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University of California to Hire Illegal Immigrants for Campus Jobs

University of California to Hire Illegal Immigrants for Campus Jobs

“The new policy directs a ‘working group’ to come up with implementation plans by the end of 2023.”

This flies in the face of federal law, but who is going to stop them? The Biden administration?

The College Fix reports:

University of California plans to hire illegal immigrants

The University of California Board of Regents recently voted to move forward with plans to hire illegal immigrant students for campus jobs, despite federal law seeming to prohibit it.

The new policy directs a “working group” to come up with implementation plans by the end of 2023.

The change comes after scholars with the UCLA Center for Law and Immigration Policy, Hiroshi Motmura and Ahilan Arulanaltham, published a letter that argued the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 does not apply to states.

Arulanaltham told The College Fix via email that he hopes to be involved in implementation of the new “Equitable Student Employment Opportunities” policy.

“The UC Regents have yet to set up their task force to pursue implementation (at least so far as know), but we are hopeful they will consult with UC students directly impacted by this proposal and me and my colleagues at the Center for Immigration Law and Policy to the extent possible,” the law professor told The Fix.

The law center’s “legal analysis has been publicly endorsed by 29 of the most respected immigration and constitutional law professors from around the country, including the Deans of the UC Berkeley and UC Davis law schools,” Arulanaltham said.

The Fix had asked what specific court cases led to the conclusion that the immigration act of 1986 did not apply to the states. The law made it “unlawful for a person or other entity” to hire someone who is “unauthorized to work” in the country.

Arulanaltham explained that the legal analysis covered a variety of Supreme Court cases to conclude “that state entities like the University of California are not bound by the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act.”


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henrybowman | June 11, 2023 at 5:00 pm

“The University of California Board of Regents recently voted to move forward with plans to hire illegal immigrant students for campus jobs, despite federal law seeming to prohibit it.”

Then why don’t they just get slaves?

angrywebmaster | June 11, 2023 at 6:09 pm

Do they understand that knowingly hiring illegals is against the law? I do believe it’s a felony.

Oversoul Of Dusk | June 12, 2023 at 7:48 am

I think we should assume the federal laws that authorize sending federal money to California also don’t apply.

The University is hiring illegal students to work. So, they will simply displace the illegals already working there.

[Everybody pretend that illegals don’t have false papers to work or commit identity theft to work or simply work for cash.]

These brainiac “scholars” plan to run for political office or have an Illegals R Us employment agency in the works. There’s always a profit motive and agenda behind social movements like this one.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to 7Ford7. | June 12, 2023 at 7:20 pm

    “[Everybody pretend that illegals don’t have false papers to work or commit identity theft to work or simply work for cash.]”

    Especially the pretenders with the 5ft 2in tall man with shoulders in separate zip codes, barrel chest, and coffee-ben brown skin with the the name “Isadore McTavish” on the papers he bought from the guy in the van found parked every Tuesday in the corner of the lot at the abandoned K-Mart. Guaranteed “good” papers.