Ukraine Dam Damaged, Towns and Villages Already Underwater

Russia and Ukraine have blamed each other for destroying the Nova Kakhovka dam along the Dnipro River in the Kherson region in southern Ukraine.

The dam holds the same amount of water that’s in the Great Salt Lake.

This is horrible. Authorities evacuated ten villages while 16,000 people reside in the “critical zone.”

Thankfully the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia is okay.

But what caused the damage? Did someone bomb it? Could it possibly be because of wear and tear plus recent fighting?

Ukrainian officials claimed Russia’s 205th Motorized Rifle Brigade blew up the dam.

Russia blamed Kyiv:

The Kremlin has claimed that the attack on a major dam in Moscow-occupied southern Ukraine was “deliberate sabotage” by Kyiv, which wanted to cut off Russian-occupied Crimea from water.Russia and Ukraine have traded accusations over damage to the major Kakhovka dam on the Dnipro River.“We can already unequivocally declare (this was) deliberate sabotage by the Ukrainian side,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, claiming that one of the aims was to deprive Crimea of water.He said the Kremlin “decisively rejected” accusations by Ukraine and the West that Moscow’s forces were behind a blast that caused the damage.

The top one is on May 28. The bottom is June 5. The screenshot from the BBC is correct.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wants to world to do something:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has urged the “world must react” to the Kakhovka dam attack, blaming Russia for the breach which has caused extensive flooding.“The world must react,” he said, adding that Russia had carried out “an internal explosion of the structures” of the plant at 2:50 am local time (2350 GMT).“This is just one Russian act of terrorism. This is just one Russian war crime,” he added, accusing Russia of committing an act of “ecocide.”“Russia is at war with life, with nature, with civilisation,” he added. “Russia must leave Ukrainian land and must be held fully accountable for its terror.”

Tags: Russia, Ukraine