—by locking him up the night before he testifies before congress. He’s been released by now, but the goal of intimidation has been achieved. Bullseye!
V. Putin has nothing on our DoJ.
No relation.
I’ve been shooting a recurve since I was three. My oldest daughter (6) and I are putting the finishing touches to her new bow today (arrow rest). Hopefully, my youngest daughter will shoot a bow for the first time today.
I know the administration is doing much more horrible things, but this one just burns me up for than it should.
So many kids feel like trash because they know they don’t have any useful skills and they feel bad about it. Programs like this are a great chance to give those kids a skill of which they can be proud and know they have done a difficult task well.
To clarify – DoE is targeting the Outdoors Education and National Archery in Schools program. As of today – 4-H programs are not being targeted, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t keeping our eyes open. I’ve coached youth shooting sports for nearly 25 years and work as a state staffer for training new coaches and range officer for conducting events. It’s an “absolutely worth it” volunteer job. I’ve raised my kids in the program and each of them has gone on to become a coach in their own rights.
Interesting that the focus here is on the specific word “weapon” and the failure of the DoE to understand definitions. A “weapon” is anything used with the intention to cause harm to another individual (or animal or property). That’s everything: a pencil, a hammer, a golf club, a baseball bat, a rock, a fist….. the list is endless. More people are assaulted and murdered each year through the use of blunt force from a non-firearm tool.
When it comes to organized sports, shooting sports is magnitudes safer than almost any other youth activity out there. Injuries of any type – a pinched finger all the way to a projectile injury – in organized shooting sports programs are 0.00004%, while football is 6.7%.
Anyone is welcome to check the data – we’ve got a white paper on it! Peer reviewed and everything!
And what a few of the benefits of participating in all types of shooting sports – it’s a sport for everyone, of every body type – able bodied or handicapped, male or female. Improves posture, weight bearing, muscle tone, stability, focus and mental acuity, breath control, overall fitness, social interaction, cooperative learning and sportsmanship. There is a great deal of responsibility not just in the use of firearms but in the care, maintenance and storage. Youth become great advocates and they are more likely to volunteer and give back in the present and the future. And the list goes on. It’s a life sport and a great place for all ages to work and compete together on the goal of mastery. Kids are mentored by adults who are invested in their growth and success as a human being, not just their performance.
Thomas Jefferson recommended firearms and not ball games as a path to better mental fitness. I miss those “good old days”.
Off topic, but the left gets another scalp
NEVER apologize… amd this definitely is a bending of the knee
I loved archery in jr high, I was actually really good at it
Didn’t have the money to f/u at a shooting range
Seems mundane considering everything the regime has toppled.
They just want to have some say over those fully-automatic assault recurve longbows with the thing that goes up and 40-round assault quivers. You know. For the children.
How about a compromise: archery class and drag queen story telling in the same room at the same time….
The vile and evil Dumb-o-crats believe that it’s okay to turn kids “trans” and mutilate them, but, don’t teach them about bows, arrows and firearms!
Priorities, people!
Hunter Safety programs cover Firearm Safety.
So naturally, the “Gun Safety” administration is promoting “Gun Safety” by … defunding “Gun Safety” programs.
If I didn’t know better, I might think that what they really want is “Gun Ignorance”, and are willing to put lives at risk to get it. Ignorance breeds accidents, and the two together make it easier to ban items that are the birthright of all Americans.
But nah, that’s “conspiracy” talk! [/sarcasm]
“Gun Safety” is the left’s dogwhistle for “Gun Prohibition.”
Because “the only safe gun is an absent gun,”
Alec Baldwin was a board director of a major “gun safety” organization.
That tells you all you need to know about how the left tortures language.
“The Department mistakenly believes that the BSCA precludes funding these enrichment programs,” the senators said. “Such an interpretation contradicts congressional intent and the text of the BSCA.”
Except it doesn’t. Blame this one entirely on lazy, stupid lawmakers.
Discussion Draft:
6 Section 8526 of the Elementary and Secondary Edu-
7 -cation Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7906) is amended—
8 (1) in paragraph (5), by striking ‘‘or’’ after the
9 semicolon;
10 (2) in paragraph (6), by striking the period at
11 the end and inserting ‘‘; or’’; and
12 (3) by adding at the end the following:
13 ‘‘(7) for the provision to any person of a dan-
14 -gerous weapon, as defined in section 930(g)(2) of
15 title 18, United States Code, or training in the use
16 of a dangerous weapon.’’
Lazy lawmakers or poor staffing choices, or both?
Don’t misunderstand you are onto something about lawmakers not reading their own bills.
But part of the laziness is they ask interns to comb through and tell them if there is a poison pill.
I can testify to the sense of self-confidence and independence gained from being able to handle a weapon well.
Not a big surprise. Democrats want to make nazis look like peace loving, tolerant regular BillyBob’s.
Stopped doing Hunter Education classes when the state decided we volunteers should be treated like unpaid slaves. The idiot who took over the Coordinator job at the state level told us he wanted to get home every night for dinner. He also told us he didn’t have a clue how to operate a computer. Went downhill from there with that idiot. Our clubs entire group of volunteers gave up doing the classes.
If your kid bowhunting classes are anything like the classes I help teach at our club you’re using 10 to 20 pound weight bows and arrows that may or not be spined to the bows.
Some kid’s arrow flights are humorous to watch. as they dipsydoodle their way down range. But it’s a lot of fun working with the kids.
I am having trouble reconciling these two statement from the article:
1. Republican Senators John Cornyn of Texas and Thom Tillis of North Carolina pushed back on the interpretation of the amendment in a letter o Education Secretary Miguel Cardona. (Tillis pushing back against Biden.)
2. The Senate Republicans who voted for this include Blunt (R-MO), Burr (R-NC), Capito (R-WV), Cassidy (R-LA), Collins (R-ME), Cornyn (R-TX), Ernst (R-IA), Graham (R-SC), McConnell (R-KY), Murkowski (R-AK), Portman (R-OH), Romney (R-UT), Tillis (R-NC), Toomey (R-PA), and Young (R-IN). [sounds like some sort of bad legislation, a list of mostly RINO Republicans including Tillis, but not Cornyn who is listed with Tillis in (1.) Not sure what legislation this is, because I didn’t see legislation mentioned anywhere earlier in the article.