“This Hunter Biden deal is to put to rest a major problem for the Biden family”

I appeared today on The Wilkow! Shot on Salem networks to discuss the breaking news of the Hunter Biden plea deal. Here’s an excerpt of my hot take:

(partial transript, auto generated, may contain transcription errors)

Andrew Wilkow (00:10):I kind of defined this Hunter Biden plea agreement as a slap on the wrist without the slap.WAJ (00:17):<laugh>. Well, I think that’s right. He essentially gets away with everything. He gets away with things that might have sent somebody else to prison, might have resulted in felony prosecutions as opposed to felonies being downgraded to misdemeanors and diversion. I think the easiest test here is, if his name were Hunter Trump, how would he be treated? And it would be very different than he was treated. And that’s really what I think has people very upset is not so much that Hunter Biden’s getting the wrong deal from the government, it’s just that that is not a deal that would’ve been available to any of the political opponents of the Biden administration.Wilkow (00:57):But what if your name was Kodak Black or Wesley Snipes? I mean, Wesley Snipes pulled three years in prison for exactly what Hunter Biden is charged with. Kodak Black had to be commuted by Donald Trump for lying on his, on his firearms form as well. Illegal weapons possession, I mean, illegal weapons possession is serious. Lying on that federal form is serious stuffWAJ (01:19):That is, and that’s more outrageous here than really the tax offense because many people have gone to jail for failure to pay taxes or willful failure to pay taxes, usually at a much larger scale. But it’s that lying on the federal form for an administration that wants to crack down on otherwise lawful gun owners that wants to turn lawful gun owners into felons by changing what sort of firearms are acceptable or lawful. So it’s particularly bad because those are the sort of offenses the federal government goes after very seriously. And it could have been  charged with many additional offenses, conspiracy to defraud the government, lying to the government, perjury. If they wanted to, they could have loaded up a boatload of charges against him. Instead, they are essentially saying, well, we’re going to let it go that you lied on your firearms form.***WAJ (03:24):This Hunter Biden deal is to put to rest a major problem for the Biden family. And whether the government does anything more, whether all of these tapes are ever released, whether all of the evidence is ever released remains to be seen about the Biden family potential corruption. But that it certainly does seem like this is a sweeping under the rug of the Biden family problems. Because Hunter Biden, it’s not just his problem, it’s his family problem. He was one of the middlemen through which money was funneled to other family members. So there is a very deep Biden family problem here, and the government has shown no indication that it’s going go after them with a fraction of the ferocity that various levels of government are going after, not just Donald Trump, but his family, his businesses and other things. And that’s what’s really upsetting here to look at this situation.WAJ (04:49):Because when they wanna slow walk things they do…. [W]hat would they do if they released to the public information showing that Joe Biden was part of a criminal conspiracy? In fact, he might have been the big guy in the conspiracy. So I think the government is trying, the federal government, the law enforcement is slow walking things related to the Biden family because it creates a lot of political and legal problems for them if they go forward with it.

Tags: Hunter Biden, Media Appearance