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U. Denver Trains Students to Seek Out “Instances of ‘Non-Transgender Privilege'”

U. Denver Trains Students to Seek Out “Instances of ‘Non-Transgender Privilege'”

“designed to provide participants with foundational knowledge, awareness, and skills regarding LGBTIQ+ and Ally communities at DU and beyond”

This is not about the pursuit of scholarship and it’s not supposed to be. It’s social engineering.

Campus Reform reports:

University of Denver trains students to search for instances of ‘non-transgender privilege’

The University of Denver (DU) is providing three levels of “Queer and Ally” (Q&A) training throughout the school year for students and faculty to increase their “awareness, knowledge and actions around gender and sexuality inclusion.”

“As part of the University’s commitment to DEI [diversity, equity, and inclusion], the DU community is called upon to engage in opportunities to learn about diverse communities, and to develop skills as advocates for our own identity groups and as allies to communities to which we do not belong,” the Q&A training webpage states.

Level 1 training is “designed to provide participants with foundational knowledge, awareness, and skills regarding LGBTIQ+ and Ally communities at DU and beyond.”

“Learning objectives of Level 1 curriculum” feature “[g]ain a beginning understanding of concepts of oppression and privilege related to LGBTIQ communities,” “[r]ecognize that allies are essential to ending oppression,” and “[b]e familiar with the elements of an affirming response to someone coming out and understanding that coming out is not a safe option or end goal for many LGBTIQ people.”

For those who can reach Level 2, the training concentrates on “the intersections of LGBTIQ+ and Ally identities with other social identities, and on expanding and deepening the conversations regarding privilege, oppression and ally development that begin in Q&A Level 1.”

Level 2 training calls upon enrollees to “[d]emonstrate an ability to notice instances and patterns of heterosexism, homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia at different levels” and “[d]emonstrate an ability to notice instances and patterns of heterosexual and non-transgender privilege.”

Level 3 training is “not a pre-set curriculum or specific learning objectives; rather it a discussion/ consultation, tailored specifically to meet the needs of you/your group.”


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henrybowman | June 7, 2023 at 7:20 pm

“[d]emonstrate an ability to notice instances and patterns of heterosexual and non-transgender privilege.”

Construed strictly, it means you must also demonstrate the ability to deliberately ignore instances and patterns of transgender privilege.

drsamherman | June 9, 2023 at 8:20 pm

My old Elementary Symbolic Logic teacher would be intrigued—a class on how to prove a negative.