U. Oregon Provides ‘Emergency Fund’ for Trans Students to Access ‘Gender-Affirming’ Products

This says a lot about the school’s priorities, doesn’t it?

Campus Reform reports:

UOregon provides ’emergency fund’ for trans students to access ‘gender-affirming resources’ and ‘products’The University of Oregon (UO) is offering a fund specifically for transgender-identified students to receive “gender-affirming resources.”“The LGBTQIA+ Student Emergency Fund is an opportunity for LGBTQIA+ students at the University of Oregon to request emergency funding one time during each academic year to pay for items that impact their sexuality or gender identity,” according to the application.The fund is designated for “trans, non-binary, and gender-expansive students at the University of Oregon,” to gain access to “emergency funding for financial support accessing gender-affirming resources, products, support, and care.” Although recipients of this fund do not receive tuition or textbook support, they are also encouraged to apply to the UO Basic Needs Assistance program.The Gender-Affirming Support Fund application requests that students provide their preferred names, legal name, preferred pronouns, student identification number, and UO email address.Applicants are then asked about self-identification with questions such as, “How would you describe your gender identity?” and “How would you describe your sexuality (i.e. Queer, Lesbian, Gay, etc.).”Students must provide a “purpose” of their funding requests, including “anticipated cost per item,” as well as the amount of money that they are seeking, and the “circumstance as to why [they] are requesting emergency funds.”If students receive funds through this program, they “may be asked to provide receipts or other proof of purchase that grant funds were used for the requested expense.”If funds are used for other purposes, this “may result in revocation of [students’] granted emergency funds or may result in disciplinary action pursuant to the Student Conduct Code.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Oregon, Transgender